Early Exit


Due to excessive sensory data, you have been forcefully logged out.


The lid of the pod opened above me as I laid in silence. Phantom pains erupted mostly around my crotch as I instantly got rock hard due to the lack of ability. I had a cold sweat from the punishment. It was easily the worst orgasm I have ever felt in my life. I felt my body shudder under it, and I had no idea how long it took me to erupt. Still, the game system forcefully logged me out; it seemed after I blacked out from the orgasm. I was surprised I didn't get the message from it, though. It also made me worry if the Vinar did something to me while I was asleep.

I decided that I would wait till tomorrow to undergo the rest of the punishment. I shuddered under both the phantom feelings and the thoughts of what tomorrow would bring. I stopped thinking about it and got up from the pod with a groan. I changed due to the sweat covering my body and put on another t-shirt and jeans. It was something simple and comfortable.

I stepped out, and the sun was shining in through the windows. I looked at the time and noticed that I left about three hours early. I didn't realize how long I was in the clutches of Vinar while he forced to have that orgasm. I genuinely don't know how long I was in his clutches.

Still, I guess it was kind of nice to get out a little longer. I moved through my house and noticed Li in the kitchen. "How are things going?" I asked as I entered the room while she looked over some books.

Her body jolted, and she looked at me with a startled expression before calming down. "You scared me," She commented, holding a hand over her heart, "I am not used to you and Victoria being up at this time," She telling me the truth, "Still, it is nice to see you up," She continued with a smile. "I am just going over my plans for your meals this week. Plus some details of finances with a large income I am now receiving and the best way of using it." She finished.

I nodded, "Well, if you're looking for investment opportunities, I am sure I can find you some in the future if that is what you are looking for. Otherwise, I will stay out of it. Just let me know if that is what you want. You have been doing a good job on the meals so far, so I am happy with your work so far as I have seen it." I finished with a smile moving to the fridge grabbing a bottle of cool water.

"Thank you, and I hope all the meals that I continue in the future will be just as great," Li replied with a smile to my genuine compliment. "Rick," She seemed to pause before continuing, "Do you mind all of us going out once in a while?" Li asked.

I turned to her while I took several long gulps of water from the bottle. When I finished, I had about half a bottle left as I turned to her. "What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Well, the fact of the matter is Rick, I like Victoria, Gabby, and you, But the problem is we all almost know nothing about each other even though we are all roommates. We all reside with each other, and I don't even know what color or foods you enjoy. These are things that can affect the choices I make for you moving forward concerning my job. It will also bring us closer, and I think to all spend some time with each other outside the house so we can mesh better together." She replied, and I thought about it.

Other than the time Victoria and I went out with Gabby, we never really interacted outside the house. That was the same with Victoria and me as well. The Game consumed our lives as it took so much time. "Okay, that makes sense; we can talk about it over dinner tonight." I finished.

"That's great," Li happily said, "I am looking forward to doing something with us all." Li finished. I finished drinking the water bottle before running my filtered water into it then placing it into the fridge to cool down. I left to see if Gabby was in her room, and I knocked.

"Yeah, Li?" Gabby's voice came out from the door as she opened in a small tube top and some last short shorts that were loosely on her body. Gabby looked good, but I didn't check her out anymore as she froze seeing me. "Oh my god, Rick!" She exclaimed and panicked, shutting the door. I heard the sound of movement and waited. It was clear that she was embarrassed to be caught in something more comfortable.

The door opened seconds later, with Gabby looking slightly out of breath for a moment after a couple of minutes running around inside her bedroom. I patiently waited as I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. "Sorry, Rick," Gabby said as I waited.

"No problem at all Gabby, You don't need to be so uptight. I wasn't planning on ambushing you. I got out a little early today and need a message to get rid of the phantom feelings I have right now." I told her politely, "I don't mind waiting a bit if I caught you in the middle of something. I know you were not ready for me to come out."

"Thank you, I was in the middle of something, and I can get things ready just after I finish it up," Gabby said, her smile returning.

I nodded, "Okay, don't worry, you did nothing wrong Gabby, I just got out a little early and am dealing with some pain I would like your magic fingers to help me with," I replied truthfully.

I left her door, allowing her to close it as I took her much more modest clothing into mind. Gabby was an attractive woman, but I felt nothing towards her sexually. Victoria was the only person who ever got me to feel something about sexual activities in my life. I was perfectly happy to keep it that way.

Still, I decided since I was up early while Victoria was in the pod, I would plan something fun for us to do as a Date. I arrived at my computer and started to look things up. My body seemed to erupt in another bout of phantom feelings all over again. My cock hardened again in my jeans, and it felt the relative freedom of movement outside a cage. My nipples felt sore and sensitive, and my anus pulsed with phantom pleasure.

It was worrying, and I didn't like the feeling. I decided while I waited, I would concentrate on planning a date for Victoria and me. One thing came to the forefront of my mind, and I set about looking more into it. The plan put a blush to my cheeks as I thought it out, but it was something I am sure she would love to do.

Not long later, Gabby entered my door with an apologetic smile, "Hey, Sorry for taking so long; I am ready for you, though." Gabby said her tone just as apologetic, and I moved from my seat to her.

"Nothing to be sorry for, Gabby. I will be there in a second." I replied before locking my station and heading off with a smile.

I got ready in my room before arriving in Gabby's parlor with a smile with the scent of oils around me. Gabby looked at me with a smile as I entered and got on the table. "Rick, Thanks for your understanding," Gabby started as I got on the table.

"Gabby, No need to keep mentioning it. I am very satisfied with your work, and that will continue to be so after today. You have every right to be shocked about the time I came out of my pod today. I was only out Early due to extenuating circumstances." I told her truthfully.

"You know, Rick, you are very understanding even though I was slightly out of contract with this encounter," Gabby told me.

I chuckled as I felt her fingers layout some oils on my back getting started. "Gabby," I began with my face in the hole, changing how I sounded. "I am not about to nickel and dime you and Li; I am your employer and boss. That is not up for debate, but I have said that we want a household that runs without awkwardness since day one. People we can get along with since this is our home. You live here too, and this is your home as well." I felt her fingers find something in the back, interrupting my words with a low groan as she worked it out, "That doesn't mean you two can do whatever you want in my home, but in the end, I want you two to feel at home. Dress comfortably if you choose to; I expect the decorum of your outfit to be something suitable but not professional."

Gabby paused for a second before continuing, "So you don't care as long as we look decent?" She asked.

"Gabby, This is your home too. I am a member of the male sex. If you lived with a roommate that wasn't your boss and not your lover, what you would wear would be acceptable." I frankly told her.

"Okay, Sorry," Gabby replied, "I just didn't want my boss to see me like that," She finished.

"Okay, Next time, I will give you the heads up if it is me and not Li. Is that acceptable and make you feel more comfortable, Gabby?" I asked her.

"That would make me feel much better," Gabby replied.

"Oh, While we are talking, Li brought something up, and I would love to hear your input." I began, "Li asked about all of us going out and doing things together so we can learn more about each other, Gabby. Would you also be interested in things like this?" I asked.

"That sounds nice, You and Victoria are in your pods all day, so it is a little hard to get closer to you guys than you think. At this same time, I feel like I am living in your house without knowing you two, and you don't know me." Gabby answered.

"Okay, I will think of something, or we can come up with something to do fun things once or twice a week at night. I don't know, but it isn't something we will plan with just the two of us." I told Gabby.

"That sounds nice," Gabby said, and the conversation seemed to end there as I felt her magic fingers work into me. Under her touch, many phantom feelings went away. I moaned softly closing my eyes under her great work melting into the table.