Devils luck

Alex flicked his sword to remove the blood from the dwarf he just beheaded, a foolish specimen swinging around a hammer bigger than it. He looked around the battlefield, and frowned. Though they seemed to be in a stalemate, he was loosing more commanders due to a sniper. His first thought was the woman that helped attack the camp a few weeks prior, as he had blocked few arrows as well. Suddenly he heard a great roar,


He turned to look at the source, and saw a giant beast swinging a battle axe through his men like they were weeds. Every man dropped what they were doing except the ones in its path as they became overwhelmed with fear. Alex thought this was some weapon of the dwarves, but he saw that none seemed to know what this was either. The thing made its way over to towards the dwarf he beheaded, and picked up its hammer in its right hand as it kept its axe in its left. Once they realized what it was doing, all the men in the area tried to flee.

It carved its way through his men with little effort, everywhere it went rivers of blood and gore were all that was left. Alex then heard another roar, and turned to see another monster coming straight at him. This one was slender compared to the first, a female? It didn't matter Alex needed to run now! He called out the retreat, they weren't ready to handle these things!

"RETREAT, RETREAT TO THE TUNNELS!" He called out to his remaining men, just in time for the female to slash him with her claws. Alex was sent flying into the stone wall behind him, only for it to give way into some kind of chute. He spent the next several minutes on the border of consciousness due to his injuries as he fell down the length of the mountain. As the chute emptied him out near his men, they quickly ran over and tried to ask what happened. It took Alex several more minutes to realize that he was back on the ground, away from the battle.

"Clo- CLOSE THE TUNNELS!!" He screamed at his men, hoping that closing the tunnels would be enough to stop those horrors. They were confuse for a moment due to the fact that there were still several thousand men in the mountains, but seeing the marks of his body moved to do as he said. It didn't take long for the sounds of explosives to echo out, and the tunnels they worked so hard to claim were closed.

They then started the retreat, so that Alex was able to report what he saw in the mountain. He felt as if he forgot a very crucial detail though as he thought back on it from his recovery bed. It wasn't until much later that he saw how those things marked his face and body, and he swore to have his revenge.

Back at the battle however, Agmundr was experiencing a mixture of horror and shock at the sight of Leo and Iris. Leo wielded an axe in his left hand, and Karl's hammer in his right, while Iris just tore through the the opponents with her claws. Though they never harmed any dwarves, just seeing them tear through the army as if they were nothing on a beastly rampage was enough to inspire both terror and awe in the dwarven people. He had wondered what set them off, but when he saw the hammer Leo used was Karl's realization dawned on him, and he shed a few tears for his fallen friend.

He decided to leave the main tunnel to the two of them, and focused on the ones he was in charge of. The plan was to use the magic muskets on waves so that there was no gap in reloading. These weapons Leo brought them were a real game changer as he puts it, he said they required some other form of power before, but they used magic crystals and runes to replace them. As the battle wore on the humans began to dwindle in number due to Leo and Iris. They had long since cleared the main tunnel, and we're now roaming the numerous routes to find more enemies to kill.