I Can't Help You With Your Pants On

Chang lay on the bed, in Amira's sun room, stiff as a board. Jian lay next to her with his arm across her abdomen holding her close as they rested. Only he was resting, though.


She turned her head to look at the man to her right, watching the late afternoon sunlight cast an orangish hue on his handsome face. Slowly her eyes made her way to his lips and she thought about the kiss they shared on the beach and the way he had looked at her.


Shivering she coould not help thinking about the way his eyes had pulled her in as  they had laid down. The way his lips grazed the tips of her ears as he whispered or when his head had dipped lower to place a kiss on her collarbone, Chang could not help but think he was going further or imagine it. Further as he had the first time they had met, or even like in L.A.


The first time she had been muddled with alcohol and had not quiite remembered everything. Chang had been very sober and conscious in her and Justin's apartment.. Her face reddened thinking about the way his lips felt on her body or his finger as it had touched her down there.


Thinking about it, she felt her heart start to quicken and felt a warm tickling feeling between her legs and could not help squeezing her thighs together as she tried to contain her unsteady breathing. Chang reached a trembling finger and lightly traced it over his beautiful, teasing lips.


When he had not continued further as she had expected earlier, Chang found herself almost disappointed by something she had not realized she had been wanting. Looking at his lips Chang could not help but imagine what they could do.


'His lips feel so nice.' She mused smiling not noticing his lips had curved into a slight smile as she touched them. His lips parted slightly and her nervous hand stopped immediately, afraid that she had woken the man resting peacefully beside her.


Chang bit her lower lip trying to quiet her breathing before she continued. Rolling over gently from her back to come to face him, her hand fell from his face and went down his chest, feeling the firmness of it through the thin fabric. Spreading it wide, she touched him all over, feeling emboldened from the fact that he was not awake and aware. Her shy but curious hand continued to explore the front of him until it came to the lower portion of his abs.


Chang rubbed her thighs together trying to quell the growing warm and wet feeling between her thighs. It was kind of an uncomfortable feeling but also felt good in a way that had her toes were curling. A small hitched noise came out of the back of her throat slightly surprising herself as she stopped her hand above the begininning of his pants.


As she lay there looking at him, contemplating whether she could get away with more, the man's eyes snapped open coming to rest on hers with a wicked glint in them. Seizing her trembling hand that lay on his abs with his other hand before it could retreat, he held it in place.


"Now just what were you trying to do?"Jian said slowly, seductively raising one brow at her in a provocative manner.


"N-nothing I just couldn't sleep right now." Chang managed to stammer out losing herself in Jian's dangerous eyes.


"Mm and why not?" He inquired squeezing her captured hand against his lower abdominals.


Chang squirmed feeling her hand pressed firmly against him as her fingers were close to touching his crotch. Embarrassed Chang curled her extended fingers closer to her palm. Grinning at her, the man took hold of her hand and put it directly against his growing erection. Gasping Chang tried to wriggle her hand away from the hot, hard object. Pressing her legs together as she tried to arrest her hand from his grip, Chang felt a sudden spasm of pain from the muscles of her inner thighs. 


"Ah!" Gasping, she immediately stopped moving, concentrating on breathing. 


"What's wrong?" Sitting up as well, Jian released her hand


"My legs hurt really bad." She looked up at him with a tear in her eye. He released her hand immediately and rolled up off the large bed.


"Wait here." He left the room to head into the main hallway for several minutes before coming back with a small jar. While he was gone Chang rubbed the sore muscles on her thighs trying to ease the pain that kept coming in waves. He looked down at her before commanding her.


"Take off your pants."


Staring at him in mute, stark refusal, Chang pressed her lips tight.


Seeing her unmoving Jian arched an eyebrow at her and set the jar on the ground at the foot of the carved wooden bed frame. 


"I cannot help you if you keep your pants on." Grabbing the bottom of her cloth pants and he began to pull on them.


Immediately, Chang felt the fabric slipping down her legs and grabbed onto it firmly. She was only wearing the pants and the white cotton slip. She had taken the overshirt off after the two of them had come back to the chamber, she had wanted to take off the chest constricting slip too but had felt too embarrassed to take it off in front of Jian earlier.


"I can do it myself!" Sitting up further, Chang held the fabric in a firm hand refusing to let him strip it off her as he pleased.


Grinning, Jian, pressed a hand against her chest pushing her back to the bed and loosening her grip on her pants. As soon as she had released her hold he pulled them off in one smooth motion holding them up triumphantly, waving them like a flag for a moment before throwing them to the ground.


Chang saw him looking down at her her bare legs and part of her white panties showing from when she fell back on the bed. Looking away from his burning gaze, Chang gripped the sheets tightly in response, feeling like it was tied to the lingering hot feeling inside her. Breathing raggedly as he knelt down to grab the jar, Chang knew his dark eyes were fixed on her figure.