Date Night: Shopping

As I remained inside Victoria, we kissed, cuddling with her breasts against the window, her head turned towards me. I enjoyed the contact, but I broke the kiss stepping back after retracting my still hard dick from Victoria. "That was amazing," Victoria said with a smile.

I returned the smile with one of my own sayings, "The night isn't over," I said, waving my hand before me, remarking the night city skyline through the window. Victoria's grin got even larger at that comment and closed the distance.

"Is that an offer of more fun, Rick?" Victoria asked with a coy smile.

I kissed her lips, "If it weren't, I would need to recheck my ability to use the English language correctly," I grinned back with a mischievous smirk.

"Well, I hear there are more shops for us to explore, and I don't want to be naked while doing so," Victoria remarked even as she smacked my arm lightly, letting me know that she wouldn't take my jest lightly. We moved over to our clothes without another word and started to put on our clothes. After I pressed the red button and we walked towards the elevator without thought.

We both looked a little ruffled up after our playtime after dinner, and with huge smiles, it was evident what we did. Still, we went down without shame as it was our night in this building. The waiter bowed to us as we entered the restaurant again, "I hope you had a wonderful evening. Would you like me to grab anything for you on your way out?" He asked with his continued professional demeanor.

"I am good," Victoria said with a smile.

"I am good, too," I said with a matching smile, and the waiter nodded.

"I hope our service was not only good but immaculate," The waiter said as he began to escort us out of the restaurant. "Have a great evening and enjoy yourselves," He said as we departed the restaurant and headed to the second floor, we hadn't gone to yet. We arrived on the floor, and there was a variety of stores all over. There was a black curtained off the store to the right, and Victoria had a smile.

"That must be a toy store," Victoria said to me, and I couldn't help but blush a little. Her smile told me all that I needed to know as she made her way there, and I noticed the store right beside it was for nightwear for couples with a curtained doorway to stop children from seeing inside for when families visited. "Oh, Let's go find some toys for tonight," Victoria said with a sly grin on her face. I knew without a doubt that I would be on the receiving end of said toys.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face, though, as Victoria pulled me into the store with her. The curtain moved aside, and the establishment was in neutral darker colors with various toys and even clothing on the walls. The clothing, though, was all meant for binding someone in various states. It sent a thrill through my head as I remembered the Mistress's playroom in the game world and knew that I wouldn't mind some of them if it were Victoria.

The sudden thought in my head made me pause as I realized how true that was. I started to contemplate things and realized that I didn't want the pain brought to me. But on the other hand, I felt myself getting hard thinking of Victoria restraining me and doing what she wanted with my body. I couldn't help but blush when looking at some of the toys.

Victoria was looking away, and I started to look around the store, which was surprisingly larger than I thought it would be. Victoria looked like a kid in a candy store looking all around and ended up in front of Strap On's. Victoria picked up the harness and wrapped it around her waist with a smile, looking at me with a mischievous grin. "What do you think?" Victoria asked, stepping closer to me, "Do I look good to you?"

I couldn't help myself, and I closed the distance and kissed her lips. I then brought my mouth to her ear after closing the distance and whispered, "You look amazing in everything, but you look downright sexy in that...": My voice trailed off to nothing, and I pulled back with a Mischievous grin of my own as Victoria smiled with a blush on her face now. The compliment seemed to hit her in the right place, and she put it back in the spot she picked it up.

Victoria's expression now when looking though was much more intense. I then heard a whisper barely audible, "I'm going to have to punish him for that," I barely heard it, but the blush didn't disappear as she continued to shop. Victoria kept mumbling then turned to me with her wits back.

Her expression was stern, and she turned pointed towards the night ware store for adults. "You will go next door and find something's for us to enjoy together. I don't want you seeing what I pick up, though." Victoria told me, her face still stern. I knew that fighting to stick with her wouldn't do any good; Victoria's Had set her mind, and I knew it would be a moment where she would be stubborn if I did try to fight back.

