Factory's Boss


You have are no longer Knocked out! Have Fun!


When I awoke, my body was devoid of energy, and I saw the smiling face of Iona and Viccy. I noticed Gloom turn to grin with my awakening. "Oh, Thank god, You're awake!" Viccy exclaimed; Iona and Gloom nodded. "Fidel is still out cold, but she saved us all. We need to get out of here, though. The corruption will affect us soon." She finished, and I nodded. I struggled up to my feet and walked over to the corpse to loot it and learn our gains.


You have received Corrupted Bones x83

You have received Corrupted Blood x124

You have received Corrupted Gaint Wolf Claws x5

You have received Rotted Corrupt Flesh x5

You have received Blackened Long Bow (Rare)

You have received Fiendish Bone Claws

You have received Blackened Spear (Rare)


I smiled and was about to tell them our gains when Glooms voice cut in. "We need to leave my Dispels on the corruptions will not last much longer. We will soon be affected if we stay." She said harshly, and we all went towards the door past the Wolf. This was the spot that seemed to permeate in corruption and was directed to. Leaving back the way we came would lead to the source that created it.

When we opened the door quickly, knowing we were short on time, the door seemed to ripple. We had no choice since we would be affected the other way, but Gloom stopped us. She ran to the other side of the room with her torch out, opening to door to see the same phenomenon. She ran back over torch in hand.

"Same on the other side. Fidel is out of it, and Iona is already carrying her. Elli is barely on her feet. We move forward." She finished, and we stepped through the door. Instantly we found ourselves in a cave free of corruption. Something made me feel like this cave was familiar too.

"Iona," I said, "Does this cave feel familiar to you?" I asked her.

She looked at me while carrying Fidel as we took in our surroundings. "Not really," She said, but her tone sounded uncertain. We wordlessly moved forward into the depths of the cave. Our steps were slow and cautious while Gloom held up the torch in front of us. Then our path leads to a bedroom. In the middle of the room, a king-sized four-poster bed was there.

"Shit," Iona muttered. Viccy and Gloom looked at her with a questioning face when they found that their bodies no longer could move.

"Well, Well, Well, Little succubi has entered my room again," The voice resonated throughout the room. "You again have invaded my areas Little Succubi. This time though, It was something much more important," The voice's tone sounded annoyed.

I knew that voice, though, and I replied, "I am sorry, Demon sir, I apologize for our attacking your territory." I wished that we didn't bump into the Demon like this.

"Oh, You apologize. That will fix the decade of experimentation that facility was making me. It was very near completion too. But you Apologized. That means everything is forgiven; That is not something that will happen, Little Succubi. You are seriously pissing me off. You and your little Group mates are Demon affiliated with you being the leader. Here you are attacking Demon affiliated factories. That is all gone with an apology." The tone of the Demon grew harsher. "You are in for a punishment at the least from me, little succubi." I heard tapping on a hard surface as we still couldn't see him either.

"Fine, You showed me something interesting little Succubi. I took my facility from the Elven lands. I didn't realize it had been leaking into the outer area's causing them to send a team. But, Little Succubi," His tone was neutral, "I fear that you are not demon affiliated at this point..." The Demon said.


Quest Complete: Corruption Factory.

You and your group, while investigating rampaging wolves, discovered a corrupted Deer. You found a nearby Decaying tree that had a cave into its roots. Inside the cave, you found a Corruption factory that also did some research into it. You have also discovered the Powerful Demon that took that factory away.

Quest rewards: 50g, ???, ???, ???



Quest Started: Survive

Survive your second interaction with the Demon.

Rewards: Depends on the Demon.

Consequences of Failure: Death of you and your teammates


I had to stay on my toes with the quest announcements sounding, not having proper time to look at them except for a quick peek.

"I follow my Mistress, and she is demon affiliated." I rejected his claim knowing that losing that backing would mean dire consequences. I took a breath, and I started to talk to the Demon, "I am sorry, Mr. Demon, I am willing to use my body for as long as you see fit to use me to save my friends and lovers. Please, Mr. Demon, Let me repay you for trespassing on your lands in ignorance." I tried to cham him, knowing the futility of that when he was such a strong man.

"Enough," He said calmly. "Your actions speak differently. I know your Mistress doesn't wish to tangle with me at this point in time. Not with the things going on in the world. We need to show a united front little Succubi. But you have invaded my lands twice. I will fulfill one part of your wish; I will use you to take my pound of flesh. You will be with me several days, little succubi, enduring my punishment."

"Thank you, Master Demon," I said, simply quitting the negotiations while I was ahead. It was something many in the investor circle didn't understand. Even if I might be able to make more returns if I fight, the potential loss outweighed the gains. I wanted the girls to be fine, and I knew the Demon was interested in me. He looked at me with a smirk of a toy returning into his hands.

"Ah, You always seem to surprise me, little Succubi. Quitting while ahead and leaving the negotiation table early. Would it surprise you to know if you tried to negotiate with me, I would kill the unconscious girl?" The Demon said with a cold tone.

"Yes and no, Master Demon," I replied, still buttering him up, "In the title, I continue to call you, you are a demon. I am also not stupid, I have invaded your territories twice in ignorance, and you have already warned me. I have done it again. I must pay some price. Trying to lower that price would only infuriate the victim. I was the perpetrator me crying about something you do in retaliation is hypocritical. You are stronger than me too and dictate terms." I explained.

The Demon looked at me with a cold stare that seemed to pierce through me. "You are smart for such a young succubus. You are correct. I have lost much research progress in this attack. If it weren't for your Mistress and your title as her disciple, I would already be strangling you before throwing you into my torture chambers. But again, You surprise me, and I like surprises, Little one. No, you will come here and entertain me a bit before your punishment." The demon finished with a charming smile. "Oh, Before I forget," The demon waved his hand. Fidel, Iona, Gloom, and Viccy disappeared from sight. "Now, How shall you try to appease me, little one,"



Hey guys,

Sorry for the late Chapters lately. I have encountered some life problems that have all come at the same time. It has definitely spiced up my life. One of those things is over the next couple of Weeks Is that I am moving. So if I haven't posted a chapter for a week it will be because I am in the middle of moving.

Please continue to enjoy my works. Thanks!