Pillow Talk

I cried out as I released my seed over Seraiah as she released her seed deep into my depository. I fell forward towards her as Fidel watched off to the side now. Her cock was no longer hard as I rested against Seraiah's chest. Her breathing was harsh, and she was out of breath. My legs hurt with overexertion as I rode her cock by doing more squats than I could count. My legs trembled, and I breathed deeply as I tried to regain my breath.

"Wow, you are a sex demon," Seraiah said to me, breathing heavily, "I haven't felt so drained ever."

I chuckled, and I raised my head to look up at her and smiled, "Well, you were not so bad yourself," I replied, although she didn't move much. Her moans and cries seemed to egg me on with their high-pitched squeals that seemed to turn me on more. It was interesting as I never knew that moans could hit me in that way before.

I laid beside her, and I chuckled, "Tell me about the city that I can see here, Seraiah," I said, and Seraiah chuckled.

"This is an amazing city. I sometimes miss the Trees of the forest and living among them. But the debauchery and the thrill of how this city works is a true neutral territory. On the same street, you can see Druids with the neutral faction and the Demons of the demons faction preaching only for a holy paladin hypocritically start preaching to them. There are so many interests going on simultaneously that it is a riot to watch."

She leaned on her side and snuggled into me, "The Tops and every casino has its own organization with someone powerful backing it. Never piss off a Casino in Dark City. Each got here with strength at a minimum." Seraiah chuckled, "Every place in this city has people fighting for territory. Hell, I fight for business territory regularly. My business sells in certain areas of the city, and I have to fight for territory. It makes life so interesting!" Seraiah exclaimed.

"Oh," I said, genuinely interested. It sounded like the business dealing here in Dark City was harder than you would think. "That is very interesting," I replied, "Then who would fight over a place like the slums for business? Would they not make much money as they would in the city center?" I asked curiously.

Seraiah chuckled loudly, "Oh, the Slums is one of the hardest territories to fight over. There are the most population in that area and the people there practically live on top of each other. The religions fight the hardest there, and the high bulk, low-cost guilds work the hardest to keep control there. It is insane how many of them fight over that territory, and the strength there is questionable. The City centers are harder to shake than in the slums, and the drugs are the worst in the slums. I honestly cannot think about what isn't fought over in the slums. That is one of the reasons it is still the slums instead of nice housing and businesses, in my opinion." Seraiah said, and I could see the interest in her eyes. "Who would want to fight and damage the nice territory that is more stable? Fight it out where the people have little say. The territory that Dark City's leaders don't care if they die?"

I couldn't help but nod along. In some ways, it was something of the same effect in the real world. My brain took in the information, and I snuggled closer, "So if the slums are the biggest battlefield, where is the least fought over." I followed up.

"The Middle-class area is not far from the business district. Dark City's rulers themselves have claimed that. They claim full control over the area, ensuring it doesn't become a battlefield of interests. They are looking to keep everything calm, and people are heading to work. The businesses want to keep it that way; the casinos even back up the leaders of Dark City on this. So it is the best place to live in the city. The only people that hate the current state of affairs are the Religious community. No churches in that area period, along with many types of businesses. Sometimes even the workers that live there hate it, but it can't be helped. It is the only way for them to keep their neutrality while keeping the area in their arms." Seraiah chuckled.

"That would mean that the fighting over the business district they are beside is fought even harder." I commented, thinking, "The middle class is the one that consumes the most and has gold for the luxury items other than the rich. They want the small luxuries that are cheap to the wealthy but still a considerable profit at the end of the day."

Seraiah looked at me, surprised, "You are right," Then looked at me a bit more suspiciously, "What are you here in Dark City for?" She asked, now curious about me.

I chuckled, "Seraiah, I am a succubus despite my cock," I told her, "I am here to enjoy myself and play." I chucked again darkly. "I am not just a hole for you to cum in, although," I kissed her lips, "I wouldn't mind another round," I told her with a wink. "I need more than that to be among high-class escorts in this city and get sustenance I need to be more than a pretty face. I need to be able to talk and be educated," I told her a very good lie as it was very close to the truth.

Seraiah looked intrigued, "You are right; I do feel very interested in our conversation. I like that thought, as many women or men in bed usually are done after we play. This conversation feels good, and I am enjoying it." Seraiah said. "Who educated you?"

The question was one that I was expecting, and I smiled mysteriously, "My Mistress. She is a powerful woman, and I cannot use her name. I am traveling alone to experience the world." I finished.

"Oh, that is interesting," Seraiah looked very intrigued, "Do you mind if I ask?"

"Unfortunately, I have an order not to use her name unless in the direst circumstances." I said, "I like my life now," I continued, "I travel from city to city, learning about the world and enjoying myself. I am still learning a lot and educating myself even more than my Mistress taught me." I finished.

"It is a shame," Seraiah replied, "Oh well, This is such an interesting city. Do you mind visiting me tomorrow for that tour?" She asked, "I would love to have some more fun with you."

I reached down, finding her cock flaccid, and I smirked as I noticed that she was no longer post orgasm bliss. Her mind was activating, and I knew I would have to go another round if I wanted more information from her. "Oh," I said, my smile slight, and I kissed her lips while my hand reached down to her cock, lightly stroking it. My other hand reached to her breasts, and I started to play with her nipple, "Only tomorrow do you want to play?" I asked, "We haven't even had lunch."

Her cock didn't stay flaccid much longer, and soon I was sucking on it, and her high-pitched moans started to hit my brain in a way that had me hard. I turned my body and stuck my cock in her mouth. She began sucking on me, and we delayed that delicious lunch even longer.