Quest Reward

My eyes opened up to the world as I moaned, and I felt something on my chest feel good as it moved over my nipples as pleasure moved through them to my head. I looked down to see dark hair with a crown of scales visible on their forehead and lips teased a moan out from my nipples. A hand landed on my cock, lightly stroking it, bringing pleasure to me. I moaned louder, seemingly igniting the atmosphere inside the room as those lips kissed down from my chest to my stomach.

My moans grew louder as they were teased out of my lips by her hands as Iona kissed the head of my cock before taking it into her mouth suddenly for a split second, bringing my pleasure to the edge as she quickly tipped me over, letting my cock spray semen into the air and onto my stomach and chest. My head blanked with the pleasure I suddenly felt waking up in the world, and I heard Iona say, "I need you to service me now."

All of a sudden, Iona's cock was in my face, and I could see her suffering. It was rock hard and twitching from my moans. Her cock was across my face, and my lips touched the underside in a small kiss before I opened wide and started to lubricate her cock. It was going to enter me, and I knew it.

My tongue lapped up and down the shaft, ensuring spit was spread all over, and I felt my body heating up in expectation. I heard more groans of women awakening even as I ignored them for the object of desire in front of me. Iona leaned back, bringing her balls next to my face, and I turned my head, burying my head as my hands reached up to stroke her shaft. I softly sucked on her balls, making her moan louder, and felt a hand reach under, and suddenly my rosebud was invaded. I moaned into her sack, making them rumble, making Iona moan in return.

Her fingers started to move inside me, and I retaliated by stroking her cock's shaft even faster while sucking on her balls even harder. I heard Iona growl and pull back from my mouth, leaving my mouth empty for a second before she shoved her cock into my mouth roughly. I almost coughed as my throat filled up quickly without notice, and I moaned as Iona's fingers poked at my prostate.

I loudly moaned, causing me to start choking on Iona's cock, which she withdrew with spit dripping off her cock to my mouth as they separated from each other. Iona didn't wait for me to regain my breath as it left in an erotic moan as she pushed her cock into me. I gasped as she pushed in deep, hitting that spot, sending a spike of pleasure through me as she hit that sweet spot. I moaned louder than before, turning my head to see Fidel with a blushing face and a half-hard cock in front of me with a look that begged for attention.

My tongue reached out, and I started to suck on Fidels long cock as I felt Iona push in deeper, leaving my mind blank as she withdrew and reinserted herself. My mind whited out, and my hips swung up suddenly as I cried out into Fidels cock as it rapidly lengthens going down my throat as Iona swept past that sweet spot again, and I orgasmed without ejaculating. My hips bucked, increasing the pleasure, and I felt my hand taken into another, bringing it to a wet pussy.

The bedroom erupted into an orgy that lasted a couple of hours before it broke up with the entire party enjoying my body. I lost track of the number of times that I orgasmed both with and without ejaculating from the ladies, and Gloom was particularly relentless on my cock. She teased a couple of orgasms out of me, making me cry out in pleasure.

Still, we had things to do today, and the first order of business was to get to the Adventurers guild and find out what our reward was. With that in mind and after a heated shower where some ladies were left wanting, we headed back out into the tree city, heading down towards the guild with a lively discussion on who we should recruit.

"I think a religious wouldn't be a bad idea; going for a monk or Paladin in a demon religion would be a great idea." Viccy said to Iona, "You already can dodge and have a balanced tanking style suited around doing damage while avoiding taking as much as possible. I think a Paladin tank would be best to tank for us now, and later we might grab a Monk to fill out our tanking needs." Viccy finished.

Iona looked at her with a straight face, "I am not sure if the paladin is the right choice for our group, but," Iona paused, thinking for a second, "I don't think a monk would be the best choice at this moment for us. Gloom is a good healer that keeps us all alive well. A monk, though, would follow a lot of what I currently do as a Tank while what we need is someone who can, in fact, take those blows." Iona finished.

"I think a Berserker wouldn't be a good choice," I said, replying to Iona's thoughts. "We are not suited to long-term engagements that a berserker would excel in. We need someone who can act as a wall while I distract and you guys dispatch the enemies." I added in my own.

Gloom nodded while Fidel stayed looking cold, "That is a good point. Although most knights like to be on the good side, a dark knight would work with our affiliation. So, that doesn't rule out Dark knights..." I could see a disgusted look saying that.

"You seem not to like Dark knights," I said, turning to Gloom.

"I had an ex that was a Dark knight. She was a bitch," Gloom replied, and I couldn't help but bark a laugh. "To be fair, a Dark knight could work, but they are not much different from a paladin. The only difference is the religious part." Gloom finished.

"Well, I think we need to find any interested parties wanting to join us before we make a final decision on class. Still, I think we all have valid points on this. For now, though we have already arrived at the Adventurers Guild, and we can request them to look for any interested parties while we go out and look ourselves," I finished talking, and the ladies all nodded in understanding.

While we were talking over the distance, we reached the adventurers guild, and we waited for a moment just outside of it with thoughtful looks. "I hope that we get something good out of it. My suffering under that demon deserves a good reward." I commented, and none of the girls commented. That chastity cage still makes me shudder when the memory entered my head.

The ladies didn't want to talk about how I sacrificed myself and received torture, it seemed. That didn't make any of them less grateful that I did it. It was the fact that it made them feel powerless that someone so strong could do that to us whenever they seemed to want to. There was nothing they could do about it as we were weaker than these superior beings. My Mistress was a case in point as she seemed to collect slaves or toys depending on how she viewed them.

