Arriving at Dark City Part 1

I awoke in the bed, my body sticky from the previous night's workout' and turned my head to see Viccy lying in bed, still sleeping and logged out.

I got up from the bed seeing Iona's eyes fluttering, seemingly just between sleep and the waking world. I got up from the bed and saw Gloom working on something leather in the corner, naked. I realized that it was her personal armor that she was working on for some reason. I got out of bed and the door to the bathroom opened with Naughty bunny coming out with a towel wrapped around her body.

Naughty bunny smiled, seeing me, "Ah, you are 'awake' good to see you. I am just getting ready to head out. Although I think you might need the shower more than I do," Naughty said with a sly grin looking me over.

Before logging out last night, I was sandwiched between Iona and Viccy, and both had let me have it. I nodded, replying, "Yeah, it was pleasurable," I said, opening the door to the bathroom. Naughty had a smile as I entered the bathroom, and I realized when I entered why. Fidel was leaning against the wall, her cock long and hard in her usual floppy way. I could see some semen dripping from her cock as she stood in the shower. I could also see that satisfied look on her face, and I knew that Naughty had been in the shower with her seconds before.

"Hey, Fidel, feeling better?" I asked as I stepped into the shower with her.

Fidel nodded, her cold expression slowly returning as her erection turned flaccid. I knew that it was nothing personal, even as the blush remained on her face. I knew that she was embarrassed at the moment, almost as if I had caught her in something I wasn't supposed to know about.

I began to wash in front of her, and I saw her looking me up and down in the corner of my vision as I washed. But I had decided that I was getting ready and not engaging in sex yet today. We needed to be moving onto Dark city today and did not have time to waste in the Inn. Fidel eventually stood with her cold expression returning and washed off her now flaccid cock before leaving the shower shortly after.

I finished washing before following her out and saw Iona now awake. I smiled at her as I saw Viccy now awaking as she logged into the game. Her eyes fluttered open, and a smile showed on her face as she saw everyone else either awake or waking up.

"Hey, since everyone is awake now," I announced, gathering everyone's attention, "None of us wish to wait too long to leave. We need to get set up in Dark City, scout out some quests, and find a place to settle for the nights. Not only that, we need to get a lay of the land, so Iona, Viccy, please shower quickly and get ready to go!" My voice made it an order, "Everyone else, let's pack up and get ready to head out, Let's be about it!" I announced.

Seconds later, we erupted into motion, everyone moving on tasks, and it did not take us long without us stopping to please each other sexually. I dressed in the leather clothing that my Mistress gave me, and everyone else was equipped with their items. It was time to move on, and we all left Megan's Inn without looking back and headed toward the teleportation portals.

IT took us roughly half an hour to get there; soon, we were inside the portal, exiting the elven territory.

The world twisted and rent until it righted itself into a whole new world compared to the Elven territory. Whereas the elven city was in the forest's trees, this city was on the ground. As our feet changed to the ground, we were all left coughing and trying to hold our stomach contents. The sensation of the world coming back together is hitting us harder than ever before. As the teleportation circle completed the proceedings instantly, we staggard in place, but we were left reeling from the procedure.

The world around us slowly entered my vision, and the towering buildings cast a shadow over the teleportation circle we had just arrived at. Our stomachs contents pressed against our gag reflexes as we almost vomited from the instantaneous movement.

As did everyone else in our party, I coughed as we stumbled a bit, moving from the Teleportation circle. "MOVE ALONG! EXIT THE TELEPORTATION CIRCLE AND MAKE WAY FOR THE NEXT GROUP!" A man yelled as my ears started to pick up the bustling noise of the city.

I began to take more of the city as my stomach decided that it was fine after the teleportation. I saw a city brimming with life. With the ambient noise of conversations and people moving from the teleportation circles exiting and many moving from the sites, Iona, Fidel, Viccy, Gloom, and Naughty Bunny stumbled behind me as seemed to be the case for us only. A human male was looking at us, stumbling with sympathy, "Elven forest and first time moving such a far distance take a real number out of you. Walk it off for a minute before leaving. Trust me; you will thank me." He said, his voice sympathetic.

I walked toward him, and he stepped aside as we walked by him. "Remember to walk it off before leaving the teleport area; trust me!" The man called again.

I nodded and stopped letting my stomach and lungs settle, and everyone else wordlessly did the same. I looked around and realized that there was a fence lining the teleportation circles around us. The area was paved with various stones as I looked around the area. The Circles were integrated into those stones and looked beautiful and intrinsically designed. Around us, large buildings loomed overhead, and they were built with various forms of architecture that were stunning to the eyes. Stone and metal, and I saw one built with trees in the distance. The architecture was so mixed I didn't know how to explain the overall feel.

Many people were exiting and entering the teleportation area, and I could see people stepping in and out of different circles. I wondered how it all worked. Men stood by each circle, pointing towards each circle or away from it, guiding people to and fro, and I could not help it as my curiosity grew.

"I am feeling much better now," Naughty Bunny said suddenly, her gauntleted hand over her plated stomach.

"Same here," Viccy said with a small frown.

Fidel looked at me coldly and nodded as I regained my insides. This prompted me to nod before turning to Gloom, who smiled, "I am good now; I think Iona is also better." Gloom added, and I turned to Iona.

Iona was now smiling and nodded, "I am feeling better now; let us go find the adventures guild, I think. If we know what type of quests that we will want to focus on, we can find a better Inn or place that we can lease to stay at instead of wandering around aimlessly." Iona said.

"Agreed, and we already agreed on this beforehand. The teleportation was a little rough on the landing, but we're all feeling much better now; let us move forward now and see what adventures we can find here." I announced, and the ladies all smiled back.

We all moved together, and we exited the Teleportation area. As we exited, the ambient noise went up a notch. It was surprising as I realized that they must have had some type of sound dampening ward or enchantment on the fence. The noises assaulted my ears as Dark City was much busier than we all thought.

We moved together through the crowd, and I looked at the other ladies. We found only two buildings down, a building made of stone towering up into the sky with a sign above the open doors. The sign said it was the Adventures guild, and we all sighed in relief. We moved as a group and entered.

As I entered, I noticed, along with our party, that there was a line for ten receptionists with a large board. We joined the line along with the others and waited. We did not know where the entrance was or even if there was a line for those with a recommendation here in the Dark City but waiting and learning some general information before moving forward would work.

The line moved fast, though, and it would not be long till we got up to reception. I was looking forward to what quests here in the city would look like. As we waited, I could see some men looking in our direction, appreciating our looks. We all ignored them, and I turned to Viccy, "I am thinking we stick to inside the city if we can to start off."

Viccy looked back and lightly bobbed her head side to side, thinking, "I am unsure if that would be a good idea. I think we should see the quests available before making that decision. Remember, Naughty also has her quest." Viccy replied, and I nodded to reply.

"I think that we will look at the quests, then we will see if we can find some directions that pertain to the things that we need. Agreed?" I asked, and everyone nodded as I expected.

We settled in and waited in line. I couldn't help but think that there might be some things that the game didn't need.

Like lines.