Chapter 17-Home work

Yin Yue liked to get all the new knowledge to succeed her mission. So she agreed without hesitation .

They left the inn and went to their very first training place,the isolated place near the river.

"Miss, an intelligence service is like a deep rooted tree.As all the roots gather and bring nutrients ,water and other necessary things which needed for the existence of the tree, the members spred around, would bring the necessary information to nourish our mission" Wang Wei started explaining.

"But it is not all about gathering information.We should be able to act according to the situation when necessary .For that,we need trusted allies who are loyal to us." he went on.

"We only have a few allies for now.When I go to capital,I would make sure to contact them and join them for our mission."

"Apart from members, there should be a good leader, sharp witted ,intelligent and active leader for an intelligence service to be successful ."

"otherwise it wouldn't be sustained for a longtime successfully "Wang Wei carried on his lecture .

"Before leading his subbordinates ,the leader should have skills .He himself should be a good spy before all.Therefore I will teach our miss,everything I know" he explained .

Yin Yue was listening attentively .Her eyes were filled with determination .

"First of all, most important thing is to build up useful and important connections.Then, through those connections we can get information and use them for our benefit "Wang Wei explained .

"I will give a task for miss to complete during the next week."He told Yin Yue.

"As a lowest ranked servant in the magistrate's manor,miss can talk with all servants there and build up connections with them.Therefore, miss may collect information as much as possible about the city magistrate and the members of family"he gave Yin Yue the first task.

Yin Yue accepted her first mission.

Then they continued their lessons.

"And another most important skill of a spy is to have keen senses"Wang Wei started the second part of his lecture.

"We should practice to see everything behind us,infront of us,around us as if we have another pair of eyes in the back of our head"He continued .

"Not just that,we should be able to observe and distinguish the important things from what we see.Merely seeing is not enough."Wang Wei's lecture went on further.

Although Yin Yue is an intelligent girl, she was still a little girl.Therefore he tried to explain all the things in a very simple manner.

"And a spy should have sharp eyes,tight mouth,keen sense of smell,..."

"Specially, sense of smell is very useful when we cannot use our eyes and ears.In the future,sometimes, when in action we would have to deal with various poisons and medicines.Therefore sense of smell is very important "

Wang Wei was explaining superficially about the depth of their training which they just started.

"And we should be able to understand thought patterns of people,predict their next movements .."

"Through continues practice ,we will achieve all these objectives miss"Wang Wei ended his description.

There was a serious look in Yin Yue's face.But she was not discouraged at all.She was determined more and more .

As the last task of the day, Wang Wei taught Yin Yue about skill of drawing maps,using a map of Pu Nam city.It was prepared by himself during his strolls around the city when they firstly entered the city.After that, a second task was given to Yin Yue by Wang Wei to complete.To prepare a map of city magitrate's household.