I knew this wasn't a moment to fight back, and frankly, I didn't want to. Instead, I closed the distance and kissed her again. "I am sure you will like the outfit I pick out, and I might pick up some things for you too," I grinned, saying as I started to back up, seeing the blush that I so rarely saw before showing again. "We can switch stores after your done, and maybe I can grab some things for when we get back home." I finished and turned to leave.

Victoria watched me go with a blush on her face and a smile that seemed to split her face in half how large it was. I wanted to remember the happiness of that smile, and I took it in before leaving the toy shop and walking next door. I walked in seeing a variety of mannequins in skimpy sexy wear that was mostly transparent and others not. There were some with underwear and bra meant to flatter and even some leathers. IT was a shop also in darker colors, and this time there were two employees. They were a man and a woman waiting there to see if I addressed them.

I thought it was interesting that this was the first store where I saw two employees working in public. I walked up to them, and they both smiled and greeted me. "Hello," They said in unison, "Would you like one of us to accompany and help you in your selection today?" The attractive young woman asked professionally. The man followed up with, "Some customers prefer someone to ask about the products and their recommendations." The man followed up.

"I would like you to assist me today as I think your opinions might be useful; thank you," I replied, pointing at the woman. The man smiled, and they both bow respectfully, making me think this was almost a play. It was the professional demeanor that got to me, though.

The man seemed to have disappeared from vision shortly afterward, and the young woman looked at me. "May I ask how you and your partner like to play or what you might be looking for so I can help you out?" The woman asked, and I smiled.

"We prefer a variety of plays, and I am looking to excite her tonight with some fun play. I would also like something that will be able to stick around through multiple sexual encounters since this is our first date, and I might want to bring it out on more than one occasion." I told her honestly, trusting in my friend's choices on discreet, professional employees.

The woman looked around for a second, and I realized that I might have been too blunt. "Sorry, Usually people are less blunt with me." The woman said, "I honestly like that, but I was surprised. Do you mind if I ask what you might be doing tonight in terms of..." The woman's voice trailed off before she coughed, "play?" She finished her question.

"Does that matter?" I asked, genuinely curious as this was all new to me.

"So you are new to this, I can see," The woman said, looking around, "Please follow me," She said and grabbed a tablet from the counter. She tapped on it a couple of times and seemingly nodded to herself, "Okay, So I got your measurements from your previous visit, and we have plenty of things in your size. Now, I asked for playstyle because with something on the kinkier style; you will definitely want something even more sturdy if you want to keep it intact. If it is something more vanilla, then we can get something flimsier that doesn't need to take much abuse." The woman said, "Don't get me wrong, Flimsier is a relative term here, but there are also outfits in here to allow the men or woman they are with to feel stronger. They might even be effortless to rip while looking stronger than they are." The woman brought me to a part of the panty area with a variety of different things. Some I had seen before, some I hadn't but knew the names of.

"Now, I want to ask, do you plan to surprise each other?" The woman asked, "I can see she isn't with you right now. So is she getting her make-up done? Buying clothes? This might help me in deciding her personality so I can help you pick something that will make her happier." The woman asked, and I shrugged.

I was already in for a penny, and although I thought I could do this on my own, I already learned that this store had things that could easily be ripped-off of me. I thought it might be fun to buy a couple of those outfits for play later. "She is in the toy store next door for some fun later tonight," I told her with a blush. It felt weird admitting it to others, and the woman nodded.

"Okay, I think we are in the right section for something more durable." She said and grabbed a white and black Corset with a grin. The corset even had hooks and things dangling from below, "How about a Corset and garter belt to hold up some matching stockings?" She asked. "They will not be the most durable, but the Stockings can be different, and you can even start using latex later, although that wouldn't match this corset. The white one will be almost like giving her your purity which would make for an interesting night." The woman continued, and I could see a faint blush on her face as she continued. "It would make for a memorable night for your first date and will have parts of the outfit that are sure to be reusable later; not only that, but these corsets can be used for years since it is of high quality." She finished.

