
When Marshal awoke, he was chained at his hands and feet inside a cave. The monster was sitting there staring at him with a knife in his hands, eyes glowing a bright orange. Curiously enough, he was avoiding contact with the blade. Looking past him, he could see the redhead, and an elderly woman standing there watching. Terrified about what was going to happen to him, Marshal tried moving and started talking.

"Plea-" was all he could get out before Leo spoke over him.

"There's no need for that. I want some information, then I'm going to kill you. How cooperative you are depends on how much suffering you go through before hand though. Now, onto my first question, how did you learn about this place?" Marshal wasn't sure if he should cooperate or not, but when he thought about what that thing could do to him before killing him, he thought he should go along with what he said.

"There was a man appearing months ago to the north of our town. No one knew where he came from, but he was all but collapsed when he was found. He was taken in, and then they discovered what he was, a mutant. He disappeared right after, but said something about never going back to the town before doing so. Since there wasn't any town that we could find warrants of him from, rumors started of a hidden mutant town. Later a voice in my head was telling me to find the mutants, I thought it was Artemis testing me to be her champion, obviously I was wrong."

When Leo heard the information, he groaned with irritation. For the first part he deduced it was curly, and added him to the list of people to look for along with the champions. The next part though was what really annoyed him, it was that Artemis had a hand in the attack. They had already gone through the accumulated injuries and deaths, and three people died in the attack. The only reason there wasn't more as because Leo and Iris took most of the enemies attention. He decided that he'll demand answers from the damned goddess later, and turned back to his captive.

"What about he purge that's being worked on, how much danger are we in?" Deciding to go along with the questioning, Marshal was also happy to give him the answers.

"While no one would normally consider this area dangerous, after our failed attack there's a good chance that they'll take more notice of it an attack again. Your best bet honestly, is to try and run as far away as possible" Marshal stated his honest opinion, once it became known that two hundred men lost their lives in these mountains, people would begin looking at it with more interest. Leo nodded his head, accepting Marshals words. He figured that it would be the case to start with. He looked towards Marshal again, and said,

"I guess it's better we get started then." He then stood up and took out another knife while setting down the first one. Marshal became quite scared and practically shouted,

"Wait! I gave you your information! Didn't you say that my death would be quicker if I did?!" Leo nodded once again, and replied,

"I did say your death would be quicker, but I never said exactly how quick. Plus there's the fact that you tried to humiliate my wife to consider. As such, I'm going to use you to conduct an experiment that I've been wanting to for quite some time." Marshal started begging for mercy, when Leo ran the knifes blade over his hand. He was extremely confused, he had never heard about torture with the torturer hurting himself. Then he grabbed Marshal's hand and said out loud to the other two,

"From what I know, werewolves have a certain weakness, silver. I'm not to sure of the extent this weakness applies though, so I've hesitated trying it out on myself. Now that I have a a test subject, I can try it out." Leo then cut Marshal's hand to match his, and gripped it in his. Marshal was confused at first, until a throbbing pain spread throughout his body. He suddenly felt as if his senses were fine tuned, and his strength suddenly increased. He was amazed at what was happening, until a searing pain erupted from his bounds arms and legs.

"AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!" He cried out in pain. A sizzling sound was heard from the chains, as a small amount of smoke drifted into the air. Elder grandma and Iris were shocked at the result, while Leo just hung his head. He had asked Artemis if he was weak to silver, but the goddess had just told him to try it and find out. He didn't want to risk a new werewolf getting out of his imprisonment though, so he had Jack forge some chains with silver, and a dagger to test it. He never told jack the reason for it though.

Leo then continued his experiments for the next twenty minutes, before finally killing Marshal. The captains final moments were painful, but Leo didn't prolong the suffering more than was necessary. After doing the deed, he had once again out on the gloves he used to chain the captain up, but elder grandma stopped him.

"I'll handle that, you just stay away from that stuff." She then took the dagger from him, and took the chains before they all left the cave. Leo turned to the other two, and said to them,

"The fact that werewolves are weak to silver, only the three of us know about it. We never mention it again, and we might not ever need to worry about it, understood?" Not even elder grandma said anything back. They were shocked by what happened, but they both nodded their heads. Leo was right, there was no need to fear a weakness that no one knew.

For the first time since the battle, Leo let go of his werewolf abilities. He turned to elder grandma and Iris and said,

"You guys go on ahead. I want to get some fresh air for a bit." They both nodded and walked away, understanding that his first real battle must have drained him. Leo walked until he reached a river, and hurled everything he had in his stomach.