Organisation and training

After receiving my sword style i decided to bring the 10 people for my organisation .

"System i have decided who i am going to bring into this world"

[Who do you want to bring Host ?]

"Well then this is the list :

1-Zoro since even if my style is hiten mitsurugi he can still help me in my training.

2-Ichigo Kurosaki since he is powerfull and he can help me if i receive any bleach techniques .

3-Broly because it's Broly

4- Ali baba since He can help if i receive a djinn.

5-Tōshirō Hitsugaya since he has an ice Zanpakuto .

6-Katsuki baguko because his explosive quirk can be really usefull.

7-Stain the hero killer since he is a great assassin and possess great close combat ability .

And finally i want Ban because he is immortal .

As i said this 8 blindling lights appeared and when those lights disappeared the 8 characters stood there standing but lifeless.

"System why are they like that ?" i asked concerned

[Host before the 8 characters you decided to bring into this world can move you have to know that they as i already they have lost their memory apart for those who were about their skills and they will treat like you are their leader as if you always were ]

[Most of them are gonna lose 40 % of their power and it will take a long time before they recover this part . Ali Baba will lose his weapon equip and full body equip and Broly will not be available to go into legendary super sayian ]

"Oh ok well do it !!" As i said this they began to move towards me and when they were right in front of me they kneeled before me .

"What is our mission Leader-Sama ?" they said in unison but i frowned because of how they called me.

"Guys you don't to kneel or call me leader-sama you can just treat me like a friend " as i said this they began to smile widely and zoro walked towards me .

"Well then Shiro what do you want us to do ?" he asked me

"It's simple during four months we are gonna train in a secret base that i will create in the mountain that is right in front of the capital .We are also gonna hunt monster and sell their parts to the guild in the capital to make money and buy differents things for the base and the organisation that i creates Al-thamen" i said as they all nods but suddenly i remembered something .

"Guys we also needs to go to the guilds in a week to make our organisation Al-thamen official"

And so during a week we dicussed of what our training is gonna be like and also about the Twin Dark Dragon Sect so i decided to send Broly (who wears a cape ) and Ichigo search for information about this sect and any big threat for the kingdom since they were the strongest and their reports were quite clear . The kingdom is in big fucking trouble since the sect isn't the only large threat .

After a week passed we went to the Guild, everyone looked at us weirdly because of our dress(i mean they all wear a different outfit) and our emblem (Al-thamen emblem with the eye ) we went directly to the receptionist who was the same as last time . She look at us with a shocked face but quickly regained her calm .

"I see you manage to recruit 8 members, impressive not many newcomer can do that " she said clearly impressed .

"Yeah i know i know so , we can make our organisation official now ?" i asked

"Ah yes starting from now on Al-thamen is official but if i may ask what is your goal ?" she asked us

"Our goal huh ?" i said as all of us Began using our full power to create an impressive aura that shocked every people in the guild and even the passers-by .I then said in a shouted so that everyone could hear me .

"THE GOAL OF AL-THAMEN IS TO DESTROY THE TWIN DARK DRAGON SECT AND ALL THOSE WHO SEEK TO OPRESS THE WEAK ,THOSE WHO SEEK TO DESTROY THIS KINGDOM . WE ARE AL-THAMEN AND WE WILL BRING PEACE TO THE KINGDOM!!!!" everyone stumbled back after my declaration and we exited the building using movement techniques ( taking those who can't do that with them like for the shunshin ).


During four months we all trained while sometimes broly and ichigo would search for any information about the big threats .

Reports: Ichigo decided to search for any evil group and there were 2 main one the sect that we already knew of and An organization called Dìyù zhī mén (Hell gate ) and while the sect wanted to destroy the kingdom in order i to reconstruct it , the organization just wanted to wipe out humanity

-The sect is composed of 10 members and ten thousand disciples.(more like soldiers)The disciples were just a little stronger than the royal army who was greater in number(ten thousand againgst one hundred thousand ) but the real strengh of the sect was it's ten member since the weakest was rank B and the strongest was rumored to be a rank SS cultivator (the king is a Rank SS magician and rank A cultivator while his wife is a rank SS cultivator)

-The organisation is pretty mysterious but we know that there is only 4 members with an army of millions of tamed beast while the 4 members are all SS rank magician with the boss being a Sword god who can cut the ocean with his sword .

Training : As i already said we trained during those months and while the others just tried to regain their lost strengh , i trained to become a better swordsman and to have a better control over my ability . I am now a sword master ,i Gained a total of 6 new skills sword and i am now level 20 (having too many skill is useless and most of the skills he can get when he gain another level are trash )

Gestuga tensho : The face ichigo made when he saw me using it was priceless .

Nittoryu lai: rashomon: the user draw his swords in a quick movement to cut it's target in half and sheathe his swords directly after .This technique is incredibly fast and require a great concentration .

Baki: the user jump while raising his sword over his head and deliver a fast and powerful vertical slice.

Rairyūsen:the users take a battojutsu(drawing blade technique so to simplify it the user prepare to draw his blade) then draw his blade while concentration his energy in the blade to cover it with a blinding light that produce a very loud sound and then attack the ennemy while he is suffering of a sensory overload . This technique can make the ennemy blind or deaf for life since the light and the sound is concentrated on him.

Rakshasa: Akuma no ken : the user covers Rakshasa with demonic power to poison all the ennemy it hit except for the demons who can only be poisoned by lightning ( lightning destroy their power and damage them greatly .

Zen'nō no ken: Zen'nō no ten no surasshu: (my ultimate sword skill that can be used only one since i'm too tired to do anything after that) The user jump high in the air and let himself fall then began to spin in the air and transfer his energy in Zen'nō no ken to make a whirling slash .This skill is impossible to block and if i transfer all my energy( which can be dangerous for my health )the attack become huge and impossible to dodge (it's like a trump card))

I also gained two new ability which are :

-Final flash:The Final Flash is formed by drawing both hands back while gathering the user energy Then, the user place bottom of their palms together to form a sphere of yellow energy . Finally, the user discharges a massive golden beam of energy .

-Armament haki: The user uses this to cover different part of his body or his swords and enhance their offensive and defensive power (the user can now use the gear fourth ).

With all of this i can say that trainin hard pay but it's not just for me since the others recovered a part of their power and ali baba can use his weapon equip but still not his full body equip .

Right now i am waiting in the main room of our base which is a huge room with a round table with 9 chair around and i apart from me Zoro,Stain,Toshiro,bakugo,ali baba and Ban are also present we are currently waiting for the other two to show up and before Bakugou could complain (like always)The door to the main room opened and Broly entered with Ichigo .

"So ?" i asked them.

"they are finally making a move "Ichigo answered while smirking.

" ku ku ku and so are we "i said chuckling darkly .