"Miss,please can you explain what you said before in details?Wang Wei couldn't comprehend what miss said before"He asked very politely.
"As I said before ,I want to avenge for my family myself.Of course I need your support.I would be depending on you.But avenging my family would be my responserbility.
That is why you would not be the one joining the army but me."Yin Yue explained the first part.
"of course,females are not allowed in our Qing empire's army.That is why the one joining the army wouldn't be a female" she explained the second part looking at Wang Wei.From his looks she understood the question he didn't ask.
"That is because I'm going to disguise myself as s male" she explained the last part clearing all confusions.Wang Wei was astonished to the core.He could not imagine how did this little girl's line of thoughts ended up like this.It was an unexpected decision and hard choice from such a little girl.He opened his mouth to protest, explaining the difficulties,but his speech was avoided even before start.
"I understand that this is a kind of stubborn and a bit crazy decision, but this is the choice I made.I hope you would help me in this"she demanded.
Wang Wei had no other option.
"I swear on my ancesters that I would be loyal to our miss until my last breath"He bowed infront of her.
Then he left her room,asking her to have a rest.Wang Wei also wanted to have a rest because he had not have a rest and a proper sleep for a long time.
* * * * * * * *
In the evening,Wang Wei took a stroll outside the inn,around the market place.He wanted to buy somethings which would be necessary in the near future.And he was looking for finding a workplace to earn a living.
He was buying some cosmetics,when he heard a sound of a horse carriage coming.He casually looked towards it.He asked a nearby passenger whose horse carriage was that.He got to know that it was this "Pu Num" city's magistrate's horse carriage and the lady of the magistrate was taking a tour in it.After thinking for a moment,Wang Wei got a plan in his head to find a place for earning his living.He just waited beside the road, looking around until the carriage was passing by him.
The carriage was pulled by an energetic white horse.Wang Wei could identify that it was a well tamed high breed horse.Infront of the carriage,the driver was leading the horse on one side and a female servant was sitting on the other side.
The carriage was passing by smoothly until the horse suddenly let out a loud neigh.
Anyone didn't notice the first or second stones which hit the horse's flank.The horse started to run wildly speeding up itself .The driver tried his best to control the horse but to no avail.He fell of the carriage because of a high gallop of a horse.Female servant was hanging on the side hardly, shrieking with fear and asking for help.The lady inside looked outside the window with panicked eyes.People were running here and there shouting.With another high gallop of horse,the female servant also fell down from the carriage,but the horse's speed didn't reduce a bit.It was running wildly, demolishing the nearby shops of the market place,pulling along the carriage .
The servant girl who fell down the carriage was wounded but still she got up,asking help for stopping the carriage to protect her lady when she noticed someone running passed her with a lightning speed.When she turned to that side,the people were staring at the direction of the carriage.Her weeping stopped right at the moment, leaving her eyes and mouth wide opened because ,someone was running parallel to the wildly running horse.