I thought of myself inside one of them, giving myself to Victoria, and I smiled. It was interesting, and I couldn't get myself out of the thought that it was a great idea. I then remembered the first women's clothes I wore for Victoria was also a white bra and panties that were lace. These would leave everything but those two things out, leaving me open to her whims. It sent a thrill down my spine, and I grinned, thinking how happy Victoria would be seeing me in them.

"I will take both," I told the woman with a smile on my face. "I would also like to see some more. But can I get the white outfit sent to the hotel room that I had reserved tonight?" I asked her.

The woman blushed slightly but remained Professional. "Oh, For sure," She said, making a note in the tablet, and I started to follow her around for a period of time, picked recommendations sometimes, and also asked for things in Victoria's sizes once and a while.

It wasn't too long later that I had easily picked out more than fifty outfits for both Victoria and me when Victoria came in with a grin. "You never told me you ordered a Hotel room for the night. I found out that timbit from the employee." Victoria said with a shameless grin. "It was like you were expecting something from me tonight." Victoria's grin was Mischiovus again.

I couldn't help but poke back, and I brought myself to her and kissed her. I held her there, enjoying her fragrance and her arms wrap around me. I then broke the kiss and whispered in her ear, "I don't assume; I know you want something from me; see you soon." I left and tried to swing my ass enticingly as I left the store, feeling her eyes on me as I left. I couldn't help but grin as I moved past the curtains and out of her sight.

I couldn't help but feel good getting another one on Victoria teasing her. It was like something in me wanted her riled up for the night we were staying in the hotel. I couldn't help myself, and I walked into the Toy store and met the woman working there. She looked completely professional like everyone else and just nodded to me. It was the least respectful greeting, and it fits perfectly to the surroundings. Who would want you to bow to them when dildos and kink gear surrounded you.

For some reason, my mind decided to head to places that made me blush. I decided to stop caring, trying to throw the extra thoughts out of my mind. I started to shop in there seeing many things that would go into your orfaces. It was a learning experience as many were catered to women but still a sizable one towards men.

The binding gear was what attracted my attention though. I had no thoughts of binding Victoria really. Although that got me a little hard to think of her in a outfit that one of the mannequins deep in the store had. It was pure rubber and I couldn't get the picture out of my mind with Victoria going down on me dressed in it. I firmed my mind and I started to grab what I wanted.

I didnt even try to lose the blush off my face when I went to the woman at the end when I finished deciding. She smiled professionally at me when and asked, "You ready to order?"

"Yes," I told her and she followed me and I told her that I would like these to have a discreet delivery with the other things being shipped to my house. The woman nodded with a tablet with her and a professional smile on her face.

When it came to the leather outfit the woman looked at me. "Is it for you or your companion or someone else?" She asked.

"My companion who was in here earlier." I replied and the woman nodded. "I will have that custom ordered for you since these outfits have to be custom or at least close. Unfortinately this is only a display piece and all these types of outfits are custom ordered here." The woman replied, "You will get an email on the time it will be finished and delivered is this acceptable to you?" The woman asked and I nodded.

I continued to shop with the woman giving out advice once and a while before I finished with what I wanted. I ordered without thought and thinking of fantasies I never had before as I went. The blush on my face never ended till I exited the store hearing the woman say behind me, "I hope the rest of the evening you spend here is to your liking." The woman said professionally.

I stepped out and moved back to the store seeing Victoria with the woman smiling as they went throught ths store. I waved catching Victoria's attention and she came to me. "Good, I think it is time to settle for the night and change in the room. What do you think?" Victoria asked.

I kissed her again and was about to break the kiss off when she pulled me back in deepening the kiss, "Let me rephrase that," Victoria said with a grin, "We need to head to a room now Our stuff should be waiting there. I asked the employee and she told me it should have already arrived for us."

Our grins matched and I linked my arm with hers. "Okay, Lets go." I replied and Victoria pulled me in for another kiss before we went off as the night was coming to a close.