
Flying towards the Wano country, Rei landed on a near by island.

"Now Ace, for this operation I will be fighting Kaido. You don't need to fight anyone to the death just distract them ok?" Rei said as he sat down to calm his mind down before the fight.

"Hmm sure." Ace said knowing full well that fighting a emperor of the sea is not easy task. The beast pirates have large numbers as well as a monster like Kaido. So they couldn't afford to draw the fight out, what they had to do was to strike hard and fast so no one expects them.

"Ace remember, if you can help it don't let them hit you." Rei warned sternly. After spending 2 years worth of time with Ace, Rei had seen him as a close friend of his.

"Hahaha don't worry, you have the hard job of killing Kaido. It's rumoured that his armament has reach a level so high he is immortal. Unfortunately, an ability like the weapons creation that you have would be at an disadvantage." Ace reminded Rei.

"Don't worry I know." Rei said with a smile.

"Rest up, we're attacking at night." Rei said laying on his back. Shrugging Ace followed and rested.

"Hey Eve, quick question. So looking at my power now, won't some anime worlds be ruined by a sneeze? So can I still visit them or can't I?" Rei asked curious.

{Oh don't worry about it. When you enter a world that's already weaker than you, your power will be suppressed when you enter. You can also enter and leave the world at will because you've already surpassed the apex.} Eve explained.

"Does that mean I can go back to the Boku No Hero world again?" Rei asked.

{Yep! If you want you can also go to a anime world where it has no special powers so you can relax.} Eve suggested.

"We'll see...." Rei said as he began to rest.

The sky darkened as Rei and Ace prepare for the attack.

"Good luck Ace, remember when my attack finishes you go distract them." Rei said looking at Ace before he dematerialised himself into mist floating towards where Kaido would be.

Passing through the walls easily, Rei looked at the silent streets of the Wano kingdom.

"Hmm no patrols..." Rei said looking around.

"Oh well easier for me."

Floating towards the castle which had the largest aura, Rei fazed through the walls to see Kaido sleeping.

Confirming his target, Rei flew upwards and out of the castle. Rei made sure he was higher than the clouds before he prepared his attack.

"True Eight Inner Gates : 6th Gate Open!" Rei said as his body exploded with a green aura. Bringing his palms together, Rei closed his eyes as he concentrated in making his attack. The green energy flared rapidly as it was sucked into the palm at a rapid pace. Opening his palm a green orb could be seen. Moving his right palm up and left palm down the orb stretched into a lance.

Slowly, the lance rotated clockwise causing the air to gather around it. Rei then morphed 12 of his 14 wings into 12 magic circles which got smaller the further the circles went, with 12 being the largest and 1 being the smallest. Rei had this idea during his two year training. By using bankai as a catalyst, Rei is able to add some magic circuits on to it. It had also allowed him to use them as acceleration pads speeding anything that passes through them.

The circles lit up with neon energy. Bringing the lance above his head, Rei prepared to launch the lance.

"12 Layered Acceleration : Senko suru(pierce)"

Rei said as he threw the lance. Each time the lance passed through a circle the speed doubled. After reaching the 12th circle the lance as passed the speed of light.

A blinding flash of azure light hit where Kaido slept. It wasn't until after a few seconds did the sound rang out.


Like lighting, the light came first before the sound.

The castle evaporated as a giant crater was formed. The crater had a spiral indentation as it a drill has hit it.

"AARRRRRRRRHHHHHH!!!!" Kaido shouted in rage as jumped out of the rubble, holding his shoulder. A wound was present from his shoulder to his torso in a diagonal direction.

"Che resistant bastard." Rei said as he brought out Taema in the longsword form.

Diving towards Kaido, Rei cut downwards with absolute force. But when it hit Kaido's body there were only a small scratch. Seeing this Rei quickly jumped backwards as Kaido's fist was about to hit him.


The ground carved inwards from the force.

"Walking tank. Nice to know." Rei said looking at Kaido. Lowering his temperature to as close to absolute zero as he could, Rei rushed towards Kaido cutting several times. Each contact had froze a potion of Kaido's body. Lifting his spare hand towards Kaido, Rei shot out a large amount of purple fire. The change in temperature had caused a abnormal amount of pressure on Kaido's body, though all it did was made Kaido gnash his teeth.

"You can't kill me for I am immortal!!!!" Kaido shouted as he appeared next to Rei punching out a devastating blow.

Turning into mist Rei avoided the attack.

"Kaido, while you may have become 'Immortal' with armament haki, I am certain that only Garp can ever hit me while in this mist form." Rei said soon reappearing next to Kaido. Placing a palm on Kaido's back Rei stamped down in force to stabilise himself.


Rei shouted as a army of blade shot out from his palm at mach speeds and pierced through Kaido's body.

"AAARRRGGGG!" Kaido shouted in pain.

"Kaido only being defensive won't work..." Rei said as he brought energy to his sword. Coating it in two layer, Rei had one going clockwise whilst the other layer went anti clockwise. Rushing once more as Kaido, Rei dispersed his mist trapping Kaido. Rematerialising himself every second at different angles, Rei continuously cut Kaido causing a dance of gold in the blood mist.

"HAAAAAAA!!!" Kaido shouted as he exploded his haki outwards causing the mist to be pushed back. Reforming himself, Rei sliced down with Taema. Blocking it with more concentrated haki, Kaido blocked it easily.

"Tsk" Rei clicked his tongue as he saw Kaido deal with the attack easily. Retreating, Rei brought Taema up once more, but this time Rei fainted a downward slash when he twisted his body to give Kaido a horizontal attack instead. But, Kaido didn't mind and went for a grapple.

Kicking his foot towards the wrist of the arm, Rei kicked the incoming grapple downwards while using the remaining momentum to give Kaido a devastating upper cut that would have gave everyone a broken jaw.

Landing once more with a skid, Rei watched as Kaido got back up once more. Frowning Rei quickly made a lance like before but on a smaller scale. Kaido, not wanting for Rei to use the attack again, launched himself towards Rei.

Showing ridiculous speed for his size, Kaido was about to hit Rei, who reacted at the last second by bending backwards as Kaido passed over him. Pushing his palms upwards, Rei had two azure lances twisted out of Kaido's body taking a good chunk out of Kaido's flesh. Kicking Kaido with his foot, Rei stood back up quickly while Kaido still had two spears sticking out of him.

"Hmm....This isn't enough yet, I'll need to increase it more....." Rei said as the aura burst out of him...