
After they held the funeral service for those who didn't make it through the battle, Leo and Iris were now in a meeting with the other dwarven Chiefs about future plans. Because they all saw them transformed, there was quite a bit more awe in the way the dwarves looked at them. He was making sure the Chiefs knew what it meant to migrate to Asdarge, as they wouldn't be able to provide for all of them immediately. Thankfully when he got ahold of elder grandma she said that some of the beastman tribes had already moved there and started mass farming projects.

{when we arrive there are already farms and a small village being made, but what I want the dwarves to focus on are the ruins above. If we get the city itself in working order then we can start on greenhouses and ways to sustain ourselves year round.} the dwarves nodded at his plans, as they had next to no other choice. They needed to prioritize housing for the winters, and food supply. The main problem they had was this though,

{how can we all move there without being in constant combat?} one of the Chiefs asked. Leo sighed, as he couldn't think of a way to do that either. The only thing he was able to think of was a giant caravan, but that was like a giant target. They were stuck on this one problem, until the new warrior chief, a young dwarf, said,

{what about the labyrinth?} the other Chiefs had mixed reactions, some were thoughtful, others were angry, the rest sighed in exasperation. Leo was confused though, what was this labyrinth? Seeing his confusion Agmundr explained,

{the labyrinth is a large tunnel complex spanning what we believe is the whole continent, but it could very well go farther. It also goes deep into the ground, no one has ever actually determined how deep it goes. There's no actual determined reason for its existence, but some believe that several gods had a hand in it. It comes to the surface at several points, there's even one right below us, but none ever willingly go down there due to the dangers.} Leo was excited to think about this, if he could use this correctly, he could make it something like his own Underground Railroad.

He thought of possibly using it to help those affected by the purge move to Asdarge, and maybe in the future make a railway down there for faster travel. If that was the case then they would be able to return to Tirdaral in the future as well, and possibly use it for a center of the network. As Leo's thoughts continued he grew even more excited about this labyrinth. But there was something that he needed to confirm first,

{does it go to the north?} if it didn't go near Asdarge, then there wasn't any point. Agmundr then went to a shelving unit for maps, and pulled down several. He then pointed to one area,

{we have only explored parts of the labyrinth, but we have gone north before. There is an exit!} Iris looked at the spot he pointed at and studied it for several moments, before saying,

{that should be somewhere near Asdarge, I remember that area when I went there with elder grandma. It might take us several months, but we should be able to make it.} Leo became excited at her words, but several of the Chiefs were looking worried and he recalled they said there were dangers.

{you said that there were dangers in the labyrinth, what kind? Iris and I might be able to protect the front of the caravan while the Warriors protect the rear, down there we won't have to worry about the sides as much either. If we manage to remove these dangers we might even be able to make use of the tunnels later as well.} the gathered Chiefs a fell silent at Leo's words as they considered them.

Most of the dangers were monsters that made the tunnels their home, undead, and there were rumors of even dark beings such as liches living there. When Leo heard all of this he wasn't disturbed in the least. Though the way through would be dangerous, but after conquering it they would gain much more. He then made his decision and announced it to the group.

{we're trying the labyrinth. While the civilians are preparing to leave, Iris and I will take small groups down and examine the path to remove any dangers. If needed we'll also have the escorts bring down side tunnels to ensure no other threats move in. Once we start moving as I said the two of us will lead and be the ones to remove any obstacles on the move.} Leo's words worried the Chiefs, but they also helped many of them see him in a new light.

Leo had said that he would be the one facing any dangers. This told the Chiefs that he seriously considered their lives to be more important, and that he wouldn't hesitate to run into trouble for them. They continued making plans for the next couple of hours, then they ended the meeting. Leo and Iris then went to talk to elder grandma and ask her to work from that end.

"We're planning on trying the labyrinth, after giving you the coordinates can you have some people go and guard the exit for us? We would take several months, but we should hopefully make it in time for winter." She sighed at his words, as she also heard of the dangers of that place even if she never went down there herself.

"In case you forgot I'm also on the road right now, I'll have to wait until I get back but we should still have enough time. By the way these Felix and Hilda are quite interesting, and Iris's brothers are quite well mannered. It's been a while since I was actually treated like and old lady. They'll be welcomed in the new village though, it'll be nice to be able to start keeping animals and a full time blacksmith, even if we're about to be invaded by an entire country of them." Leo ignored her quip, and thanked her before handing the mirror to Iris so that she could talk to elder grandma and Hilda. They then started preparing for raiding the labyrinth.