3) Young Master Please clean my shoes

Just as 'Xiao Tian' was about to enter his class 3-C he heard a husky voice " toilet boy 'Xiao Tian' stop". As 'Xiao Tian' heard this he suddenly became sad…calling by such a bad name anybody will be sad and angry but he was only sad.. he didn't want to offend these rich family kids.. he was only a poor lass..alas such such a pity!!.

'Xiao Tian' turned around and saw few people coming towards him so he asked asked "who are you?""hehhe!.. you don't need to know who we are…" " are you 'toilet boy 'Xiao Tian''??"theay asked with a smirk on their face….

" yes I am 'Xiao Tian'"..he answered straightforwardly . "Ohh! Do we know why we came here?" the bunch of group asked meaning full…

'Xiao Tian' already sensed bad was about to happen. He was about to escape theay surrounded him from all sides… "i.. i.. don't know…" 'Xiao Tian' shivered…

"hehhe! Its good that you don't know ""…our Young Master summoned you"…one of them spoke.. in institutions poor or weak background people try to lick rich and powerfull people..this is a common thing.. so it's common in school's as well..

"Ehh! Which.. you..n…g master" his tension increased.."Young Master "Jiang""one of them answered proudly…(bootlicking other's and speking proudly what a group of retards!! Alas this is now a days society)"Hehhe! It's your honour our Master hasa summoned you".. they started laughing..

"ahh! It's Young Master Jiang!! What a pity.. he is doomed".. someone passing by exclaimed.."oops! this 'Xiao Tian' is a person with bad luck . he just had had to annoy one of the four young masters!! What a pity".. some sighed with disappointment .and some enjoyed in his misforture.. this is human nature. Not everyone has a good heart.

It seems this "Young Master 'Jiang' is one of the four young masters of the D.A.V they are famous in whole school as four rulers of the school and also famous in the society. Their family is rich and influential..

"what!... ha..v..e I done?" 'Xiao Tian' asked worriedly. It seems that he has got himself in abig mess.

"you should not ask this".."our Master has called you so come".. theay dragged him out of the school building to the nearside ground are… in this place rich students of school park their veichles..

When they reached their they (including 'Xiao Tian') saw a beautiful pink 'Nano' car(nano caro is famous in this era).. on the car there was a boy sitting. Judging from his appearance he should be around same age as 'Xiao Tian'. He is very fat and wearing costly clothes and has a white face and a dark brown hair( coloured hair)..

He was wearing 'Fast Track' Sun glasses. He had samosa in his right hand and potato chips in his left hand. His mouth is stained in oil.. he is just like a rich spoiled kid..

"Master Wen we brought him here" they threw him on in front of this so called 'Master Wen' and stood beside him like his lackey…

"Master Wen? Wasn;t it 'Master Jiang'?" 'Xiao Tian' he questioned them..then suddenly a kick came onto is abdomen…

"Master "Jiang' isn't some low life like you is allowed to speak?" one of the lackey's of 'Master Wen' did this.. 'Xiao Tian' is groaning with pain cursing his bad luck..

'Master Wen ' moved . he came in front of 'Xiao Tian' and asked "do you what crime have you commited?" he asked seriously…

'Xiao Tian' felt into doubt what did he do to offend them.. so he answered truthfully " I… don't… know" then he felt another kick on his stomach..

This time it was 'Master Wen'. Although he is fat his kick covered some power so 'Xiao Tian' obviously felt very large pain but he quietly endured it..

" do you know who I am?" 'Master Wen' sneered. 'Xiao Tian' answered"i.. don't.. know"..

"you ! "'Master Wen' got angry . he spiited his food in his mouth on 'Xiao Tian's' face..(Ehh!! Dirty).. 'Xiao Tian' endured it.

" I in the face of "Wen Lie" tell me.." he asked patiently. 'Xiao Tian' answered the same_> "i.. don't.. know". *paa* he felt a chilling pain on his face. His face had a red mark.

"you @$#@*&%$#@" 'Wen Lie' couldn't control his asked. He asked "whom did you bump in front of you class room?"..

'Xiao Tian' thought for a second and suddenly a cold girl's slap came to his mind and he unintentionally touched his cheek. First beauty 'Su Han'.

"Ehh! 'Su Han'" he answered shakingly..

" right 'Su han'"" what did you do to her?" 'Wen Lie' got impatient. 'Xiao Tian' thought for another second and answered " I slipped my foot and her".. he answered

"slipped my foot! Do you know who she is?" anger could be seen on wen li's face.

How the hell should I know . 'Xiao Tian' thought. "She is Master 'Jiangs Woman' now do you inderstand your misake"'Wen Lie' sneered .

'Xiao Tian' almost vomited blood but since that can't happen he had vomited what he ate yesterday on 'Wen Lie's ' clothes..(ehh!! Nice timing)

*paa**paa**paa**paa* Wen Lie' gave series of slaps to 'Xiao Tian'. His hand got sored with pain. He was a spiled brat of 'WEN' family who did no exercise. So offcourse his body is in bad shape..

"Master please forgive me..!!" 'Xiao Tian' started to beg on his knees.

"you @$#@*&%$#@ do you think begging will solve this…" 'Wen Lie' fumed with rage .."clean me shoes " he ordered.(such disresepect!!)

'Xiao Tian' started begging again("Master please..").

"you @$#@ no!! Master 'Xiao' "clean me shoes "…" 'Wen Lie' fumed with rage and ordered again.(pitifull Xiao)

"Master I … i…"Master please forgive me."… "Master please forgive me."" His dignity has never been trampled this much so offcourse he does not obey the order.

" you 'asshole' politely does not works against you low.. lackeys go beat him take his important belonging from him" 'Wen Lie' gave command to his lackey's."yes boss" they answered. 'Wen Lie'was their direct boss. Offcoursee they had to obey his command otherwise…

'Xiao Tian' tried to run but failed. He got beaten by 8 people and was seriously injured. His face was tattered and blood was coming. His face got disfigured a little.

8 lackeys found 200 Rs and old silver ring from ..'Xiao Tian' and gave it to 'Wen Lie'..

'Xiao Tian' frowned. He save those money for his grandma's birthday. And that ring was left by his parents. So of course he cherished it

"Master Return it "'Xiao Tian' begged. 'Wen Lie ' frowned. He kept money and ring in his pocket. And ordered his lackey's "Threw him beside any gutter and clean this area" and he went out of school with his car. "Yes boss" they answered in unison.

There was a gutter at the back of school 1 km away. They threw him there. And went away.

That was a dumping yard for waste. Many dogs and cats and birds came and spitted on him.(ehh! dirty).

It was around 7 pm on eve did he woke up..