Suspicions (II)

Closing the door behind her as quietly as possible, Hao Jin YIng shared a look with Hakim al-Hassan and pulled out the satelitte phone her boss had left. He had told her before she left to contact him in case anything unforseen and important came up.


After having seen what she did, Hao Jin Ying was certain her boss would label this as such. Waiting until she was outside to get the best signal, she only had to wait for a minute until he answered in a hurried voice.


"What has happened?" His tone was urgent and worried, betraying the fact that he had run out of a meeting to answer. Based on the noises she heard in the background it was an important one and he was being called back.


If she had not seen how disheveled and frantic her boss could be last year, she would not have believed that the person on the phone was he. Even now it still was odd, incongruous with the image of a self-assured man she had known.


"Sir, your wife just came to the palace in tears, after having been out exploring the city today."


"What do you mean, how could something have happened, was she not under guard as I had ordered? Gripping the chair with white knuckles, Liang JianAmal frowned having more questions than answers.


"No, she was."


"Find out what has happened and report back to me once you do." Pinching the bridge of his nose, he gave a quick glance to the department manager, silencing him. Hanging up, he returned to finish the meeting he had left abruptly.


When he had heard the satellite phone ring in the middle of the business meeting, it had caught him completely unawares. He had left the meeting right then and there, jumping out of his seat to answer the call, ignoring the bewildered expressions and calls of the department heads.


He had purchased the phones as an emergency, while Lahat was peaceful, removed from the rest of the world, he could not help but worry. 


His treasure was hidden away there from his father's eyes, or anyone else that might seek to do her harm. Hearing that she had been in tears while he was away, it disconcerted him and he began to run his free hand through his hair, mussing up the slicked back style. For the rest of the meeting he was plagued by the thoughts of what could have happened.


'I need to get back there.' Sitting in his office after, Liang JianAmal was unable to concentrate on any of what he needed to do. He had only planned on being away for a few days, yet the mountain of work that awaited him when he had returned had made that an impossibility. After the phone call earlier, he could feel his priorities reshuffling.


Having not heard back from Hao JinYing, he started placing a call to his private flight captain, whom he hired in secrecy, to prepare himself. The man did not answer when he called though, even after several rings. Further frustrated he slammed his phone down, he had paid the man a considerable sum to be available when he needed. 


After finishing the most pressing matters, Liang JianAmal left the office building and headed home, with Luo Jun navigating through the heavily trafficked streets of Shanghai.


Bright neon signs flashed across this face, illuminating him with the garish colors, only slightly muted by the dark tinting of the car's windows. Looking out into the artificially lit landscape, he thought about the way the light had shined on her as they had been riding together. The sight of her smiling, the light dancing on her skin as she played in the sea. 


'I should take her sailing when I return, she loves the sea.." As they rode back to his estate Liang Jian Amal thought about surprising Chang with just that when he returned. He felt a true smile grow on his face for the first time in days thinking about her reaction. The smile was short-lived though, as he entered the cloying smell of a woman's perfume as well as the smells of cooking food hit him.


'Who the hell is in my house?' His silent question was soon answered as a slim woman came out of the kitchen area wearing a large smile.


"Oh, I thought you would not be home for another hour, dinner will be ready in about 45 minutes. Are you hungry now, would you like me to prepare some snacks until then?" Looking completely at ease in his home, Yan Xiao Dan clasped her hands in front of her, smiling up at him.


Liang Jian Amal punched the bridge of his nose near his eyebrows. This woman again..


"Miss Yan, this is a surprise, for what reason have you come here today?" Working to restrain his temper, Liang JianAmal asked the woman in a monotone voice. As much as he wished to drag her out of his house, he could not afford to offend the Yans, due to a major collaboration with them. Yan Xiao Dan had been an annoying fly ever since that had started, especially in the last few days. At every business meeting, an evening gathered he had attended she had been there; even having shown up uninvited into his office.


Yan Xiao Dan smiled coquettishly at him, irritating him further.


"Your father brought me, he thought it would be a nice surprise for you. Plus it would be a good chance for us to get to know each other better, epecially since our families are working together."


"Indeed, it was a surprise, and I shall find him to thank him for this courtesy. Please Miss Yan do not trouble yourself further on my account, as I have much to do still I will be unable to accompany for dinner. Mr. Luo, see Miss Yan back to her family properly." Smiling in polite decline, he held his arm out to guide the woman to the door. He knew what his father was trying to do, but it was not going to happen.


Seeing the look in his boss' eyes, Luo jun bowed low and left to fetch the vehicle quickly. Looking at Yan Xiao Dan, waiting for her to take his polite dismissal, he noticed her smile tightened a little. 


"There is food still cooking let me turn, those off first."


"The housekeeper will take care of that Miss Yan."


"Will you escort me out?" Thrown off by his refusal, Yan Xiao Dan held onto the man's arm, not giving him the chance to refuse her on it. Her whole life she had been unused to being refused anything, especially from men. She came from a family of good reputation and bore the good looks and talents befitting the pride of her family, yet the man she had her eye on could not even give her the time of day.


'For now.' Holding onto the arm leading her out triumphantly, Yan Xiao Dan refused to believe that she would be unable to win him over like any other. Seeing the slick black Rolls Royce before her, her eyes shined as she entered. Giving a crystal clear goodbye with an enchanting smile to his tight one, Yan Xiao Dan smiled to herself as she left.


'All this will be mine soon.'


Finally free of his unwanted guest, Liang Jian Amal stalked up to his study on the second floor, where his father would most likely be waiting for him. As he neared the closed door, he could hear his father talking in a hushed voice.


"You have done well, you shall be wired the promised amount. If I require anything further of you I will be in touch." Liang Jian Amal waited for a moment outside the door, listening, before opening the door and entering his own study.