
As Alice took in her surroundings, what she witnessed would give her nightmares for weeks. Gathered around her were several people that she didn't recognize, but due to the brands of their arms she knew they were champions. They were all captured, wearing shackles meant to seal magic, and gathered in front of her and Arthur. Arthur turned to her, and said,

"I gave you a chance. You could have been mine, and lived forever in pleasure. But instead, you chose a mutt, and dirtied yourself. Now, you'll watch as I take them all from you, before I finally end your dog right in front of your face." As he spoke another couple of prisoners entered her view, Leo and Iris. She froze when she saw them as both were bound in chains, but they didn't look like normal chains, and smoke rose from where it touched their skin. When Leo turned her heart lurched, when she saw that one of his arms had been torn off recently.

All of them finally gathered, one of Arthur's wives stepped forward with a large sword, and she recognized the nine tailed fox beastman she had seen last time. The first one was dragged forward, and Alice saw it was Felix. When he saw the woman he turned ashen grey, and shouted,

"Felicia! Please don't do this!" The girl didn't listen to him though, as he was moved into position in front of her. She raised the sword,

"Felicia, please-" whatever else Felix was about to say was cut off, along with his head from his body. Watching the grisly scene up close, Alice almost screamed. As if not caring that she killed someone she was apparently close to formerly, she kicked the body away, and turned to the next one. She then worked mechanically through all of the captives, people Alice didn't yet know, but most likely will in the future. Leo strained his chains, trying desperately to help them, but ultimately being unable to.

Finally it was just Alice, Leo, and Iris left among the pile of headless corpses, or so she thought. Then a small line of children were brought over, all in chains, and all carrying looks similar to the one she loved. When he saw who was next Leo went ballistic, and started trying to break the chains with his one arm, his face turned purple with rage and his eyes glowed orange, but nothing other than that happened. He then shouted,


As the children were lined up in front of them. Arthur looked them up and down, as if appraising them. He then said,

"Place the girls to the side, Ill take the oldest as my wife tonight, and the rest will be raised on the island until they come of age. As for the boys, just get rid of them." As he ordered the girls were moved to the side, while looking at Leo with looks of desperation,



The oldest one looked at her father and mother, and said,

"Mom, dad, please save me." With tears in her eyes, as she watched her father, the invincible man she grew up knowing he was, being bound as she was about to be taken away. Leo and Iris both fought their restraints, desperately trying to save their children. Their attention was taken however, as the boys were lined up for their turn for the headswoman. One by one Leo watched his sons, the oldest barely ten, the youngest not even four, executed. Arthur didn't even flinch at the gruesomeness of the scene in font of him, and pointed,

"Her next."


Leo shouted once more, as Iris was dragged away, and placed in for the of the woman. The girls all had tears running down their faces, after watching all of their brothers being executed, and now their mother. Iris was first brought to Arthur, who looked her in the eye.

"Such a pretty thing too. It's really too bad you're already defiled, I would've loved making you my wife." Iris spit on him, but Arthur didn't even seem to care, as she was prepared to face her end. The sword was raised above her neck, and Iris looked at Leo, the love of her life.

"I love you." She said clearly, before the sword fell, and she joined the pile of headless corpses.


Leo shouted in rage, grief, and horror, as the one he loved most left the world of the living. His head fell limp, as he lost all will to resist. Their remaining children, all of his daughters, started to wail as their mother died in front of them. He was then positioned for his turn next, eyes dead, as he saw Iris's lifeless eyes in front of him. The sword was raised, and fell once more.

Alice had lost all feeling in her body, she had tried to remind herself over and over that this was an illusion, it wasn't real. Then the voice of Venus sounded in her head,

'Of course this isn't real, this is merely an illusion of what may pass. This is to show you what can possibly happen should Leo fail. Learn your lesson well mortal.' The voice was gone again and Alice looked up to feel her heart seize on her chest, as the heads of both Leo and Iris were placed in front of her. Iris's beautiful golden eyes, never to shine with the light of life again, while Leo's brown eyes would never regain their orange brilliance. Then the woman moved behind her.

Alice watched as the shadows on the ground in front of her matches the movements of the woman behind her. She saw the sword raised in the air, and then suddenly drop.


Leo was currently in bed, with Iris snuggled up to him. They were sleeping in the carriage, while everyone else was outside. This bothered him at first, but no one complained, and he wanted Iris as comfortable as possible. He knew he was smothering her a little too much, but he couldn't help it when he thought about the little bundle growing in her.

His mind was filled with visions of playing with his son or daughter, when suddenly a scream sounded throughout the camp.


Leo immediately recognized Alice's voice, and he and Iris were instantly alert. When they got to Alice, everyone in their general area was awake, and she was surrounded by pools of vomit. Leo ignored the vomit surrounding her, and grabbed Alice by the shoulders before turning her to look him in the eye. As she saw him Alice froze for a second, the last time she saw Leo was when his eyes were empty, and dead.

New tears found their way down her face, as Alice immediately clung to him, and started crying into his chest. Leo wasn't sure what to do, so for lack of a better idea, he wrapped his arms around her and held her closer. Leo couldn't help but wonder what set her off, as he thought of everything she'd been through, yet none of it caused the same reaction she had now. She continued crying through the night, until the sun started to peek over the mountain.

As she started calming down, she thought back to when she woke up. It was as if every emotion she experienced under Venus's influence returned all at once with a vengeance. She then recalled the last thing Venus told her before she returned to consciousness, that everything they discussed was to be a secret known only to the two of them, and finally a reminder that she only had one year.