

It was a resounding affirmation as the Gale Village chief tried to clarify what he earlier said.

"You heard me correctly..," he added. "We are here for your son, Shu Qai."

"And what would you need from my son?" Shu Wei asked who looked all the more confused.

He was actually ready and about to decline any offer of joining any village but he did not expect that the Gale Village people had something else in their mind.

And from the looks of it, it somewhat appeared that recruiting his family was not in the least of the guests' intentions. That at least made Shu Wei relaxed.

"Ahem..," the other elder interrupted and tried to briefly explain their purpose. "You see, our Gale Village has recently witnessed the birth of a genius."

He then sighed as he noticed Shu Wei's inquisitive look.

"Her name is Xiao Ning and she has awaken her rare 'Wood' Elemental affinity several months ago," he awkwardly said.

From that point, the village chief again took care of the explanation began to narrate.

"Obviously our village has spent quite a lot just to nurture her cultivation," he said. "And right now, she is at the initial Sky stage."

'What genius?' Shu Wei thought after learning her cultivation. 'If there is one genius around here, that would be my Little Qai.'

"We thought of sending her to Purple Mist Sect," the chief continued, "but we're being realistic around here."

The Gale Village chief paused and gathered his breath.

"In our eyes, she is a genius but to a great sect, she may just be average," the other elder once again interrupted . "If she gets accepted, she would most probably start as an outer disciple."

"Our little genius is the first in Gale Village in many years..," said the village chief, "..but in a big sect where the strong preys on the weak, we run the risk of losing the only thing we have.. I know you know what I mean, Shu Wei."

"Indeed we need their resources," one of the elders explained, "but we need her alive all the more. She is the future of our village!"

After all is said, Shu Wei was still confused what the old fellows actually came for.

"Alright, alright," Shu Wei said. "I can see your point. But what has it got to do with my son?"

The three looked at each with a small grin on their faces and sighed before they shamelessly exclaimed in unison.

"We are here to offer our Xiao Ning's hand in marriage."



At that time, Qai and Shandian were deep inside the inner region of Darkwood Forest.

Qai had no idea what was going on back home.

'Swooosh,' 'swooosh.'


'Baaam,' 'baaam.'

He was busy hunting and gathering herbs at the same time.

"We gained a lot today, Shandian."


The contracted black tiger hopped playfully around Qai as they excitedly walk.

The bonding between the two increased their power by leaps and bounds in time. And the deeper their relationship had gotten, the stronger their 'team' attack actually became.

Aside from his regular tasks in the family, Qai had also several mouths to feed. The four mortal beasts he recently tamed had a very special diet. So he and Shandian had to double their efforts.

But since the two had already reached the peak Sky stage, collecting beast cores from expert realm demonic beasts was relatively easy. So they hunted and at same time collected herbs along the way.

His plans for the future were no small matter. Qai knew that it was just the beginning—and he was actually building the foundations now.

'Whew,' Qai sighed.

'Something's odd,' he said to himself.

"Shandian, I think it's time to head home."