Mother and daughter

"Mary?" The woman said silently, but due to the tavern being dead silent, everyone heard her. The woman had tears start showing in her eyes, as she tried to reach out to Iris.

"Mary! It is you! I know those eyes anywhere! It's your mother Hilda, I'm so happy you're alive!" At this point the woman reached out and tried to take iris's hands, only for her to slap them away. Iris had the look of a demoness, as she looked at the woman who she grew up believing threw her away. She looked at the woman, and only said four words,

"My name is Iris!" As she fixed her with a cold stare. Hilda's tears ran down her face to fall onto the floor at her feet at her daughters rejection of her. It was this point that Shane who had also gone into shock, became aware of the situation. He recalled the woman that took the thing his wife birthed away, and was filled with fear for a brief moment. When he didn't see her around though, he grew bold and fixed his glare onto Iris. Iris's attention was switched to Shane as she detected his hostility.

"I threw you away you little freak bitch, did you return so I could finish the job?" Shane sneered at her, it was this point that Leo stopped looking at Hilda and turned his attention back to Shane. At this moment however, Hilda moved suddenly between Shane and Iris shocking the whole tavern. Where there was only defeat a moment before, her eyes blazed with fury as she tried to protect her daughter, even if she didn't accept her. She had only taken his abuse before, but now she spoke to him clearly,

"Don't you lay a single finger on her! I failed to protect her all those years ago, and I won't repeat the same mistake!" Leo found her courageous actions admirable, which was why when Shane reached forward Leo grabbed his arm. Shane looked at him in surprise, but Leo only had a smile on his face as he introduced himself.

"My name is Leo, sir and madam, I believe it's more proper to introduce my self as your son-in-law though." Before Shane had time to register Leo's words, he kicked him clear across the room onto a table where he stayed down. Hilda took a moment before she realized what Leo said, and recalled he said Iris was his wife earlier. She then started looking him up and down as if appraising him. Hilda quickly turned her attention back to Iris however, and tried to talk to her.

"M- Iris, please let me talk to you. Even if you don't want me in your life, just let me say what I want to. Please just let me apologize..." As she finished her sentence Hilda started crying again, all her fury from a moment ago lost. Iris was about to refuse her with a glare, but Leo quickly grabbed her and walked a slight distance away.

"Iris, I think we should listen to what she wants to say." Iris looked as if she had been betrayed as she protested.

"Did you forget he just said he threw me away, if elder grandma hadn't gotten me I probably would have died! And you want me to try to forgive them?!" Leo nodded as he heard her words, but in his mind he had the thought Shane threw her away not Hilda. In elder grandmas story she had only met Shane, and Hilda said she wasn't able to protect Iris. This along with the way she acted tonight, Leo felt it would be best to attempt to form a relationship with Hilda at least. He decided to use his secret weapon in this argument, even if it was a low blow.

"I only know if it was me, I would give an arm and a leg to see my parents or sister again." Iris flinched noticeably at Leo's words. He told her about the accident, even if she didn't understand some of the words he used like "airplane". So she knew that chances were high that Leo's family was dead, or even if they miraculously survived, as a lost person there was no way Leo would ever see them again. When she compared their situations, she at least had a chance to form a relationship with her mother; she knew there was no denying the connection. Looking at the way she acted, it was like she was throwing a temper tantrum.

"I suppose we could at hear her out..." As she wasn't speaking quietly, Hilda beamed when she heard her accept. Leo then turned to her and said,

"I know it is late at night ma'am, but do you mind if we intrude on you for a bit?" Even though it was almost the middle of the night, Leo felt they had to do this as quickly as possible so Iris didn't change her mind. Hilda's smile widened even further at his words.

"Of course, my house isn't far from here and I can put on some tea." Her husband completely forgotten, Hilda quickly led the way to the door. Leo leaned over to Felix, and said,

"Take care of Shane for me, don't do any thing too drastic for now though." Felix nodded at Leo's words, and he also went to the counter before leaving.

"How much for the table and chairs?" He asked in order to pay for the damage. The bartender just shook his head though, while looking scared that Leo might try to do something to him if he asked for money. Leo sighed, and reached into his coin pouch and pulled out five silver coins.

"For the damages, the rest can go towards drinks for your patrons." Hearing Leo's words the bartenders eyes went wide, and the customers cheered. He knew it was quite steep for repairs, but figured it might earn some silence regarding Iris being a mutant. Even if it didn't, they might drink enough to forget most of the details. Settling the matters, Leo followed Hilda out and towards her house.