You Dare (II)

Liang Jian Amal sat under the stars and wondered if she was looking at the same ones. After 64 hours they still had nothing.

24 hours after she disappeared he had stumbled upon the bunker, since then there had been nothing. Erol and himself had found a hint of tracks from a truck that led south and to the west, but after a couple hundred kilometers, they faded to nothing.

Liang Jian Amal held his head in his hands, dishearted by this. Even though Hao Jin Ying returned with the helicopter later that afternoon and helped them cover lots of ground in the search, it was for nothing. It was as if Chang disappeared.

'People disappear when they've died usually.' A voice whispered in the back of his head taunting him.

"Shut up, she's not dead." He whispered back to himself.

After last night the voice had grown stronger plaguing him with doubts and suspicions. He had been only able to sleep for a few hours due to the nightmares that plagued him. Every time he closed his eyes the scenes would haunt him. Scenes all involving Chang and the absolute worst that could happen.

"Still can't sleep?" Erol sat down next to him and leaned against the body of the truck. He lit up a cigarette for himself before holding one unlit for Liang Jian Amal.

Liang Jian Amal gratefully took it and lit it, taking a long drag. "No I keep having those fucking visions. I know she's not dead, I just know it."

Erol gave him a look that said he was losing his mind and hell, he might be right. 'I might be losing it just from the lack of sleep.'

Erol rested a hand on his shoulder offering support. "We'll find her, don't worry so much Liang Jian Amal. You should sleep, I'll keep watch. You'll be no good in the search if you keep going like you have been."

"I know, I just can't, not yet. Not until I've found her can I rest." He sighed as he stared up at the bright full moon. "I-"

He was cut off by the sounds of sharp popping in the distance. He looked sharply at the man next to him confirming he heard the same thing.

'Would be shooting off a gun here?"

"Hao Jin Ying!! Get up immediately we have to go!" Liang Jian Amal sprung to his feet, collecting his weapons as he called at Hao Jin Ying to wake her.

She had been sleeping like a rock until he called out frantically. Hao Jin Ying sat up immediately in her sleeping bag she'd brought. Seeing the men quickly grabbing stuff, and hurriedly putting out the fire, she realized the situation and went into the helicopter quickly starting it up.

They took to the air quickly and saw a pair of lights moving quickly bobbing and weaving with the uneven terrain in the southwest. Keeping the headlamps off, they advanced to where the lights were.

As they got closer they saw that it was open aired truck flying across the desert. It suddenly came to a screeching stop though illuminating a dark shadow in its head lights.

Liang Jian Amal motioned to Hao Jin Ying to take them lower so that they could get a better look at what was going on. It looked like a person in white standing in the light, not just that a woman.

The person standing in the light fell backwards when one of the men from the truck approached. As they were pulled from the ground they seem to have struck the man with something as he staggered back holding his head.

One of the men in the truck still shot at the person as they tried to run after striking the man. The figure shrank and fell to the ground, and Liang Jian Amal felt his heart squeeze seeing that.

"Take us lower."

"They will notice us for sure if we go any lower." Hao Jin Ying protested at the thought of being shot down from the sky. His returning glare left no room for argument and she did as she was told.

As they got lower the wind pressure from the blades alerted those on the ground to their presence. Liang Jian Amal kept his eyes trained on the figure in white on the ground, his heart beating wildly.