
Leo looked at the dwarves that had gathered apparently for a fight. However he could also see interest in some of them as one walked forward. Surprisingly he spoke the human language to Leo,

"Greetings humans, I would like to know why it is you have intruded in our territory." His words were somewhat welcoming, but his tone wasn't wasn't as pleasant. Leo thought about his next words, before saying,

"We have come in aid of the dwarves, so that we might unite against the growing threat. We are as threatened as you are." At Leo's words Iris looked at them and showed them her eyes. The dwarves own eyes widened as they thought about this development. The dwarf looked thoughtful for a moment, then said,

"I am known as Agmundr, one of the dwarves Chiefs. How do I know you are truly intending to help us, this woman could be a simple ploy to get us to let our guard down against you." Leo was about to answer, but then he heard one of the dwarves muttering in the background.

{more like a prostitute he found in a brothel to bat her pretty eyes at us} The dwarves around him laughed silently at his words, until a bloodthirsty aura pressed down on all of them. The one who spoke looked up in terror, and saw leo glaring at him with glowing orange eyes.

{speak that way about my wife again, and I'll throw you off this cliff!} surprising everyone present, the ones who he wasn't targeting could even feel his aura. They sat back watching the situation, it was their own kinsman who started it but if Leo tried to attack then they wouldn't stay still.

They were really surprised though, when they heard Leo speaking the dwarves language. They were doubly surprised, when iris's eyes also started glowing orange. Leo then stated to the gathered dwarves,

{we are not humans, don't confuse us with them!} After a few moments the glow faded from Leo's eyes and the bloodthirsty aura started disappearing. There was an audible sigh of relief through those who had faced the brunt of Leo's rage. They also started glaring slightly at the one who spoke for nearly bringing that beast down on them. Leo felt this was the most desirable situation though, as he was able to demonstrate that he wasn't human and that he wasn't a pushover. The gathered dwarves now looks at him with a small measure of fear, so Leo decided to confirm that he was in fact an ally.

{The two of us come from the far northern mountains, there is a small settlement of mutants up there that has escaped the persecution of normal mutants. We came here to call for allies to stand with us in the coming fights, or to join us as we build our own nation away from human control.} Leo knew he probably made down mistakes in his speech, as he lacked real use of the dwarves language. It seemed as if the message had gotten to them though, as they looked at Leo with a small amount of respect now. Then the one who called himself Agmundr stepped forward, and announced to the whole assembled group,

{I personally witnessed the two of them attack the human encampment below, and cause devastation that was in no way forged to fool us.} Leo was surprised as he didn't realize that he was being watched by the dwarves even before he started climbing. The dwarves started muttering amongst themselves, though this time they weren't trash talking. Apparently Agmundr didn't inform them of the fact that Leo and Iris already fought the humans once before climbing. Leo then decided to sweeten the talks.

{there was also an expedition to the north to investigate us, my wife Iris and I were the ones who primarily fought and eliminated the two hundred soldiers. With the natural barriers and abundant resources we wish to bring more dwarves, elves, and beastmen north to unite the races, and push back the humans!} the dwarves were shocked to hear that Leo and Iris already fought off a human army, but hearing about how he wanted to unite the races some started to protest.

{Why would we want to unite with the elves and beastmen? Where were they when this siege started and why haven't they bothered to help us even now?} Leo groaned internally, he had an idea that there was tensions between the races, but he hoped the current situation would help them understand that they needed to cooperate. He decided to use the ultimate weapon for negotiations that he used with Felix.

{what if by setting aside your differences and uniting with them, I will be able to properly challenge Arthur?} at Leo's words every dwarf became alert. Agmundr looked at him suspiciously, and asked,

{why do you think that you will be able to defeat Arthur? Many have tried over the last thousand years and none succeeded!} Leo already expected this question, and decided that he needed to reveal this information. Pulling back his sleeve, Leo revealed his brand and started explaining,

{I'm branded by Artemis, and I have sworn to kill Arthur. My blessing allows me to increase my initial strength whenever I gain followers. If you follow me, then your entire races strength will go into helping me defeat the one that caused so much pain and suffering to your people.} at Leo's words, Agmundr and all the dwarves looked uncomfortable, he knew Leo was telling the truth when he said that he had swore to kill Arthur. Every one of them however found it uncomfortable to swear loyalty to someone they just met. Agmundr thought of an idea, and explained to Leo,

{if you truly wish for us to follow you, then prove you deserve our loyalty. Help us prepare, and fight beside us in the coming battle.} Leo smiled, and replied,

{I would ask for nothing more.}