
Inside the classroom, Feng Xiaoxi is sitting at the corner near the window. The professor walked inside the room and all of her classmates stood up and greets him in the chorus.

"Good morning, Professor Ke."

"Good morning, take your seats." Prof. Ke smiled he like the way the students greeted him in unison.

The professor scanned the room and found out that one of the students did not stand to greet him and is ignoring him, gazing outside on the window. His smile turned into a frown. He did not realize that Feng Xiaoxi is sitting in a wheelchair because of the table in front of her and she's near the back of the classroom so the students blocked his view of her.

He ignored her at first and started his discussion about the book smaller and smaller circles that were the first Filipino crime novel. Smaller and Smaller Circles is a mystery novel written by Filipino novelist F. H. Batacan. It won the Carlos Palanca Grand Prize for the English Novel in 1999. It also won the National Book Award in 2002 and the Madrigal-Gonzalez Award in 2003.

After a while, he realized that Feng Xiaoxi is not listening to him and still look outside.

What is that interesting thing that she won't listen to his lesson?

"The young lady over there." He pointed at Feng Xiaoxi. The students look at her way, waiting for the professor scold and embarrass her. Small smirks can be seen in the faces of some students that others even try to hide and looked at her in sympathy. The professor is known for causing troubles and not afraid to go against some rich students because his family also owns a business company. That's why the students are also behaving properly around him.

Feng Xiaoxi turned her head and looked around her, her classmates all looking at her way and then to the professor in front. "Pardon?" She didn't hear what the professor said. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion.

Looking at the clueless student near the window, Professor Ke smirked. "It seems like you already know the novel I'm talking about that you're so bored to listen for a minute."

He raised the book in his hands. "Do you mind telling us the synopsis of this book?"

Feng Xiaoxi narrowed her eyes towards the book but she can't see the title. She wants to ask for the title but she saw words written in the board 'Smaller and smaller circles by F.H. Batacan'

She concentrates and tries to recall if she already read the book.

A few seconds already passed and Feng Xiaoxi still did not say a single word. It's beginning to be hard for the other students to hide their smiles and pretend to take pity on her. The professor's smile widened. Looks like he won and embarrass another student again who tried to act impolitely at him. "Kids these days ah, still so prideful that they can't greet their professor but actually so illiterate!"

"As a punishment for not respecting an elder and also being impolite, you'll be-" Professor did not get to finish what he's about to say because he was cut off by Feng Xiaoxi