Wiped out

King Andrew was in his throne room with all of his sons and elite warriors, minus Alex. He sent a couple men to retrieve his daughter, but they never came back. Now he was trying to organize some form of retaliation against the monsters plaguing his city. He turned to his trusted body guard,

"Praxis, take some men and retrieve Alice at all costs, surviving tonight doesn't mean anything if she can't pacify Arthur in a few months." The man saluted, before shouldering his giant war hammer and walking towards the doors of the hall. Right as he reached it,



The doors to the throne room blasted open, and a flood of monsters poured in. They immediately attacked the soldiers accompanying Praxis, and tore them to shreds. The man himself impressively managed to hold a couple at bay, before they finally overtook him. Unlike the others though he wasn't instantly killed, but brought towards a specific one, with dark red fur. It looked down at him as they all watched in horror, and a growling voice sounded out,

"How... many... times... did you... hit me... exactly?" It seemed to have some difficulty speaking at first, but seemed to getting better with each word. It's question confused most of those gathered, but the king and Praxis understood clearly, this was the prisoner they had captured and interrogated, Leo the werewolf, champion of Artemis. Praxis started stuttering at the question, before saying,

"Please, I was only following orders. The king is the one you want, not me!" Andrew was astounded that his "trusted bodyguard", turned on him at the drop of a hat, as he instantly tried to betray him. The monster grinned an evil grin filled with razor sharp teeth, and replied,

"I... Know... That's why... He's next..." Both men paled, before Leo suddenly swung one of his claws with great speed, and opened Praxis's stomach, allowing the intestines inside to spill out. Leo then dropped praxis to the ground, done with him now. He turned to the remaining people, and pointed his blood soaked claws at them,


The dozens of werewolves rushed to obey his commands. What ensued couldn't even count as a battle, more like a one sided slaughter. The elites of Andrew managed to repel a couple of his werewolves, but it was ultimately futile as they soon fell to tooth, and claw. Soon there was just Andrew and his sons left, as all of those who faithfully served him began transforming. Leo however called off assault, and strode forward. The one who looked the oldest, possibly Andrews successor, came forward with his sword held high, and said,

"I challenge you! Fight me man to man, and let's settle this!" Leo snorted at the mans declaration, and started shrinking before he stood before them in the buff. He then sneered,

"Now then, let's see the might of the entire royal family, armed to the teeth, against a single man in his birthday suit." As if enraged by his words, the crown prince charged forward with his sword held high, and yelled with the look of a hero about to save his country, before Leo grabbed his sword arm and tore it off.


The prince yelled in pain, as his blood sprayed to color the hall even redder. Leo's face didn't even react, as he flung the prince to the side and continued on as if he simply threw away some trash. The crown prince then watched from the side, as all of his brothers charged together, and were butchered with ease. Leo then turned to Andrew, and casually walked towards him. Andrew immediately drew his own sword, and took a defensive stance. He then declared,

"I'll not let you destroy my city monster!" Leo froze for a moment, then started laughing as if he heard the joke of the century. The only other two left alive, the king and the crown prince, became confused, before Leo turned to the crown prince and asked,

"Do you know why this is happening?" He didn't say anything, and just glared at Leo. He sighed and explained,

"It's because your father antagonized me and a goddess by declaring he'll hunt my wife and unborn child, while declaring it was in her name because he believed he was above the gods themselves." At his words the prince had a look of disbelief, and Andrews face paled even more. Though they learned about how the woman they were hunting was pregnant, he didn't hear about his father antagonizing the gods. He turned to his father and asked,

"Is it true?" His fathers face fell, and it was enough for him to verify Leo's claims. Leo suddenly turned away from Andrew, and started walking back towards the crown prince. He kneeled down next to him, and said,

"This'll probably make the villain, but I'm going to kill your heir now Andrew, and his last thought will be about how his father threw away his life, and the lives of your entire kingdom, for the sake of a few moments vanity." They both widened their eyes in shock, before Leo grabbed the princes head and twisted, snapping his neck. It was his small mercy to him that he didn't let him suffer more.

Seeing the last of his sons killed in front of him in such a way, the king finally lost all will to resist. Leo stood and walked towards the king once more, kicking the sword away from him at the same time, before he suddenly swung his leg at one of the Kings arms.


The sound of bone breaking sounded throughout the throne room, shortly followed by the king screaming. Leo moved to another spot, and took aim once more at his knee, destroying his kneecap and bending it completely backwards, earning another scream. He then continued with precise attacks, as he slowly destroyed the Kings body without killing him. Finally when he had almost every bone in his body shattered, Leo gave him mercy, and ripped off his head, ending the king of the Heliantis kingdom.


Leo sat at the top of the castle, his eyes watching the east for the rising sun. It had been several hours since he killed the king, and even though he wanted to go and find Iris, he stayed at the castle to wait until the night was over. He watched as fires spread throughout the city, and listened as people screamed at the inhumanity as they were mauled by monstrous beasts. Soon, the blood red moon sank behind a distant mountain, and the red glow faded from his eyes, as well as the eyes of every werewolf in the city, now numbering in the thousands.

Only a few short minutes after the moon set, the sun peaked over the mountains on the other side. The moment it's light reached one of the wolves near him, it burst into flames and was reduced to ashes seconds later. He watched as the same thing happened to each and every one of the thousands of new werewolves, as the sun slowly rose in the sky, before he finally left the so castle roof tops to find his wife.

The night of slaughter finally ended.