Be Honest (II)

Chang kept her eyes down while her chin was forced up, trying to avoid his gaze. Even if what she had been told had been a lie, there was still a high wall they could not cross. She wanted to believe his words. She wished that it really did not matter that they came from completely different worlds. She wished that although they came from completely different standards and backgrounds they could still be together. She knew better though.

'Even if he believes it to be true, I know he has responsibilities to his family. How I wish I could be happy with you as an ordinary couple. But Jian our world's are just too far apart, I would only drag you down and make your life harder. I don't want that, I can't drag you down.' Chang wished she could lower her head and hide the tears that had started to roll down. She could only keep her eyes down, trying to hide her thoughts. She knew that they could not have a future togther. She had not understood then, but she did now.

It had broken her heart then realizing it. Especially at the thought of only being a plaything for him. At the thought of never being able to be anything more with his status.

To think she had been only a toy for a rich man, it had crushed her. That and more was cemented in her mind that day. After having her heart stomped on mercilessly, Chang had signed the divorce papers provided her and had written the letter to Jian to cut their ties.

As promised for cutting ties cleanly between them she had received a private flight to the Los Angeles area that Jian would be unable to track and follow. While at the time she had only wished to leave with what was left of her pride and dignity, she also received a few thousand dollars for the severance.

Now that she had gone so far, and done so much she could not go back now. Jian would move on with his life and find someone suitable. Chang would let herself heal and with time she might move on too. It was for the best for them.

Biting her lower lip harder, Chang pulled her chin from his fingers, silently shunning him with her actions. Instead of getting angry and walking away like she expected, Jian grabbed one of her hands on her lap. Shocked she could not help but to look at him as he held it to his mouth.

Chang froze up as electricity raced up her hand to her arm from his warm mouth. All her thoughts flew out her mind in an instant at the feel of his warm, wet mouth on her skin. Under her wife's eyes Jian started leaving a light trail of kisses on her bruised knuckles across her palm to her fingertips, then back up her wrist.

His lips were soft but were leaving tingles of numbness and electricity whererever they touched.

'Ah!! what is he doing?!' With uneven breaths Chang swallowed as he continued in her bare inner arm from her wrist. 'Why is he working his charm on me now? Just what are you trying to do, you playboy?'

As he got closer to her face Chang started to panic a little and covered her face with her free hand, retreating slightly. As she pulled her body away slightly she heard and felt him chuckle against her bare skin. Holding her burning face, Chang wondered what he was going to do next, anticipating in slightly unknowingly.

As she wondered, Jian released her hand, leaving it hanging akwardly in the air. Retracting it slightly Chang looked bashfully at the man smiling wickedly at her. Pulling her akward hand back to her face she was completely unprepared for his sudden assault. While still smiling at her, Jian reached forward and grabbed the towel that was folded around her. With one deft motion, he pulled it off and from under her, dangling it triumphantly in front of her now bare figure.

"Ah! Hey!!" Chang screamed mortified. "You pervert, how dare you! Gimme my towel back this instant!" 'What just happened to the gentleman from a minute ago?' Immediately her hands came down from her beet red face and tried to snatch her towel back.

As soon as she stretched forward, Jian captured her in his arms. Holding her tightly his hands wandered, one high, one low. When he have a little squeeze with the low one, to her dismay Chang felt a small moan escape her lips. Cringing, she bit her lips.

"How dare I? Are you not the one who insists on lying even after all that I have said. Even now you expose yourself, yet still insisting on keeping up a pretext. It seems as if I shall have to punish you if I want to get you to be honest with me. So little miss liar, how shall I punish you?" In her ear, his voice came in low and evil.

'Ah what a devil! How did it become like this? I don't want a punishment! What did I do to deserve this!' Squeezing her eyes shut right, Chang cried out in her heart loudly in protest.

Seeing as Chang continued to only give him her silence Liang JianAmal smiled wickedly to himself, she could not blame him for pushing her further now. After whispering his promise he placed a kiss on her earlobe. Snaking his tongue lightly along the edge, he gave her a light nip at the top, causing her to jerk away suddenly. Slapping a hand over her bright red ear, Chang gave him a helpless look, embarrassment written all over her face. While her eyes were still watery, her tears had already dried up.

Glad to have her looking at him, Liang JianAmal gave her a gentle smile as he cupped his hand over her hand; protectively clamped over her ear. Lowering his head, he pressed his lips to the little crease between her brows.

Already more than a little flustered by his actions, Chang felt a warm fuzzy feeling sprout in her heart. Pushing out from her heart, it suffused her inside with a warm glow. Inside she felt the feeling of being melted slowly in a warm summer sun.

Closing her eyes Chang curled her fingers over her other hand into the front of his shirt. Savoring the feeling on her forehead, she felt her lashes brush herself slightly as they flickered. Lifting his lips Chang took a sudden breath as he placed another besides her eyes. Following along her cheekbone, Jian made his way to around her mouth making her feel hotter inside.

Almost limp, leaning against him Chang waited for him to reach her lips. Just as she thought he would though, he stopped completely. Breathing slightly raggedly she slowly opened her eyes to see him smirking at her.

"Well, do you feel like being honest yet?"