New ally

After Felix finished his vow, Leo suddenly felt a surge of power, and felt his pocket suddenly heating up. He pulled out the source of the heat, and saw that it was his ID card. He saw that there was a new change, and it brought a smile to his face. Along with the followers stat, was a new number.


Elite followers-1

Leo figured the elite option was for when he recruited champions. Which confused him briefly because it did t seem to count elder grandma, then again she probably didn't count as a real champion when she lost her blessings. He attributed the surge of power to Felix being a champion, and figured that even if they weren't a direct combat champion it still gave him more strength than a normal person.

While Leo was looking at his ID card, he suddenly heard cries of pain coming from Felix. He looked over and saw Iris trying to crush Felix's head with her claws. Leo was about to call her off, but her next words stopped him.

"Now that you got the pressing issues out of the way, I would like to know why you decided to make out with my husband while LOOKING LIKE ME!!!" Leo decided that he wanted to hear Felix's reason too, especially since he said he didn't actually swing that way. He was also somewhat annoyed at him impersonating Iris. Felix saw he wasn't getting any help, and quickly explained.

"I figured it was the best idea to get him to let his guard down. Most people who are powerful keep a guard up even when they sleep, plus I knew he was cautious of me from the moment we met in front of the gate. For all I knew it was a trap to lure me in for the kill. It wasn't the first time I seduced a guy in the form of a girl, and I doubt it'll be the last; but anything goes to get the target."

When Leo heard his reasoning, he felt quite a bit of pity and respect for Felix. Not many guys were willing to put aside their pride and take a girls form to sleep with another guy for a chance at their life. After hearing his reason, Leo decided he suffered enough.

"Go ahead and let him go Iris, I'm sure he's learn his lesson." But as Iris released Felix's head, Leo walked over and gripped his shoulder. He applied pressure and said to Felix,

"I don't think I need to say this, but I'm going to anyway. If you ever turn into my wife again, I won't stop her from getting ahold of you; and if you ever use her form for anything questionable, not even Loki will be able to protect you." Leo had on a kind smile, even though his words were anything but. Felix was once again drenched in a cold sweat. After things settled down, they sent Felix to Thomas's room and two days later, it was time to move on.

They had decided to depart early in the morning after their second night in Frontier town. Since Felix was about to leave the town anyways, he joined them as they traveled to Lawrence city. After leaving the town behind them, Leo started talking about his plans for taking on Arthur, and the details about his pack ability. When he heard that Leo grew stronger with each follower he gained, Felix jumped right onto the idea of Leo ruling the beast men, as it would only help him get strong enough to take on Arthur.

When Leo explained the reason that he wanted to recruit the dwarves first, Felix nodded his head in agreement. There was no point in gaining so many subjects if there was no place for them yet. However, he explained that instead of trying to recruit the entire beast race at once, Leo should have someone travel to the villages near Asdarge and send them to the safety he could provide. Since it was undiscovered so far, it was a lot safer there than the villages that have been known about for years.

Leo figured it wasn't a bad idea, as they could help get the farms started, and used the mirror to report to elder grandma about Felix and his idea. At first she didn't trust him, but when Leo mentioned that Felix swore on Loki to serve him, she became a lot more accepting. She said that she'll send people to the locations Felix mentioned, and hopefully they'll have their first official allies.

Leo had noticed one thing about Felix that disturbed him though, after they finished discussing all the heavy stuff the day before, he switched back into the cocky attitude. It made it harder to read him when he changed the way he acted so skillfully. One moment he was cocky, then he was pleading with Leo, then he was filled with an indescribable bloodlust. The switches were so quick that he had a hard time keeping track of which one was the "real" Felix. Finally he asked him about.

"Felix, how do you change your expressions and attitude so skillfully?" Surprised at the question, he turned to face Leo. After they called the first meeting to a close, Felix had used his ability to hide both his ears and his tails, but he still had the same look as when he introduced himself. He pondered Leo's question for a moment before answering.

"It was the first thing Loki taught me before becoming his champion. When Felicia was taken, I was nothing but a bundle of rage, and I didn't care who knew it. I lost myself in training with short swords or daggers, and prayed to whichever God would take me. It wasn't for another year when I was eleven that Loki answered. He said that I had to learn from him before he accepted me though, and his first lesson was to hide my rage. He said that if I could fool myself, then I could fool others. It's this training that put my ability to impersonate others to use, because if I only acted as myself then I would always be found out immediately."

Leo was thoughtful at Felix's answer, envious that he had time to train before becoming a champion. He got blackmailed into it when he didn't even know which way was up. As this thought went through his head for the hundredth time, he could have sworn that he heard Artemis laughing in the back of his mind again, and mentally told her to shut the hell up.

They spent the next several weeks traveling, only truly stopping when Leo had to leave for the full moon. Leo had to pray that he didn't end up eating a farmer or something during the night. Luckily the night passed without incident, and they continued on the way to Lawrence city. After nearly a month and half after leaving the village, they finally saw a spread out city and large wall in front of it, waiting for them in the distance.