This Is Not A Dream It's A Nightmare

Liang Jian Amal carried the silent woman in his arms to the hospital grounds as the sky was touched with a dove grey signaling dawns approach.

Once inside they were surrounded by medical professionals who tried to examine her. To do that though they first needed to unwrap her from her blanket cocoon and extricate her from his arms.

At the sight of all the hands reaching towards her, Chang shrank and held onto him tighter refusing to let go.

"Chang, you have to let go. We need to check your injuries." She gripped the front of his shirt even tighter in response. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be with you the whole time. I promise." He lightly stroked a thumb on her cheek looking down at her.

Only then did she let go and let herself be put on the hospital bed. As the blanket was pulled away the soiled ruined shift was revealed and he noticed the dried blood stains and tears along her stomach and torso.

Liang Jian Amal memorized every wound as the nurses cleaned her up and ran a bunch of tests. Through it all she never took her eyes off of him. At the end she was dressed in a long hospital gown and given a saline IV drip.

One of his hands was gripped fiercely by hers as she rested a little fitfully. The doctor cleared his throat turning his attention from her sleeping face and presented him with Chang's chart.

Lacerations, abrasions, bone bruising, dehydration..

His hands shook reading the medical diagnosis while listening to the doctor speak.

"Miss Dumont has been through quite a lot over the last few days.

"She has sustained several lacerations from her thorassic to abdominal area that had glass embedded in some, possibly from having been dragged through it. She also had a few cuts and lacerations on the sural area but nothing as major as on the torso.

"Miss Dumont has also sustained bone bruising to the lumbar area as well as the axillary area due to heavy blunt trauma. With ice and rest it should heal in about a month or two. She might find it difficult to breath deep for a while but be assured she will heal.

"She has several abrasions to the carpal area due to chafing from rope or another abrasive. It is only cutaneous damage though.

"She has some minor muscular tearing to the cervical area as well, but as well nothing major.

"The soles of her feet were severely damaged and she has severe abrasions on the soles of her feet, it would be best if she remained off of them for at least a few days."

'Oh Chang, my love..'

"As well as everything external she is suffering from dehydration and general weakness from everything she has been through. We've put her on a saline drip as well as wrote a list of some food full of nutrients that will help her heal."

The doctor looked at the young man with his head bowed a pained expression on his face, wondering if he should add in the last bit.

"We also found trace amounts of trichloromethane in her blood, like the rest of the women who were brought in."

"Was she also.." Liang Jian Amal's voice broke as he looked at Chang's pale resting face.

"As far as we can tell no, but to know for sure, we would have to ask Miss Dumont herself."

"Thank you doctor." He thanked the man before turning his full attention to Chang. The man left silently giving him privacy with her.

Liang Jian Amal studied her face closely and brought her hand that was attached to his to his forehead.

In the quiet room he allowed himself to shed a few tears in relief and sorrow.

Chang awoke after a few hours and looked around her surroundings frantically for a moment before eying their hands that were still connected.

"Is this really not a dream?" She asked cautiously keeping her eyes lowered. He was about to answer, surprised to hear her voice, when the door opened.

Both of them turned to see Hao Jin Ying and Li Hua enter the room.

Li Hua looked at her daughter and gasped terribly. Most of her injuries were covered by the blankets and gown but her face belied the underlying pain.

The blood drained from Li Huas face and she hit the ground with a thud before anyone could react.
