Entrance Exam Part 5

The Art of Thoughts is a martial art with 9 layers, all of them meant to be run together simultaneously. Each layer is more and more complx, requiring more mana and better mana control to run properly. If you lose control of the technique then the mana will rush to your heart and slam into it causing backlash damage. Imagine having to run all 9 layers simultaneously while fighting for your life against a dragon. If you lose control of all 9 layers there's a high possibility that you'll die just from the backlash, not to mention the dragon trying to cook and eat you.

It's no wonder that so many monks fall back upon the Ascetic lifestyle, they have no choice but to sharpen their will to a point constantly in order to keep their techniques under control. Thankfully, Carter wasn't too worried about that. After comprehending 100% of a technique it becomes engraved into you and runs without thought. Given the fact that Carter is a Hand to Hand Savant he doesn't see completely comprehending a technique to be an insurmountable problem.

Two weeks into the training, Carter finally completed a full set of movements which raised his comprehension to 50%. The next morning, Elder Sun showed up with an Acolyte saying, "This is George, an Acolyte specializing in Hand to Hand combat. He will be sparing with you until you comprehend 100% of the 1st Layer of the Art of Thoughts or you run out of time."

Leaving the two to get to work, Elder Sun returned to his villa and his game of Chess where the Barbarian Elder Kuhn shook his head in disgust and said, "You've found a monster this time."

"Yes," Elder Sun said as he made a move on the chessboard and smiled, "Checkmate."

After a full month and a half of training, Carter finally completely comprehended the 1st layer of the Art of Thoughts in the middle of a spar on the final day and earned himself a title!

-> Title Earned: Initiate of Thoughts

-> Title Description: You have completely comprehended the 1st layer of the Art of Thoughts!

-> Title Reward: +1 Strength; +1 Agility; +1 Willpower

Immediately, Carter's strength and speed exploded and George suddenly found himself on the defensive. Left with no choice, he started using his full strength and the two started fighting evenly. "How in the hell is a level 6 Scholar pushing a level 5 Monk?" George thought in disgust. The more they fought, the more George realized that despite Carter's age he was incredibly skilled in Hand to Hand combat.

In the end, Elder Sun showed up to announce the results of the 2nd test and had to call the fight a draw with a giant smile on his face. Seeing the smile on Elder Sun's face, George promised himself that he'd train his techniques until he could fight against people stronger then him. The fight with Carter just then had enlightened him as to the true purpose of Martial Arts. They were created so that weak people could fight strong people, technique not strength is what he needed.

While this was going on, Carter had sat down cross legged and called up his status as he tried to adjust his condition

-> Name: Carter

-> Race: Human

-> Fame: 20

-> Infamy: 0

-> Base Profession: Scholar Level 6 (2,204/3,200)

-> Alignment: Neutral

-> Titles: Chosen (Reincarnation Passive) (Hidden); Slayer of Bunnies (Bunny Terror Passive); Initiate of Thoughts;

-> HP 200/200 (Constitution x 10)

-> MP 210/210 (Intelligence x 10 + Willpower/2 x 10)

-> Attributes

-> Strength (11)(+6)

-> Agility (11)(+6)

-> Constitution (20)

-> Intelligence (16)

-> Willpower (12)

-> Charisma (10)

-> Free Attribute Points (6)

-> Affinities(Locked)

-> Skills: Reading level 3 (72%); Writing level 2 (38%); Hand to Hand level 24 (91%); Skinning level 8 (43%); Pain Control Level 9 (89%); Running Level 14 (1%); Mana Control Level 8 (10%)

-> Martial Arts: Art of Thoughts 1st Layer (100%)

-> Soul Skills: Reincarnation(Passive) (Hidden); Hand to Hand Savant(Passive); Bunny Terror(Passive)

Carter couldn't help but smile as he looked at his status. Now that he had comprehended 100% of the Art of Thoughts 1st layer he could keep it active all the time with no effort meaning that he had just increased his strength and agility by 7!

Elder Sun walked over to Carter who'd just finished going of his status and slapped him on the back happily. Carter coughed as he staggered forwards a couple feet before coming a stop. It felt as if Elder Sun had shot some sort of power directly into his body aiming at his internal organs. If Elder Sun hadn't of held back, Carter would likely have died just then.

"That," Elder Sun said with a smile, "Is what you can do after mastering the 2nd Layer of the Art of Thoughts. Work hard and you'll have the chance to train in it. Now, the final part of the test is about to take place and you can't be late."

George, who had just come out of his enlightenment walked over to Carter and bowed slightly before standing back up and saying, "Thank you, if not for how you fought I may have never been enlightened on the true path of Martial Arts!"

Carter was surprised but quickly returned his bow saying, "No, thank you. If it wasn't for you being my sparing partner there's no way I could've comprehended the 1st Layer in time."

Elder Sun coughed a little at that, slightly embarrassed at how he'd mislead Carter. Then, he imagined Headmaster Ban's reaction when he saw Carter's results and glee replaced his feelings of embarrassment. "Enough of that, we must be going." Elder Sun said, grabbing Carter's shoulder and taking a step. The world seemed to shrink around them and the next thing Carter knew he was standing next to Nick in the middle of about 80 other prospective students in front of the dorms.

"Woah!" Carter said in surprise.

Elder Sun who had already taken another step and returned to his villa said, "Good luck." The words somehow traveling all the way to Carter's ears despite being miles away from him.

"There you are!" Nick said, turning to glare at Carter. "How could you have abandoned me to that sadistic fuck!"

Carter looked at Nick in confusion, "What're you talking about?"

"You know how that man appeared out of nowhere and whisked me away?" Nick asked but kept talking before Carter could respond, "Well despite the fact that you only need to comprehend 30% of the Art of Thoughts to pass the test he wasn't satisfied with the fact that it took me nearly 3 weeks to comprehend 50% of it so he sent several of his disciples to beat the shit out of me constantly."

"What?" Carter asked in surprise, "You only needed to comprehend 30%?"

"Yes, it was pretty easy to get that far but that asshole wasn't satisfied even when I got to 95% today! I mean seriously most people take years to comprehend that much!" Nick continued to complain while Carter just stood there his jaw dropped. Suddenly, he remembered the slightly embarrassed look on Elder Sun's face when he came to pick him up today and realized what'd happened.

Before Carter could curse the Elder, the air in front of the 80 people shimmered and the same old man who'd met them there the first day appeared. "Congratulations for surviving the first test, the 2nd test was to comprehend 30% or more of the Art of Thoughts within a month. Those of you who failed, please leave immediately. Don't try to lie, we have access to your stats." The old man said, and nearly 20 people left, their heads down as they cursed in disgust.

"For the rest of you, if you managed to comprehend over 50% of the Art of Thoughts then so long as you pass the final test you will be offered a scholarship. The 5 who comprehended over 75% will be given a reward by the school. The final test will be your magical aptitude, this is something that every Wizarding school tests and I have no doubts that all of you will pass."