
First of all, this is my first time writing something to be read. So I'll apologize if it falls short of people's expectations and if it's doesn't have perfect story building and writing.

Now for some info regarding how the settings is written.

1. Magic- there's at least 3 different types of magic in this series. Each has its own capabilities and uses.

A. Mana- the typical type of magic that everyone usually sees. Using the energy inside of yourself to manipulate elements and other forces outside your body. Used to cast elemental magic such as fireballs, moving water, and creating wind. Can also be used to strengthen allies or hinder opponents. Typically improved through meditation and training using mana.

B. Chi- used mainly in self enhancement and strength. While someone could use mana to create natural disasters, someone could also use chi to physically crush mountains. Unlike mana requires training of the physical body and the use of chi. Could also be applied to weapons being used by the user such as swords, bows, and lances.

C. Energy- similar on use as mana, energy is manipulation of magic of your surroundings instead of from within yourself. Using energy is how magic weapons and armor are made, as well as other certain magics such as necromancy which use the spirits of others. One could also use energy exactly the same ways as mana, but use the energy from outside of the body requiring more control, as well as abundant outside sources to draw upon to fight with.

2. Mutations- mutations are people(usually humans but not always) that from the abundant amount of magic in the world are born with some type of physical abnormality. Ranging from extra arms, to possibly green skin. Could also be minor mutations such as abnormal hair or eye color, and not all mutations are visible such as enhanced strength or mutated blood. Typically shunned, mutations are seen as inferior for not being able to handle the amount of magic in the air even though mutants are also able to use magic. People that happen to be from earth are always mutants do to their bodies being exposed to magic for the first time.

3. Gods- gods in Aletera are known to exist, though they are not able to interact with the worlds population themselves except within their own area of control. Looking down at the world like a giant chessboard, the only exception to this rule are the champions that each God can choose to represent them in power struggles. Though they are the gods of Aletera, they are also known on earth due to people from Aletera ending up on earth and spreading stories of their home world. This however resulted in the real personalities of the gods being warped due to inconsistency in telling of their myths. As a result, while people on earth know the names and their godly duties, they do not know just how different the gods on Aletera are from the ones they think they know.

4. Languages- the first several chapters are from the main characters point of view, and when another language is spoken it will be in {} different brackets. After the MC starts learning the main language that will become the normal language and if the MC uses English then it will be in the other brackets.{}


As the plane took off Leonard finally relaxed. Spending the last 10 days in Hawaii had really taken a toll on him. He was ready to just nap the whole way home when his little sister Emily nudged him from the next seat,

"Look, mom and dad are already asleep even though we just left."

Leonard just smiled at her and said,

"So would I if someone didn't keep me awake just now."

Emily pouted and said,

"If I didn't wake you up then I wouldn't have anyone to keep me company on the way home?"

Knowing he wouldn't win against her and that she'll be alone when he left for college in a month he decided to humor her.

"Alright, one round of cards then I'm taking a nap."

"Two!" She replied stubbornly. 'With how she acted you wouldn't think she was already sixteen,' Leonard thought to himself.

Before he could answer her a notice came over the speaker saying to fasten seat belts. They had just barely put their seat belts on when the plane gave a sudden lurch. The movement woke his parents up and Emily grabbed onto Leonard's arm for extra support. As they were trying to figure out what happened the plane suddenly fell out tog the sky. Leonard could only hold onto his sister out of fear and security as he looked out of the window and saw the water rushing up to meet them.


He lost consciousness.

3 days later- "authorities have just recovered the planes wreckage several miles offshore of Hawaii. There's still no comment on what caused the crash but with no known survivors it is one of the deadliest events in recent memories. "