
When Leo heard the horn sounding, he put his game face on and left to go meet with the approaching people. He was joined by Theos, and some of the Warriors under his command, while the rest stayed with the refugees in case a fight broke out and they got past them. As Leo approached the ones who sounded the horn, he found Yven waiting with his men, as a cloud of dust moved closer. He turned to Yven and said,

"Have your men hide the magic muskets, but keep them nearby, we already revealed werewolves and I don't want to reveal anymore than we have to." Yven nodded, and barked some orders to his men in dwarvish. They then promptly hid their weapons behind themselves, or under some cloths, while they continued waiting for the cloud of dust to arrive. As they closed in, Leo could see that they were riding some kind of two legged mount instead of horses, like he was expecting. He turned to Theos and asked,

"What are those?" Theos looked at him in surprise, and answered,

"They are most likely from one of the desert tribes, as they usually ride the hondoo." Leo was even more confused, and said,

"I'm a lost person remember, so I don't know what the hell a hondoo is." Theos looked back at him and chuckled lightly before clarifying,

"The hondoo is a two legged reptile that also has feathers on it. They roam the desert as scavengers and plagued the tribes there until they figured out how to domesticate them." Leo nodded in response, and swore to read up more on this worlds creatures and people to not look like an idiot. Eventually the riders reached them, and Leo was looking up at a group of heavily tanned men, with mean looking faces. They all had an assortment of weapons with them, from large swords and axes, to simple bows. The man in the front looked at Leo and said,

"I am Jamon of the desert clans, and I have been sent to retrieve my peoples property that was stolen when the city of Heliantis was sacked. So turn it over and we won't kill all of you." Leo immediately decided he didn't like the desert people. He kept a straight face and asked,

"We didn't take any property of the desert clans, it's more likely that someone else took it after we left. I don't know where you'll find them, but it's not here." Jamon sneered at Leo's words, and pulled out some paper and said,

"This is a list of my peoples stolen property, 275 human slaves, 113 beastman slaves, 78 dwarven slaves, and finally 30 elven slaves. The exact slaves themselves haven't been identified, so we'll simply be taking the numbers from the ones you have. Either that or we kill all who resist and take them all anyways." Leo looked around and said to them,

"I'd give you the slaves you ask for, except there are no slaves here. And since you seem so fond of threats, then I'll definitely return that to you." As he said that Leo's eyes turned orange, and his voice started turning into a growl.

"Draw your swords, and I'll personally see to it you're all slaughtered." Jamon's eyes widened as he saw Leo's started glowing. Then he returned to the arrogant attitude of before, and said,

"You think petty tricks will help you? We know it was because your goddess helped you that Heliantis was destroyed, what can you do alone?" Leo laughed, and looked behind Jamon to see how many men were behind him. He then turned to Theos and said,

"What do you say, I take one half you take the other? Let the dwarves pick up the stragglers?" Theos smiled a predatory grin, and his eyes turned orange as well before he replied,

"I guess it's time to test the power you granted me my liege." Hair started sprouting all over their bodies, and both started growing bigger. Before Jamon could react there were two werewolves standing in front of him, that lunged at him and those behind him. By the time the men behind Jamon reacted, Leo and Theos had already torn through twenty of what Leo guessed was around 150 men. He grinned his wolfish grin, and continued tearing through them as they readied their bows, and several with swords stepped in between them as if to slow Leo and Theos down.

A sword stabbed into Leo's shoulder, so he grabbed it and shoved it down the throat of one who stabbed him. He then turned to the next man as if nothing happened. A chorus of bangs sounded behind them, as the dwarves opened fired on the soldiers with bows. Theos tore through each person as if they were paper, and ignored any wounds he received, as they healed within moments, much to his own amazement.

A moment later Leo was covered with arrows shot by the remaining archers, resulting in him roaring in rage, before he swiped his arm down and broke all the arrow shafts sticking out of him. With each passing moment the desert people were growing increasingly terrified, as they realized they mad a huge mistake antagonizing Leo and Theos. As the two of them cut forward through the crowds, the remaining warriors that followed them took up the rear and cleaned up any stragglers, while the dwarves focused on the ranged fighters.

It took less than twenty minutes before a group of around 150 Warriors were annihilated by two werewolves, a handful of fighters, and dwarves with muskets. Leo and Theos then spent the next couple hours hunting down any deserters, before they finally confirmed they killed all of the enemies. He then sent some people to retrieve the hondoos, as he wanted to try breeding them in Asdarge, as long as they could adapt to the cold there.

As they both turned back Theos immediately leaned over and ejected everything in his stomach. Leo chuckled lightly, as he recalled doing that himself every time he transformed previously. He then started pulling any of the arrow heads he missed when they shot him. As he did that Leo thought for a moment, and couldn't help but almost thank Arthur, almost. If he didn't set back the magic of this world, then it was very likely that small skirmishes like this would've ended with his death, instead of him triumphing over his opponents.

But then he had a thought, it had been well over a month since he "stole" one of Arthur's wife candidates, and destroyed Heliantis. If he hadn't reacted by now, then where was he? And how long until the people started wising up and started practicing magic seriously again?