
"Do you really mean not to return to Shanghai for the shareholders meeting sir?" Beside him in the plane Hao Jin Ying turned and asked him, a worried expression on her face.

They sat in the first class cabin of the public airplane, waiting as the plane was boarded on the flight to Lyons, France.

It was already Monday afternoon, it would take them more than 13 hours just to get to Lyons, France. Then from there to Shanghai another 13 hours. Plus they would be advancing across the international date line and would lose another day. Even if he set the meeting for the late afternoon, and made every connection flawlessly, he would only have an hour or two.

The man sat with his eyes closed ignoring her worries.

"Why are we even heading to Lyons?"

"Because Chang is there." Liang Jian Amal answered with his eyes still closed.

"Did you hear what I said earlier? Mr. Liang, do you even know where she is exactly? If not then we should return, if not Chairman Liang will take this opportunity to undermine you."

"This is more important." Liang Jian Amal turned his head and looked at her seriously. "I took care of business first last time. I won't make the same mistake again, I will handle whatever comes after, I've been through worse."

"Sometimes I feel like the wrong person is our CEO." Hao Jin Ying sighed and resigned she really wanted to see Chang but fretted over the situation in China.

"Possibly." He curved his lips slightly in amusement. "I feel like I have the wrong person as my personal assistant. I should have made you the head of security miss 'demon in the trees.'"

"Peh! Those men should be ashamed to have called themselves battle hardened soldiers." Hao Jin Ying scoffed with derision at his words and slightly teasing tone.

"Sometimes I wonder just what your upbringing was that you would become talented in the way you are." Liang Jian Amal gave her a concerned look.

The soldier he had interrogated had been absolutely terrified of Hao Jin Ying.

"The best kind of course!" She gave him a beaming sarcastic smile before turning away to continue pursing her lips with her brow wrinkled.

"Hao Jin Ying, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me you pay me really well." She gave him a smile while her right hand made a circle with her index finger and thumb.

He chuckled at her cheeky response before turning away.

"Plus I have my own personal feelings invested in this as well now, I truly liked Lihua. Lihua was a good person and a good friend. I want to see everything come out right now.

"I just don't want to see you lose everything you have accomplished. We know that Chang is safe at the moment."

"I will know that for myself when I see her. I'm going. If you are truly worried then go in my stead."

"I can't do that sir, I'm not a shareholder." As she spoke her boss pulled a folded piece of paper from his inside breast pocket and handed it to her. Hao Jin Ying quickly scanned the contents before her eyes flicked up to his full of caution and alarm.

"This is too much."

"No it just might be too little, I cannot even begin to show you how grateful I am for all that you have done. Take this as a show of my gratitude."

"This is so much sir, are you sure."


"Hehe I bet you wouldn't give this to the guy you hired to replace me would you? What was his name Luo Jun?"

Yes, and no I wouldn't he's efficient, but he is no 'Hao Jin Ying', and thankfully so; one is enough for the world."

'And maybe too much.' He couldn't help thinking wryly.

"Hehe you flatter me. Thank you Liang Jian Amal." Hao Jin Ying refolded the paper stating that stated his intent to transfer 10% of his stocks to her name.

"I'll officiate it with you as soon as I return. If you so wish you have every right to attend that meeting now. I am going to Chang, I've waited far too long already."

Hao Jin Ying looked down for only a second in contemplation before standing and grabbed her bag.

"If neither thing can wait we should split up, they're both too important. I'll attend the meeting and speak on your behalf."

"Thank you." He gave her a smile before facing forward.

Hao Jin Ying looked at him wondering if she should say anything else but decided against it and went to disembark.

Liang Jian Amal sat there, after Hao Jin Ying left he let the mask of calmness slip from his face.

'Tell him I waited..'