Hunting Party

The Moon Village guests decided stayed for a night so Shu Wei housed them in the family's inn. And since Su Yu accepted Qai's offer, Su Yu made an assurance to be back after a week.

The following morning, Qai and Shu Wei sent the guests off on their way. And after they left, everyone in family once again went back to their duties.


Few days later, deep within the inner region of Darkwood Forest, a solid hunting party could be spotted moving cohesively smooth as a unit.

Of course, they were the young members of the Shu family.

Shu Wu, who was then at Heaven stage, led the frontal defense and tanked the demonic beast the group was fighting.

On the other hand, with her agility type affinity, Shu Ling acted as the party's scout. Jing and Shandian, meanwhile, both attacked simultaneously on separate wings while Qai at the center took care of ranged attacks.


'Baaaaam, 'baaaam.'




'Baaaam,' 'baaaam.'

With their coordinated team attack, no demonic beast target came out of their barrage alive.

At one point in their hunt, the group even challenged a number of Earth stage Sage realm demonic beasts and still won unscathed.

And with that, their haul of demonic beast cores and hides in that trip in the forest was, without a doubt, amazingly bountiful.

Shu Wei, the family head, who already reached mid Earth stage of the Sage realm, had finally retired from hunting duties.

He took it upon himself to be in charge of the growing household—he eventually accepted his role as head eversince Qai, little by little, had revealed his plans to start a clan.

It wasn't like Shu Wei was completely buying the idea of building a great clan, but with the growth of his family, he really needed to act as the head.

Besides, if he tried to join the hunt, he might just slow the progress of his children down.

And as for the other members of the family, their cultivation paths were geared more on occupational skills so they simply let the others do the hunting.


Unknown to Qai and his group however, the main manor that day, back in the plateau, was once again acting lively with somewhat expected guests—Gale Village was back!

And this time, Xiao Ning was with them.

Xiao Ning was apparently a rare beauty in the region. She learned a common class 'Palm Strike,' as her first skill. She was yet to find another one suitable for her Wood affinity. But with her initial Sky stage cultivation, she was specially treated as the apple of the eye among the youth in Gale village.

Unfortunately, no one was deemed to be her match—not even in Moon Village was there anyone among their young as peerless as her.

But that was not the case with respect to the members of Shu family. It seemed that the entire Shu family was closely becoming a prominent existence. And obviously, anyone who joined them also improved practically by leaps and bounds.

Everybody believed that sooner or later, Shu family could stand equal against any cultivating family in the Han Valley.

That explained why the two nearby villages were intent on recruiting them—and why Gale Village thought it perfectly that Qai was deserving to marry their much beloved Xiao Ning.

The guests, together with the Shu husband and wife, gathered in tha manor enjoying the tea Qinlun and Bing prepared.

"They will be here soon," Shu Ling assured as the chief and elders anxiously waited for the arrival of Qai.

And seconds after those words came out, the hunting party indeed arrived.

"We're back."