7. food and get togethers

A group of people decide to make a day out of it and gather up food and fun in their car's and locate themselves in one home among their family and friend's, laughing and joking over memories and maybe some gossip as well, which they huddle together in quiet, whispered and secret corner's out of ear shot.

There's always the lone couple standing guard over a vast plate of munchies at the buffet style table. Greedily staking out their claim over the glistening wet chicken wings and dill dips and taco chips. Yeah, they'll stand there most of the afternoon until every single delicious morsel is ingested.

I can never understand the flavour or taste buds life. I eat as a chore, I eat just because I have to. If you think I sound devoid of feeling and gumption, then think of it this way: animals picnicking at a social gathering are not socializing patrons but merely garbage disposals who would probably bite you if you dare to attempt to strike up a conversation. You see now?

Not that it matter's because if I don't have people that surround me in companionship and good cheer, not the false kind, then I just don't care what I'm eating. One slow bite lead's to another until I'm full which is promptly. My body, my heart believes that food is more enjoyable if you're actually enjoying life and not miserably pretending too. Liar's suck and they know this.

Here I am standing alone in a corner while people across the room shout out to me, "what are you doing there all by your lonesome self?" I know sarcasm when I hear it, no thank you old hags.

They proceed to make much fun of my bosom which is average but fucking perky; especially compared to their sagging grotesques. And these are supposed to be adult woman but they're more like dog's who equate superiority and intelligence with big tits and a models figure. I swear there are plenty of men who don't even behave in such a demeaning way. It's disgusting.

I just want to get out of here. I feel as if I'm suffocating and I'm a trapped and poor defenseless animal. God forbid I'd speak up for myself today, as it usually causes somebody to resume screeching at me because I'm out of place and rude. Um, sorry no! I strongly believe that I am none of your damn business! As always, I'm the bigger person and this gets to these uncivilized animals. It really does. Insignificant and minuscule victories such as these add up at the end of the day. If they can't screech and act with their natural idiocy, it hurts and significantly alters their pride. Not laughing about it but I'd wish I could grow up sooner rather than later.