Where will I stay?

Seeing Leo didn't quite understand Iris was trying to find a way to describe things to him when Jack suddenly stood up. As the loudest person around he suddenly started a speech as a way to let everyone know what was going on.

"As all of of you know, the boy we found less than a week ago has already made a full recovery. For those who haven't met him yet, his name is Leo and he apparently can't speak well so try not to ask him anything complicated. For now his intentions are unknown, but I feel there's something unique about him and I hope he would stay around and become a welcome addition to our village!"

While Jack was speaking Iris hurriedly tried to explain the situation to Leo, but due to her hurrying to explain he couldn't understand most of what she said. Hearing Jack mention his name, and continue taking enthusiastically he wondered if he was speaking about if he'll stay or leave? As he tried to ask her, while he didn't know what to say she seemed to get that he somewhat understood the situation which made her sigh in relief. She nodded to confirm that was the case, and looked at him with expectations as well. Leo thought for a moment.

While he did want to stay and get to know everyone in the village better, he also wanted to go out and explore this new world. He decided that until he learned more about the world, it will be safer to stay in the village for now. As he tried to explain to Iris that he wanted to stay, she showed noticeable signs of relief and gave him a few short sentences to say. Not knowing what they meant, but since he had nothing else to go on at the moment he decided to trust her and repeated the sentence as she said it to him after standing up.

" My name is Leo. And many thinks for saving my live. I not yes wet to leaf, but with to stain here." Looking to Iris for confirmation, he saw her doing a complete face palm. 'Wait they do that here?' He thought before realization hit that he must have messed up. Looking around and seeing most of the people gathered snickering Leo quickly sat back down and tried to hide himself. Jack however, with two mugs in his hands; held one out to him and shouted for all to hear,

"Well said!" Taking the mug offered to him, Jack raised his in a toast and everyone followed suit. Taking a brief sniff of his mug, Leo discovered it was ale! He had never drank before and was concerned due to the fact that he was still underage. However even Iris had her own mug and raised it as well for a toast so he copied her. Everyone let out a cheer and started drinking their ale. Leo followed suit and wanting to leave a good impression, tried to down the whole mug at once.

Jack looked at Leo impressed. He thought this boy was still wet behind the ears when it came to drinking, especially when he saw Leo hesitate once he notice it was ale in the mug. Watching him finish his mug, Jack yelled out for all to hear,

"HA! Look at that! Any man who could drink that well at that age is alright by me!"

Everyone else also looked at Leo impressed. Leo himself was surprised at his drinking ability. He expected the alcohol to hit quite hard since he had never drank before. And though it did have a bit of kick to it, that was to be expected since it was alcohol. In reality though he had downed it almost as easily as water. Well he wouldn't think too much about it, at least it seemed he made up for the speech blunder.

As the feast continued, starting with the children various people started getting noticeably tired and heading to bed. Leo then noticed another problem, where will he sleep? As he tried to ask Iris this she then pointed to the house that he had woken up in earlier. He nodded to show he understood her, and then he started to wonder where her house was.

After they started to get tired Leo and Iris both started walking back to the house. Leo got somewhat confused, 'is she trying to make sure nothing happens?' He couldn't help thinking. After they entered the house Iris turner her back to him and started stoking the fire to heat up the room. Taking advantage while her back was turned, Leo quickly changed back into the loose fitting pants he was in earlier. When she turned back around she walked over to the dresser, and pulled out more lose clothes to sleep in.

At that moment it hit Leo, this was iris's house! He suddenly felt like the situation was suddenly several times more awkward, especially after she gestured to him to turn around with a faint blush on her face. As Leo did so he could hear her changing behind him, and with there only being one bed in the room his imagination started to run wild.

After a few moments however, he turned around and saw her retrieving extra furs and blankets from under the bed. Then proceeding to make another bed on the floor. He started to help make his bed on the floor, to which she said her thanks. When he tried to crawl into it though, she had said,


Startled he looked at her, and saw her pointing at her bed. Realization struck him, she wanted him to take her bed while she slept on the floor! Leo was irritated! He didn't know that much about chivalry in this world, but he had been taught to treat a woman with respect! And that meant he would not force her to the floor while he took her bed!

However Iris apparently could tell what he was about to say, and before he could say anything she pointed at his shoulder and head. Understanding her meaning after a moment he could only cave in. To him she was a women, but to her he was a patient. Though he felt fine now, he did have to admit he was comatose for who knew how long exactly. Gritting his teeth he decided to let her have her victory for the night, but the next day he wouldn't bow to her decision.

And like that, his first day in the village came to an end. And unknown to all of the people there, a goddess was looking down on all of them smiling.