A Forced Fracturing (V)

Hakim al-Hassan fired for awhile before they stopped trying.

"Why did they stop all of a sudden?" Turning to Hakim al-Hassan she questioned him confused, but had her a sew in a matter of seconds

Before Chang's eyes it looked like the door did a wave like motion, rippling before bursting into pieces, raining onto Hakim al-Hassan and herself.

Chang crossed her arms in front of her face, blocking stuff from getting in her eyes, as they were showered in sawdust and larger bits of wood. Little red beams of light shone through the dust dancing all over Hakim and herself. Several voices shouted for them to get on the ground as they coughed on the dust and small perticulates in the air.

Chang cocked an eyebrow over a watering eye looking at Hakim al-Hassan. 'Should we?' She asked him with her eyes.

"That would probably be for the best." Keeping an open hand above his head he lightly set the rifle down. Chang followed his example and reluctantly released her weapon as well. She wasn't quite ready to give up yet, but she knew they had already lost. A bitter taste entered her mouth at the thought.

She got on her knees beside Hakim al-Hassan, her heart sinking. Over a dozen men filled the room, several stood above the two of them, the rest went further in. Several shrieks were heard as the men dragged out everyone who had been hiding further in, bringing them to their knees beside Chang and Hakim al-Hassan.

When she saw the men moving to pull her mother from her chair she called out for them to stop.

"Please, don't do that, she's really sick, she's no threat!"

"Truly there is no need for further crass treatment, I believe our point has been made gentlemen." A voice in English called to the men and they released LiHua and stepped back.A couple of middle-aged men in suits came into the room.

Both men were fairly tall and wore dark well tailored suits but their similarities ended there.

One of the men was darker in tone like Hakim al-Hassan's and had a short well groomed beard and mustache. Although he smiled down at them, his eyes were cold.

The second was slimmer and much paler than his companion. His hard brow line was pressed down over his eyes his glare leveled at Chang. Unlike his smiling companion, his thin lips were pressed into a permanent scowl, just as she had last seen him.

Though unlike the last time, Chang refused to be cowed and shamed by the sharp tongued man. She returned his cold steely gaze with a sharp narrowed glare of her own.

'You don't scare me asshole.'

It was Jian's father, Liang Ju-Long.

"My second son, Fahir Sarhan al-Hassan, my son - in- law, Liang Ju-Long. What is the meaning of this? Why have you defiled my home in such a manner?" Hakim al-Hassan's outraged voice filled the room as he glared at the two men. He tried to rise, but one of the armed men put a hand on his shoulder, kepping him down.

"I am here merely due to a collusion of interests. I am only here to remove a flea from my son's back, I will be leaving after. I have no interest in your household politics." Liang Ju-Long explained dismissively. With his long fingers he reached and grabbed Chang's arm and pulled her up. After pulling her up he threw her to one of the guards who restrained her.

"Ya Abi, if you had peacefully given my elder brother what he wished for, there would be no need for any of this." The man had his hands clasped behind his back while he grinned at Hakim al-Hassan. His smile worried Chang and she couldn't help but speak out.

"Dont hurt granpa Hakim or any of them please!" Chang interrupted the bearded man as loomed over the older man.

The man gave her a cold look before giving her, a small stinging slap to her cheek. Chang looked down in surprise as he face stung from.

"Know your place woman." After striking her the man turned back to Hakim al-Hassan. "Now that you have what you came for, will you be staying?" Even though he looked at the older man his words were directed to Liang Ju-Long.

"No, I will be taking my leave now. I will let you settle this between yourselves as promised. Come now." Liang Ju-Long directed the man holding onto her wrists tightly in one hand.

Hao Jin Ying walked behind pushing her mother along. A few of the armed men came with them, keeping them under their watchful eyes and unable to resist.

Chang looked back at Hakim al-Hassan, with fear in her eyes, as the cruel bearded man shut the door, sealing away the image of what was happening inside.