Bandit Boss

The inside of the cave was instantly filled by the poisonous mist but fortunately or unfortunately, after few moments, Jing found out that there was not a single sign of bandit.

Except for the two bandits guarding the cave entrance, each and every bandit from all the corners of their territory must have been summoned by the boss as they were assembled in the battlefield.

Qai himself was surprised when Jing motioned to him to enter the cave. He was expecting that there should have been more retaliation.

'This cave's entrance was guarded so there must be something important in here.. shouldn't there be more guards inside?' Qai thought to himself.


The skill 'Rockslide,' as its name suggests, is a rare class sage grade Earth element skill that makes rocks tumble downhill, loosening other rocks on their way and smashing everything in their path.

The bandit cultivator who activated the skill was actually the bandit boss. And unlike the estimate of the Han Valley people, the boss was unexpectedly not at the emperor realm but was a half-step emperor.

With Earth elemental affinity, the bandit boss goes by the name Jin—although his peers preferred more to call him simply as 'Boss.'

The bandit boss Jin obviously did not give the Han Valley intruders the chance to regroup or the time to adjust as he made them pay with his half-step-emperor-level attack.

Some of the Expert cultivators who were not prepared with the assault were instantly injured by the rockslide.

"Ha ha ha ha," the boss laughed. "This is what you get from messing up with us.."

And without further wait, while the Han Valley cultivators were in a struggle, the bandit boss unexpectedly yelled a command.


What the Han Valley priorly calculated was that they would run over the encampments and overpower the cultivators—however, what exactly happened was like frontal clash between two large armies.

The bandit boss Jin once again activated his 'Rockslide' taking advantage of the slope.

All the defensive oriented cultivators including Shu Wu, this time, were more aware of what to do as they retaliated with elemental walls to repel the rockslide.

"Waaaalls..," an elder shouted.

"Put up some more!"

Mo Clan's Elder Long who was earlier a bit away on one side of the field was able to quickly react to the situation as he immediately run towards the front and stood on top of one of the walls.

With just one look at the enemies side, he gathered up his emperor aura and unleashed his sage grade but truly a bone-chilling rare skill called 'Inferno.'

The skill was a very intense and destructive firestorm that was burning with such intensity that it creates and sustains its own wind system in a large area.

'Inferno' was Elder Long's sixth and strongest offensive skill—his lone emperor skill he equipped was the 'Spirit Mount.'


With his Earth stage emperor level, Elder Long could sustain his 'Inferno' way longer and much stronger than any ordinary sage cultivator could.

With such retaliation, the advancing bandits were greatly stunned as they instantly figured the presence of an emperor among the Han Valley intruders.

"Do not fear brother..," a bandit leader yelled. "The boss will take care of our defenses."

Immediately after his words, two large Earth walls standing next to each other appeared just in front of the firestorm to protect the bandits formation.

Those Expert realm cultivators who witnessed the two successive skills marveled at the scene.

'So this is what a fight between powerful cultivators look like,' many thought.

But the Mo Clan elder would not be denied of the chance to wreak havoc as he followed up his attacks with small but numerous fireballs aiming effortlessly at anyone of the bandits so much so that it looked like it was raining with fire.

"Chief Xing Yi..," the elder called.

Without any other word, the Han Valley chief who also arrived at the scene after the Mo Clan elder simply nodded and quickly understood what the elder meant.

The chief unleashed her own skill—it was the Wood elemental rare class Expert grade skill 'Burgeon.'

Xiao Ning who was peeking at the fight from afar was shocked by what she saw. Prior to the event, she was just trying to master the same skill and right now she was personally witnessing how to use it—and by a half-step emperor at that. She couldn't help but stop from her team's advance and just idly watch the battle.

With the level of chief Xing Yi, the area of effect was truly massive. The skill looked so marvelous that hundreds of vines rapidly grew from the ground trapping the charging bandits.

And with the fireballs rushing from mid air, those low leveled and trapped cultivators could do nothing but wait for their doom.

'Booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom,' 'booom.'

The combination of attacks coming from Mo Clan's Elder Mo and Han Valley chief Xing Yi looked effortlessly effective so much so that they seemed to have been doing it for a long time.

A lot of cultivators from the Han Valley's side were in cheers deep inside their minds. Their morale was boosted and were able to regain their composure in the fight.