
I groaned as I got out of the pod. My legs shook a little with phantom trembling from how much I used my thighs today with Seraiah. Still, I got out after a moment and stretched before moving to the shower to get ready to go see Gabby. I needed her machinations today even more than usual, especially around my legs. I quickly washed off the sweat before I got out and dried myself off.

I wrapped a fresh towel around me and noticed Victoria looking at me with a strange smile. "Ah, There you are," She said, her voice slightly deeper than normal. "Come to my room after your massage. I have your outfit chosen." Victoria told me before opening the door and leaving my sight. Her heart-shaped ass disappeared behind the door without another word.

I continued to Gabby's room, who opened the door immediately when I knocked. She looked a little sweaty but smiled brightly. "Hey, Everything is ready. Just hop up on the table, and we can start." Gabby said. I could feel her energy brightly burning as she moved around the room while I moved to the table. I got up on the table, and I lay on my stomach, putting my head in the donut. I felt a moment later that Gabby started pouring oils on me, and soon, I moaned as her fingers worked my legs.

Nothing was said for a bit until Gabby said, "So I had a lot of fun in the game today. Thank you again. I started up in the village and noticed a couple of other players playing with me. Leveling up in the game, though, is really difficult. I never thought how difficult it would be to confront such realistic monsters. I have enjoyed it all, though, and I was also looking into my professions. Tell me, Rick. How do you get out of the villages, and when?" She asked.

"Level five, I believe, and I got out after doing a quest. If you can, try and get yourself a special recommendation letter from the village elder when leaving. You can get better quests from the adventurer guild if you do." I told her, "Although I went down a unique path. Victoria would be a better ask when it comes to that question." I told her honestly, "My experiences probably will not help you too much since I wasn't smart, and I took the random drop into the world for the extra stat points. Be glad that you didn't pick that route," I told her as his fingers pressed into my back and made me moan slightly.

"Huh, Then I guess I will have a good chat with Victoria," Gabby said as she continued to work on my back. "Cannot wait to begin working towards my profession. Although fighting beasts and monsters is a little fun, it isn't very relaxing, and I would rather stay in a city and enjoy that." Gabby finished.

"That is fair enough. I need to work more on my profession since I have a high leveled one apparently," I confessed, "I don't have the gold at this point to afford anything more than the lowest level wards." I finished.

"Oh, What is your profession?" Gabby asked, interested.

"Permanent wards." I replied, "They are like magical boundaries that stay up permanently. I got it because of a quest series I was unlucky and lucky to get. But the ingredients for some of the things are expensive."

"That sounds like it could be powerful later on. I wonder if eventually, we could all quest together." Gabby said, and I winced a little.

"Turn around, and I will work on the front while we talk," Gabby said, and I obediently turned around and shrugged a little.

"We can, but it will be a while," I replied and continued before she could interject. "Victoria and I are going through more combat-related tasks right now as we progress though I see no reason not to need crafters, and we can fund both you and Li's development so you both can enjoy yourselves and craft. Maybe be initial investors in shops that you can run and just give us part of the profit while we bring in materials as well on our adventures."

Gabby smiled brightly, "That sounds fantastic. To be honest, I was thinking of going alone until your head hunter Chris contacted me. So it would be kind of fun to see what it would be like to be an entrepreneur inside Grand Adventure Online. Also, your offer is way too good to pass up, if I am being honest. I feel guilty sometimes that I am taking advantage of you." Gabby said, her voice down.

I groaned as her magical fingers hit a knot that somehow got there while I was in the pod. "I don't regret my offer, so you don't have to feel guilty. You are being paid what I decided you are worth, and you need to remember that. You have been a great roommate and have done your job well. You keep the things you see and hear here to yourself, which is worth a lot too. So don't feel guilty unless you break the things in the contract." I told her seriously as she worked now on my feet. "You are worth every penny, and I feel slightly guilty that little others will be able to feel these magic fingers. You are amazing at your job, Gabby." I finished.

Gabby smiled brightly, with the darkness on her face gone as if it didn't exist. "Thank you," Gabby said as she moved hit points on my body that seemed to send pleasure through me and make me moan as I felt my muscles loosen. I was here every day, and it was like she could find any form of stress and tightness inside my body like a hunter-killer. It stood no chance, and I was putty in her hands.

Soon we were done, and I walked out and saw Victoria smiling. "Can you wait in the room for me to see you before everyone else? I want to be the first," Victoria said, and I almost rolled my eyes but nodded. I wasn't sure what she wanted me to wear, but something told me this one would be embarrassing.

Victoria smiled and leaned close to my ear. "You may have escaped me in the game today, but I plan on having some fun tonight." Her sultry voice spoke in my ear, and I felt my cock and ass throb in attention as she opened the door to Gabby's room. "I will see you soon," She departed, and I shook my head.

I was surprised at how sexual I was since I started this game. I moved toward her room, deciding I might as well rinse off the oils in her shower, and I moved. I decided to make the outfit a surprise for after the shower so it wouldn't plague my mind while I was rinsing off the oils. I didn't take long in the shower, though, and I wiped myself off and looked at a note I had just noticed in the mirror when I got out. I saw it was from Victoria to me.

Richelle, I expect some cute makeup too. Don't worry about messing up; I can always help fix it.

I gave the note a dead stare before I moved out of the bathroom naked toward her bed. I felt my face heating up instantly as I looked at it. This wasn't something I wanted to be around Gabby and Li wearing, and I didn't know what to do. I looked at the long white stocking that would be held up by a black garter belt with cute white panties. A short black skirt like I wore in-game was there that would barely cover anything, leaving everything downstairs just out of sight. It had a little white apron, and it took me a second to realize the skirt was attached to the top because I wasn't looking closely. The little white apron was attached to a lacy top with white lace spaghetti straps.

I knew what this was, and I felt my face flush an even deeper red as I looked down at the headband with cute little black cat ears. I looked at it all, and I didn't know if I was willing to wear it, but there was something I was thinking about it.

"How would I look in this?" I couldn't help but mutter under my breath while feeling my face heat further.

My cheeks were a blaze as I began to slip on the stockings.