
As Hilda heard elder grandmas words, her face started twitching. She was filled with several emotions, anger at the one who took her baby, gratitude at the one who saved her from shane, and anxiety at the decision that Iris would make. Iris was surprised at elder grandma entering the he conversation, and she was also conflicted with Hilda's story. On one hand she had spent her whole life thinking her mother hated her, on the other hand she was almost wanting a closer relationship after finding out what actually happened.

"It's nice to meet you elder grandma, thank you for taking care of Iris all these years." Though she said the words she almost had a grimace when she did. At that moment elder grandma said to Leo and Iris,

"I want to talk with her for a while, Hilda is there a place for them to sleep until morning?" Leo was surprised, of all the ways for elder grandma to react to Hilda he didn't expect her to recommend them staying the night there. Hilda looked equally surprised, and turned to the triplets,

"Can you three lead them to the spare room, and make sure they have everything they need!" It almost sounded like an order due to her high tensions. The three boys agreed, and led Leo and Iris upstairs. Marcus and Michael split towards their own shared room, while Mathew led them further down the hall.

"This is a storage room, but we keep a bed in there just in case. There should be several blankets if you need them, and if you need anything else we'll be right next door." Leo and Iris said their thanks, and before Mathew walked away Leo called out to him. He pulled something from his pouch and gave it to him.

"This is called silverherb, we use it for injuries and you guys might like to use some. Just crush it up and add a little water before spreading it on your injury. You might want to take some to Hilda first though." At first Mathew didn't know what to make of the leaves Leo handed him, but hearing their use his eyes widened. He said his thanks and rushed down the stairs to give some to his mother. Though Leo didn't intend to let Shane stick around, he decided to let them keep his stash of the herb just in case. After all the excitement of the day, Leo and Iris passed out almost as soon as they laid down. They had only remained conscious long enough for her to crawl into his arms.

When the sun came up the next morning, Leo and Iris rose with it. The reason being, they could both smell breakfast being made downstairs. For Iris it was a new experience as she grew up in the huts so it was hard to do anything without alerting someone else; Leo was reminded of earth though, and the weekend mornings he woke to find his mother making breakfast. The two made their way downstairs, to find Hilda cooking with a radiant smile across her face. The best part was that the bruise Shane gave her the night before was gone as well. Leo thought the talks the night before went well from her expression, and was glad that the two of them seemed to come to some kind of arrangement.

"Good morning Leo, Iris, I'm making breakfast for you two. The boys already left for work, so that gives us a little time to talk about what elder grandma and I discussed last night. Just sit down and let me finish this up." As Leo sat down, she placed some portions of bacon and eggs in front of him. Iris though, was blushing slightly as she started making her tea. She didn't make any after they messed around the day before, and she was trying to play it off as if she was helping out in the kitchen. Hilda didn't buy it though, and tried to take over.

"No, you go sit down and I'll make this for you. What kind of tea is this, I've haven't seen leaves like this before?" Leo wasn't sure if he should laugh or cry at the question, and as Iris turned Crimson starting at her ears, he tried to make up an excuse for her.

"It's just made with some herbs where she grew up, she has it every morning with breakfast." Leo tried to play it off, but Hilda noticed how red Iris was and grew suspicious. She suddenly recalled a friend using a type of tea to prevent a child the night after being with her lover, and with iris's red face connected the dots. Hilda's face started twitching noticeably at the realization, and tried to calm herself by reminding herself that they were already married therefor she shouldn't be too surprised. She then handed the stuff back to her, and tried to forcibly change the topic.

"So, about what we talked about last night. Elder grandma had told me that the two of you will be staying in Lawrence city for a while, so I would like to offer you the room until you leave. Depending on the situation, when you're ready to leave she'll come here and I might be leaving with the boys to your village. I plan to mention it to them tonight at dinner, but I doubt they'll disagree with the idea. There's not much tying us here at the moment, I'm just concerned what Shane would do before then. Elder grandma said that I could rely on you if something happens though Leo?" Leo smiled at her questioning look before replying,

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here he won't lay a finger on you or the boys. If he tries with Iris, chances are he'll end up losing the hand so no worries there. Believe it or not, I wasn't helping you or Iris last night, I was making sure he didn't die from picking a fight with her." At Leo's words Iris turned red again, but didn't deny them. Hilda's eyes went wide again, and looked at her daughter in amazement. Leo finished his breakfast, and left the two women to catch up while he returned to the inn to get their belongings, and ask what Felix did to Shane the night before.