The gifts

When Iris heard elder grandmas words, she didn't know how to react. Of all the things she and Leo talked about regarding plans, him being a king wasn't one of them. She just couldn't believe elder grandmas words for several reasons.

"That's ridiculous, even if Leo agrees to that plan on the first place, who would want to follow him? The only support he has at the moment is mutants, and he himself is technically one as well. And to be a king, you need a territory to rule over as well. Unless you want him to try and bring anyone who might follow him here in the north, there's no way that plan would work!" As Iris listed her reasons, elder grandma just stood there and waited for her to finish.

"Regarding followers, we already have some candidates in mind and we only need to wait until Leo approves of them. The biggest problem is like you said, getting them to follow him. As for the place he'll rule over, with the right preparations there's nothing wrong with the Northern Territory. We ourselves have lived here for years and it never bothered us. As someone who might one day be a queen, you need to think of solutions instead of problems, though I already figured both of you still have a ways to go before being rulers."

Elder grandmas words caused Iris freeze. Her, a queen. She didn't desire power, and neither did Leo. But what woman didn't have the secret fantasy of being considered a princess or queen? She also realized something else, perhaps the driving reason for this mad idea, and that was Leo's pack ability. If his strength increased from people following him, then how strong would he be if he ruled over an entire kingdom? The more Iris thought about this idea, the more feasible it seemed. Elder grandma nodded as it seemed Iris understood part of the reason for this plan.

"If my idea works, then Leo would be able to experience a rapid increase in strength. Every person who joins, every one born, they would all make him stronger. Then if you consider the other details, not every champion is a fighter, if he can recruit the right ones then they might become the pillars of our future kingdom. Plus he already had a city, he just needs to repair it." Iris was shocked once more when she heard her words. She then looked around them, at the ruins of Asdarge.

While the two of them were in talking, Natalie stood off to the side. She wasn't surprised at elder grandmas plan, because she had been helping her with it from the start. Her, Jack, Austin, and Lucy, had all been aware of the plan and helped it by recruiting secretly throughout the village. Leo wasn't aware of it, but he had been causing waves in the people's hearts ever since he arrived. In just the span of a few months, he already surpassed the capabilities of those who had trained for years. And he was still getting stronger.

They and a few others weren't stupid, they knew that one day they would get dragged into a fight. All it took was a few people adventuring into the north, and they would be discovered and attacked. The only way of life they'd know after that, would be death or slavery. So the people decided on the best decision available, follow the one who might be able to protect them. As she started getting lost in thought, their conversation came to a close.

"I want to think about this a bit more, but Leo needs to know. I don't think you'd do anything bad, but a proper king needs to make the decision himself, and not have others around him make it for them. I'll wait until after the wedding, but then I'll spill everything to him." Elder grandma nodded, she specter as much. And replied to the girl,

"Not to worry, I planned to tell him anyways. As you said, he needs to make the decision himself. And I already know he's not ready to lead an entire nation, but he'll need to find it in himself soon. Now, back to topic at hand. Sadly there's only a few working items left, but they'll still benefit us." At her words, Iris remembered what they were doing there, and became more focused on the previous topic. Elder grandma pulled out several items from the chest, a couple daggers, a couple mirrors, and a couple rings. Iris could t help but notice that everything was a pair.

"These items are actually pretty good for us, let's move out to where there's more light." And so they returned to the headstone, and elder grandma laid the items on the ground and started explaining them.

"These daggers, they are plain in performance, but indestructible and never need maintenance. The mirrors are probably the best things there, they allow communication between the holders. I'll keep one, and you have the other. Then while the both of you are away, we can still maintain contact. Then if you find any potential followers, you can tell me about it before they arrive." Iris waited for her to describe the last items, the rings. But it appeared that elder grandma wanted to hold onto them, and she didn't say anything. The truth was though, she heard through the other women about earth wedding traditions, and wanted to include the rings during the ceremony for Leo.

Having accomplished their goal, the three women started the return trip. Iris spent the whole trip thinking about elder grandmas words, and what her future would be like if they followed her plan. When they arrived to the village though, she had to keep from laughing out loud while Natalie face palmed. They returned just in time for her to take care of the heavily hungover Jack.