First job

In the weeks following Alice's change, everyone gradually started looking at her with different eyes. She would assist with everything she could to ensure the journey was easier for the refugees, carrying packs, gathering wood, and even the more physical chores like hauling water. He even caught her helping clean a kill one of the others got hunting, though she was completely pale at all the blood and gore.

Leo also noticed over time, that she started developing a firmness to her figure that wasn't there before. Even though nothing was wrong with her figure before, she always had what he could only call a "soft" look to her, with no trace of muscle on her body. Though she didn't have the same look as Iris, who was thin but would pack power, she did look more mature now than back at the palace, and she started turning even more heads when she passed through the camp. None of them would dare consider laying hands on her though, as she was already regarded as Leo's.

While Alice was working on bettering herself within the camp, Leo was in a meeting with Yven, Felix, Jack, and Theos. Felix placed down a paper that had a collection of names and profiles on it with a grim face. When Leo saw the sheer number of names on it, he could only let out a sigh. The names belonged to those who were not enslaved due to being nonhumans, or those who were simply sold into slavery, but criminals who were enslaved due to their crimes.

Directly after Theos was turned into a werewolf, he immediately revealed his entire past without holding any details, even how he became a slave. After hearing that criminals were also turned into slaves, Leo had Felix disguise himself and travel among the refugees to use his ability to determine who was a criminal, and if they didn't intend to renounce their ways. The list in front of Leo was all of the such people Felix found during their travels, out of the few thousand people with them, there were well over a hundred names. He even had a list of possible crimes in their profile as well.

"How exactly did you even get this detailed information?" Leo asked Felix out of curiosity, as he couldn't imagine Felix casually asking if these people murdered or r*ped before. Felix shrugged and said,

"I got good at asking around the real topic, plus depending on the form I take, people tend to let their guard down." Leo shuddered inwardly, and was glad Felix was on his side. His ability to see through even the tiniest lies was quite fearsome. Theos then asked,

"So how many are going to be a problem?" Felix sighed, and replied,

"From what I could tell, most of them, and it's going to be a pretty big one. They're already starting to develop their old itches, and some have even started to organize any that would cooperate. If they get into Asdarge unchecked, we could have an organized crime ring on our hands." Leo groaned at the news, as he contemplated counter moves against this. As they had not yet caused any trouble, then it would seem as if he was already abusing his power to oppress them, if he moved openly.

"Felix, I want you to move tonight and eliminate the ones leading those trying to organize, but do it quietly, and with the least amount of bloodshed possible. The innocents hopefully wouldn't understand what happens, but the others should take it as a warning. If they persist, then we'll have to take more drastic measures. There aren't any crime rings in Asdarge yet, and I don't plan for there to be any. I also want copies of this list made, and distributed to Theos, and Yven's men so that they can keep an eye on those that'll remain." They nodded and left to carry out his orders, but Leo called Felix back.

"I feel like I'm overworking you Felix, but I want you to go and get Alice, I have a job I want the two of you to work on." Felix laughed bitterly at Leo's words, and left to do as he said. Several minutes later he returned with Alice behind him, beaming as she thought about how Leo needed her help. He looked at the two of them and started explaining their job,

"This incident showed me how careless I was, even though we freed them we know nothing about these people, their trades, their history. So Alice I want you to start interviewing them and writing down their information, and Felix I want you to "assist" her to ensure what they say is truthful. This way we can understand who we have traveling with us more, and I can also report what they say to elder grandma through the mirror and have jobs waiting for them when we return to Asdarge. Felix finish your earlier job tonight, then you'll both start tomorrow."

When Alice heard what he wanted, her smile got even bigger. Though she hated doing as Venus bid, it made her extremely happy that she could be of use to Leo. She was curious what the earlier job Leo mentioned was, but since he didn't say anything she didn't ask. She then spent the rest of the day preparing the necessary materials for her job, several sheets of paper and an ink pen.