Both of us

For the next week Leo was in the dungeon being whipped by Curly, and interrogated daily by Andrew. He could have broken out if he wanted, but didn't since it would make them especially alert for another attack since they knew he and Iris were their enemies. Plus, if he was here when the army attacked, as he didn't think they would leave him or wait for him to escape, then he was already in the castle for a straight shot at the royal family, to settle a now personal agenda.

He wasn't sure if it was on purpose, but he noticed that every night he could see the moon perfectly out of the small barred window of his cell. He kept track of its cycles, and worst case scenario, he was there for another week and went wolf on them when it was full. His only worry was Iris, as he knew she wasn't caught, and hoped she wouldn't try to break him out. Curly didn't seem as if he could be happier, as he whipped Leo as much as possible.

With each crack of the whip Leo recalled a different name of those he wanted to kill.








The innkeeper

And every other person he swore to kill during this trip, the disgusting nobles, the slave masters, Alex. The list would go on, and when he reached the end of it, he'd start over. This went on for an entire week, with Leo bidding his time. It was on the seventh day after he was imprisoned, that Andrew came again, while grinning like he just won the lottery.


Iris stood on a cliff faces get Heliantis, going over the past week once more. She had heard on her way out of the city that they caught the one who kidnapped the princess, and used the shadows to cloak herself before scaling the walls to avoid capture. She then returned by herself to the tunnels to meet with and advance with the dwarves, but found that things didn't go the way they wanted. Apparently the monsters in the labyrinth had been attracted by the smorgasbord that was the dwarves, and had attacked in greater density than they did with her and Leo. Even Natalie and Jack didn't get out unscathed.

As a result, while there were minor casualties, there were several injuries that they needed to push back the attack for, at the most a month. She knew the full moon was just a week away, and that Leo was most likely waiting for them to break out. Ignoring their objections, she left behind the army and returned to Heliantis alone, to break Leo out. She regretted it now, not telling him when she first found out the real reason for her sickness, and trying to wait until they left the city. It was for this reason she couldn't wait.

As she looked down on the city she thought of her plan once more, she intended to start at the colosseum, and attempt to get the gladiators on her side. If she could increase her numbers, then she could be better ensured of her and Leo's safety when fleeing. After recruiting them, she would travel to the palace and eliminate anyone who crossed her path to her husband.

She then turned her gaze to the castle, and a gentle look appeared on her face, as she missed her husband. She hoped she would be able to help the princess as well, but she would prioritize Leo no matter what. She then whispered, as if she thought it would reach Leo,

"Please be safe," she then placed her hands on her lower abdomen, in a gesture of care and protection.

"For both our sakes."

She continued to wait on the cliffs until the sun started to go down. And when the shadows covered the land, cloaked herself as well and stepped off of the cliff.


When Leo saw Andrew walk in looking as if he had just won the lottery, one thing crossed his mind.

'They found her!' He thought in brief panic, though he kept his face neutral to avoid giving Andrew any satisfaction. The king in question looked down on Leo and said with glee,

"Guess what." Leo responded with his usual silence. The king grinned even wider, and said,

"There was a healer, that just got back from one of the surrounding villages yesterday. What do you think was the first thing she heard? "Red haired, golden eyed woman wanted" Apparently the first thing she did this morning was come to give us information, of a woman with red hair, and golden eyes who visited her the day before we captured you." As Leo heard his words he was confused, Iris was feeling ill yes, but why did she need to go to a healer? He didn't even ask his question, before Andrew answered it with even more glee.

"Apparently, the healers diagnosis was that the bitch, is expecting puppies." At his words Leo felt as if his entire body was filled with ice.


Was all he could think as his mind raced to make sense of Andrews words. He immediately thought it was just a ploy to get him to talk, but then the healing woman in question walked in flanked by Curly and Alex. She then said,

"It's true, I expect she's about to reach her third month. I was about to leave for the village, when she appeared and flashed a bag of coins in my face." As he heard it Leo attempted to deny it, it couldn't be true. He must've been shaking his head somewhat, because the healer then said,

"The woman carries a pair of scars along her forearm, does she not?" Leo became even more distressed when he heard that, as Iris kept herself covered to hide her eyes.

Seeing that the news was getting to Leo, Andrew felt immense satisfaction. He had been trying to get to him for a week, but no matter how much they whipped him, he wouldn't budge. He was trying to decided how to change tactics, when this healer arrived at the perfect moment. He now felt victorious, as if they got their hands on the woman, they might not need Leo anymore. Andrew opened his mouth to speak, but he failed to anticipate the consequences of his next words.

"The mark you carry is that of Artemis, is it not? Then I'll propose a hunt, in the name of the goddess of the hunt, a hunt for the bitch of her champion, and the pups she carries!" When Alex heard his king, he grew nervous. The gods rarely interfered when their champions were in trouble, but if they were insulted personally, then their wrath would be swift, and terrible.

"Your grace, perhaps we shouldn't involve Artemis in this. I mean we do not wish to incite a goddess herself." Andrew didn't acknowledge his advisors worries, and simply declared,

"What wrath? The gods care not for us! I fear the wrath of Arthur, the one whom I may have to present a spoiled daughter to in a mere few months! Why should I fear the wrath of those who cower in their divine worlds, while he slaughters their people for sport? So how about it "champion"? Everyone in the city already knows we're searching for her, and the people traveling here for the slave auction just decreases her chances of hiding! I'll just increase the reward for her, as they are now "hunting" for more than one person, aye?"

Andrew continued raving for several minutes, before leaving while laughing. The now nervous Alex and the healer followed him, while Curly came and whispered into Leo's ears,

"I'll be back later, I'm going to wait until the moon is up before I show the goddess what I'm doing to her champion personally." He then left the room. Leo was left with his head down, as if defeated.

But if any of them bothered to check him, they would see that there was no feeling of defeat in him, there was only rage, and blood thirst.

'How dare they threaten my child! How dare they!'

This thought revolved in his head, fueling his rage, before he stirred.

'Fuck the plans, fuck the army, FUCK THE HELIANTIS EMPIRE!!!'

He thought in rage, as his eyes became the most vibrant orange they ever had. He was about to rip his chains from the walls, and leave to rip any who crossed him to shreds, but suddenly stopped.

'Calm yourself my champion.' Anyone else would believe they were words meant to calm Leo down, but he heard the venom in her voice.

'Calm yourself, and wait for my rise tonight. Then, the Heliantis empire will pay for insulting a goddess, they will learn once more what it means TO INCITE A DIVINES WRATH!' She practically shouted in rage in his head. Leo did as she bid, and waited.

He waited.

And waited.

Until finally, the moon rose.

It was another week until the full moon, so it should have only been half full, however this moon was completely full, bigger than it should've been, and as red as blood. As the moon rose, Leo raised his head, and opened his eyes. Instead of their usual vibrant orange, they were as red as the moon.