
It was Mo Clan's Lin Qiao who earlier noticed that Qai was not with 'The Hunters' Plateau' team.

"Lin Qiao," Qai instantly greeted then he scratched his head.

Qai was wondering whether Lin Qiao overheard what he told his big brother although his face was very controlled not to show it. He was going to make some sort of excuses but unexpectedly somebody interrupted.

"Lin Qiao," a voice called.

This time it was Shu Liang who rushed her way to get to the two. She already heard few things from Jing about the cave and she was curious as to what Qai had in mind that is why she rushed over but she was surprised to see Lin Qiao as well.

"Your master, Elder Long was amazing," Shu Liang said.

Qai was relieved that Shu Liang came and unintentionally changed the subject.

"Oh yeah," Qai followed suit. "The fire skill was insane."

He was obviously referring to the Mo Clan elder's 'Inferno.' Qai was able to witness it a bit later than most of the participating cultivators as he was heading to the cave when the elder first activated it.

"Well," Lin Qiao shyly said. "It's called 'Inferno' and it's a powerful sage skill indeed.. and actually.."

Lin Qiao paused with a bit of embarrassment as if not wanting to proceed.

"Actually what?" Shu Liang asked.

"Actually ahhm..," Lin Qiao sofly said, "I'm actually ready to equip the same skill when I breakthrough to Sky stage.."

"Wow," Qai sofly exclaimed. "Being in a great clan surely works well for cultivators.. no wonder you leveled up so quick.."

"It was actually my master who prepared the scroll for me," Lin Qiao said as he looked at the direction where Elder Long was trying to discredit the commendation."

After some more exchanges of words, Qai also met with the rest of his team mates.

"We should head back to the camp as well," Shu Wu said. "We need to rest well and get ready for our next attack."

The rest of 'The Hunters' Plateau' team agreed and proceeded to the base.


"Oh I remember now," one of the Purple Sect disciples suddenly remarked.

"What is it!?" The other sect disciple asked.

"If memory serves me right..," the first disciple replied, "..that guy is from 'The Hunters' Plateau' and I think his name is Shu Qai.. and that black tiger is his contracted demonic beast."

"What!?.." the second sect disciple said in surprise, " mean that guy is the Sect Masters' 'friend'?"

"That's right," the first disciple quickly replied. "He quite made a ruckus back in the Desolate Wasteland."

The three of them looked at the direction of the withdrawing Han Valley cultivators as they observed the turn of events.

"I don't see anything special about that guy," the third disciple remarked. "He just cowardly hid in one of the trees and cowardly shot his arrows."

"Yeah," the second sect disciple agreed. "I think he's weak.. and I don't get it why the Sect Master would favor him much."

"You two have no idea," the first sect disciple said. "It was actually that cautious and cunning ways that he made a name for himself."

"Are you saying the rumors about how he singlehandedly took care of the Black Shadow team was true?" the third sect disciple asked.

"I has not seen everything myself," the first disciple embarrassingly answered, "but everyone who participated in the Wasteland event years ago can attest that the Black Shadow team had indeed fallen into his traps."

"He's just a lucky bastard," the second sect disciple smirked.

"Anyways," the first disciple said, "let's keep watching and see what these cultivators are up to."

The three Purple Mist Sect disciples then disappeared from where they stood as they try to hide from the shadows.


'The Hunters' Plateau' team dropped by the Shu family shop first when they arrived at the base.

"Woah," Qai uttered upon seeing the shop.

Not only Qai, but all of the members of the team were surprised that the shop transformed into an infirmary as it accommodated heavily injured participating cultivators.

"Oh you're here," Shu Ling said as she greeted everyone as she aid those injured cultivators together with Yu Yue. She heard about the decision of the Han Valley chief to withdraw from pursuing the bandits so she kind of waited for their arrival.

"Mother," Shu Wu called, "you must be exhausted."

"You don't have to worry about me," the mother of the family replied. "It's not like I'm forcing myself to heal everything.. I am only giving emergency treatment."

"Oh I see," Shu Liang interrupted. "But where's father?"


All of a sudden, the rest if the team realized that they had not yet seen the head of the Shu family.

"Oh," Shu Ling replied. "You're father went together with the other merchants.. they kind of got together and set up a mini event for those who wish to trade or auction their loot."
