
For the next few weeks, Leo and Iris continued their training while also alternating taking care of Luna. Luna however, was growing a lot faster than elder grandma thought. By the next full moon, her head was already up to Leo's knees. Leo considered it almost like you could sit there and watch her growing. She had also graduated from the meat paste, to small bites of meat within a week, then from those to full slices of meat another week later. She had apparently already adopted Leo as her father though, seeing as from the moment she was able to walk she followed him where ever he would go. Since she would follow Leo around, he also wasn't able to leave the village without her tagging along, so he couldn't go on a hunt. Now that the full moon was the next day, Leo was worried about what was going to happen.

"So what is the plan for tomorrow? Not only do I have Luna following me everywhere, but it's also iris's first full moon. While Artemis said she wouldn't transform, I wouldn't want to take her words at face value." Leo said during the small meeting they were having. Present with him were Austin, Jack, Natalie, Lucy, elder grandma, and Iris. Of course Luna sat at his feet.

"Well what should I do then? If I go with and don't transform, then I'll be in danger, but if I stay here then I might put others in danger." Iris said with worry. She didn't regret becoming a werewolf, but she hated not knowing if she'd hurt others by mistake. For the first time, she began to understand what Leo was going through the whole time he was here. Then Natalie spoke up,

"Iris can simply go somewhere else, if the moon doesn't effect her then she can return to the village. While that's going on Jack and I can take care of Luna. She knows both of us pretty well." Everyone couldn't help but agree with Natalie's words. From following mostly Leo, but Iris as well, Luna had gotten used to Natalie and Jack. She also knew elder grandma due to the fact she came over for dinner every night. Leo was still concerned though.

After discussing the plans for the next day, they returned to their respective houses. Leo and Iris returned to theirs with Luna. After entering the hut, Luna immediately jumped onto the bed and curled up. Iris laughed at her actions, and started to make dinner. Leo sat down on a chair, and started going through various notes he had made. He was keeping track of the things he would need to know for the future in a journal written in English. He figured that if he kept writing in it and someone found it, then they wouldn't be able to read it, just like John Andrews journal. Leo was also using it to teach Iris English writing.

After a while Iris finished cooking, and they started eating. Elder grandma said she wouldn't be over for dinner, so that meant they had a rare evening alone. As she brought the plates over, there was even one with a grilled steak on it for Luna, that she placed on the floor. After dinner, they cleaned up and started getting ready for bed. When Leo closed his eyes though, he was greeted with the scene of Artemis's hut yet again.

"What now?" Leo didn't even try to hide the irritation in his voice. He was getting pretty fed up with the divine interfering with his life. Artemis smiled at his attitude, and replied,

"I only wished to talk about the baseless worries you seem to be having. Instead of focusing on non important topics like wether or not your wife will transform, she won't by the way, you should be learning what you need to about the other champions. Plus there's the topic about your new "daughter" to consider." Leo simply glared at her in response. He also couldn't help wondering if it was even appropriate for gods to contact mortals this often. Once again reading his mind Artemis replied,

"Constant contact is one part of being a champion. How else are we supposed to ensure your actions please us? Plus you should be glad, I'm giving you information about the other champions for free while they know nothing about you. It's not breaking any rules considering your special circumstances." Leo just sighed. He figured there went his sleep now too. For the next few hours, he and Artemis talked regarding some of the more known champions like Arthur. He made a mental note to copy everything he learned down in his journal. Then Artemis moved on to the next subject.

"Now about your Luna. I like the name by the way. I suppose there's a bit of explaining to do about her. When you first arrived, Fenrir took steps to assist you since you are technically chosen by two gods. As a result, she was born shortly after our first meeting as you well know. As a direct descendant of his though, she is more powerful than any of his other "children". Like you, they will submit to her and serve as her pack. She in turn serves you, so you simply gain more power."

"Yea yea, we already discussed this after I found her. The main thing I need to know, is how to ensure she won't follow me tomorrow night." Artemis looked annoyed at his dismissal at her words, but ignored it. She simply said,

"Well she should be old enough, you'll figure it out tomorrow. Now, it's almost dawn. Remember what I said about the other champions, and keep up your progress. I like the way things are going and your current plan. Fighting them as you are now will only lead to your death. But another thing to consider, some of them you might not even fight. Some would just need a little convincing and they might join you. Just follow the elders plan and you should be alright." Leo wanted to ask what plan, but his vision went dark before he even raised it.

He woke up back in his bed on the floor, he started to get up to start the day, when suddenly,

'Daddy! Hungry! Food please!' Leo heard a voice in his head like with Fenrir, except this time it was girlish, and childish, and there was a pair of orange eyes surrounded by silver fur from the "speaker". Leo could only look I got amazement and said,