Iona was even trapped in stasis for an unknown amount of time before I freed her from that by choosing her. I wondered who the true power brokers of each faction were. Mistress was a powerful illusionist with many slaves, and that demon talked about a lich among the demons that he told me to avoid. With that quest out of mind to complete, I wondered who controlled the Elves and the 'good' faction.

A second later, these thoughts left my mind as we came up to the Dog-kin that helped us the previous day. "Oh, Good thing you are back," The Dog-kin turned and left for a moment returning with a bag. "So they have confirmed that a corruption factory was there but was taken away. It seems that a Demon thought they could do what they want and when it was discovered, they ran before the problem increased. Just like the demons to run before a real confrontation." The Dog kin snarled out the last part.

I was part of the demon's faction, and I had to disagree with that assertion. Although I didn't like the man, it made more sense to withdraw the resources than to leave it to be lost in the location that had been discovered. It seemed that the factory's pollution leaking out; no one would want that done on their home ground. So Vinar did it in someone else's backyard, letting them suffer the consequences of it. It more or less sounded like don't shit where you eat.

The dog-kin continued without knowing my thoughts, "You have done us a great service with discovering this and ridding us of the problem at least temporarily. The Demons are a sneaky faction that does what they want. It seems like cowards they do it in the dark." The dog-kin then handed us the bag.


Quest Rewards: Corruption Factory

You have reported slightly altered facts of what happened at the Corruption factory. They have confirmed, and your rewards have been determined for going above and beyond what was requested.

Rewards: 50g, Scandalous dress of the Homewrecker, Light Armor of the Hawk, Dress of the Dancing Vines.


The dog-kin smiled at us after handing us the bag, "The rewards were given based on your team so that your party increase in power. The leaders were quite adamant about giving you some better stuff from our inventory in the back." The dog-kin receptionist then hit her head softly, "If you have any requests moving forward, please let me know the Elders are pleased with your group." The receptionist finished.

"Yes, We are wondering if any tanks are looking for a party to be with?" I asked in return, and the Receptionist tilted her head.

"What type of tank are you looking for?" The receptionist countered, "I do have a Paladin from the order of light looking for a group, but they can be..." Her voice trailed off with a grimace showing her distaste to continue that line of thought. "Tanks are in short supply lately with the influx of recent adventurers lately, and many have chosen a wait and see mentality." The receptionist shrugged, "At this point, though, I can refer you to him. I am not sure he would be a good fit for your party." The receptionist finished, and I nodded.

The ladies and I looked at each other, and I found that we all had somewhat lost looks on our faces. I realized that none of us truly expected that we had to look for another party member like we did with Fidel or like we attempted to do yesterday.

"If you have no more business with the adventurers guild today, can I get you to step away so I may help others?" The receptionist asked, and I looked behind us to see a group of people waiting their turn and the other receptionists busy.

We stepped outside in response to figure out our response to the situation that we all didn't account for, apparently. Viccy broke our silence and said, "Hey, We already seemed to be thinking a Demon-affiliated religious Paladin was in order. Why don't we just go someplace to find one after doing a basic search like we did yesterday for a fit?"

The question was simple and direct, and all I could do was nod. "Let us take a look at the equipment rewards before going to do that?" I asked while answering, and everyone nodded happily with this idea. I pulled out the first piece of equipment and looked at the stats.


Scandalous dress of the Homewrecker (Rare)

+ 15 Charisma

+ 10 Intelligence

+ 10% Charm towards Married Men and Women

Requires Level 10

This Dress was used to seduce a noble in the past destroying the family in the process due to his infidelity.


The dress was half transparent and more so around the ass. It was something that suited me, and it would be the second outfit that I could actually take to combat, so I wasn't always in the same two pieces my Mistress gave to me. In fact, I knew that I would be taking this dress to see my Mistress when I called upon her to find out how to find affiliations so I didn't reencounter Vinar. I looked at the dress, and I wanted to try it on so I could look at myself in the mirror in something new.

I put those thoughts away, though, as I pulled out the second piece and smiled, looking at Viccy.


Light Armor of the Hawk (Rare)

+ 15 Vitality

+ 10 Agility

+ 5% Increase in Bow attack Speed

Light armor of a skilled Ranger that was killed before his time in the service of his nation.


I passed the Armor over to Viccy without a second thought, making her smile, happily putting it in her bag to wear later. I took out the last piece of equipment and Grinned, looking at Gloom.


Dress of the Dancing Vines (Rare)

+15 Intelligence

+10 Wisdom

+ 10% Casting speed with Nature Spells

A Dress Worn by a Famous Druid was a novice that was passed down for future generations to become more powerful.


Gloom from the quests came out the most ahead while I didn't even know what Fidel wore, although her magic was ahead of all of us. She looked at the equipment with her usual cold look that said nothing of the emotional side hidden under it. There was nothing for Iona, though, which was sad, and we needed to get her some new equipment soon.

Iona was a little disappointed too, "It's too bad I could really use some new Armor if I am going to be the backup tank. But let us go see if we can luck out with the crowds?" Iona said, trying to hide that disappointment, and I nodded.

"Let's go see if we are lucky today!" I announced, and we headed towards where we tried to recruit the day before with hope in our hearts, and some of us with smiles on our faces.