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News about an old nemesis of the Sect Master spread like a wildfire within the Black Shadow Clan.

Thus, within few breaths of time, the front yard immediately facing the Sect properties were filled with Expert and Sage cultivators.

And in the midst of the crowd, the old intruder, Liu He and the Poison King Teng Hu, were simply facing one another with few hundred meters between them.

Both appeared ferociously looking at each other as if gauging each other's strength while both emitting mid Earth stage of the Emperor realm Qi aura.

On the other hand, few meters behind Liu Hei calmly stood his wife, Liu Hua, who was herself appearing to be ready to jump into action anytime as she was beaming with her own mid Heaven stage of the Sage realm Qi aura.

Those Expert and Sage cultivators near Liu Hua were trembling at her presence.

Many of them were starting to wonder what really happened between the spouses and the Sect Master for them to have the courage to barge inside deep in their territory.

But looking at the intruders' cultivation level, they felt that those old spouses indeed had the right to be arrogant in front of the Black Shadow Clan.

"Looks like you found a way to deal with my poison," Teng Gui suddenly remarked with a smug.

He obviously noticed Liu Hua looking perfectly fine. He was definitely surprised but did not show it.

"Quit yapping and let's settle this once and for all," Liu Hei yelled.

"Don't be too cocky old 'friend'," Teng Gui calmly replied with his hands on his back. "Within this territory, you can't be too sure if you can come out alive."

The Poison King was confident that with his 'Virulence' skill, he could take on the spouses at the same time and still survive and probably kill one of them.

But he could not figure out where Liu Hei's confidence was coming from.

When Teng Gui fought the spouses before, he was already at the initial Earth stage of the Emperor realm while Liu Hei were half-step Emperor and Liu Hua was at the initial Heaven stage of the Sage realm.

Back then, the Poison King had intentionally suspended equipping any Emperor grade skill.

However, after Teng Gui openly challenged and killed the previous Sect Master, his 'Virulence' skill became famous so one could say that his trump card is publicly known.

Right now, in his front, he was not only surprised to see a very fine Liu Hua, but also an old Liu Hei with the same level of cultivation as his—and more importantly, he was clueless at the latter's Emperor grade skill.

"How about we do it a one-on-one death match!?" Liu Hei said.

It was like music to Teng Gui's ears. He was already a bit wary of the Liu Hei. So fighting a one-on-one match was to his standard a one hundred percent guaranteed of winning.

He thought, he could just let his underlings stall Liu Hua should the old lady jump into the fight.

"Ha ha ha," the Posion King chuckled in reply. "You're just inviting your own demise."

Right after he said those words, he instanlty activated his passive skill 'Virulence.' And gradually, everyone around could see that Teng Gui's Posion Qi aura was getting more powerful and thicker and thicker at every breath.

He purposely pushed the skill to maximum in order to dent the confidence of Liu Hei.

Those Expert cultivators from the clan could not breath at the sight of their Clan Master. And those who had not seen the skill before felt that their Dantians shook. With that sudden show of skill, their emotions shifted from worry to instant victory.

In their hearts, slaying the intruders was just a matter of time as they started to cheer full of admiration for their Clan Head, the Poison King!


Meanwhile, while most of the cultivators of the Black Shadow Clan were watching the show outside, two Sage cultivators were cautiously roaming around in one of the clan's buildings.

They were, of course, Qai and Feng Lan.

All those times, Qai's 'Hawkeye' skill was fully activated.

Fortunately, with his archery skills and Feng Lan's brutal speed, they could easily kill one or two unaware cultivators who occasionally appear in the building.

Qai's 'Hawkeye' made it easy for him to locate the prison cells. His goal was to release both the demonic beasts and Expert cultivators yet to ingest the 'Hypnosis Pill' in order to create widespread chaos in the area.

In less than than the time it took to boil a cup of tea, Qai and Feng Lan found the prison cells.

'Swooosh,' 'swooosh,' 'swooosh.'

'Baaam,' 'baaam,' 'baaam.'

There were only two Earth stage Sage guards in the door and the two easily handled them.

'Thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud,' 'thud.'


After Qai and Feng Lan killed and took the keys from the cultivators, they immediately went inside.

The door apparently was leading to an underground dungeon. And when Qai scanned the area with his 'Hawkeye' skill, he instantly confirmed that there were no more cultivators guarding inside.

Thus the two proceeded to release first all the Expert cultivators before freeing the demonic beasts. The demonic beasts's level and breed of course vary—the strongest being Sky stage Sage realm demonic beasts.

And with less than a minute, the dungeon started to tremble and the ground above rumbled to the surprise of the cultivators gathering to watch the fight.

Teng Gui easily figured out that whatever was going on inside one of the buildings, it was part of Liu Hei's ploy.

"Looks like you brought some rats," he smirked.