A Morning with a friend.

We quickly entered the extended car with a little mini bar in the back where my driver was in the front. Gina was looking around and smiled so large that her eyes almost disappeared, "Wow, I knew you were rich but not this rich, so I am going to change plans unless you want me to stick to a budget. Victoria gave me a budget, but I want you to let me know if I have unlimited, within reason, or if I should stick to the number that Victoria gave me to work with."

"I don't mind adding my funds to the budget. I have money, more than I know what to do with," I replied, keeping my voice feminine.

"Perfect~!" Gina said happily and started to type something into her tablet that she grabbed from the bag she had brought with her. "So, Victoria told me you need to relax and have not done so well with that lately,"

"Not really," I replied, and Gina smiled, looking at me.

"Okay, then. Let's start with a quick way to get you to loosen up and relax," Gina said, quickly pulling out her phone. Calling someone a moment later, she put it up to her ear and said, "Hey, I would like a one-hour relaxation starter at your place." Gina looked at her tablet and said, "Twenty minutes." She finished her thought. "Yes, yes, I will be there. Thank you." 

Gina quickly went up to the window and told my driver to take us to a place I could not overhear, and she returned. Then she pulled out her tablet and set to work on something. "So, Richelle," She began again, "Is there anything that really relaxes you?" 

The question made me shrug. "Not much. I don't really try to relax, per se. I just did things in the past that seemed to do so," I replied.

"Hmm, so I don't know, alright? Now, I am not pressuring you to relax. Just do what you want. If there is something you do not like, just let me know, and it will be alright." Gina said, "Seriously, when I started doing this, many people in your position did not know how to relax, and it is normal. Let me know if you dislike something, and we can change things easily. For now, sit back and enjoy the ride. Maybe you can drink if you want."

I shrugged and was thinking about whether I should drink when the car pulled to a stop. The driver knocked, informing us we had reached our destination. Gina smiled, and we exited the car. "Thanks, we will be about an hour," Gina said, and my diver and friend smiled.

"No worries," He replied as I looked around.

We were in a parking structure, and soon we reached the Elevator, and she hit a button. She went to work typing on her tablet, and I just watched and waited. It felt weird to do something to relax. It was almost stressful in some ways. How was I supposed to relax? Should I do it within a time frame? I only had so much time to relax, yet here I was, not relaxing.

I sighed. The Elevator opened, and we stepped out. Gina moved me to the side. This floor looked like a reception area, and a young woman was behind a desk in front of us as we moved toward her. She was a black woman with very curly hair that puffed out like an afro. It looked nice on her and well-structured on her face. "Gina? Is this your client?" the woman asked.

"Yes, and Yes," Gina replied.

"Perfect, you have room three. Do you want me to show you?" 

"No, I have been here enough times. Thank you," Gina replied. She brought me to a door, and we entered. Calming music was the first thing I heard, and I was not sure how to feel about this type of music. It was calming but, at the same time, just that slight bit annoying with how hard it was trying to be that one thing. 

I did not have much time to think about it, as Gina brought me to a wooden door with an opaque screen that you could not see through but had a light coming through. She opened it, and we stepped inside. It was a changing room with a shower.

"Richelle, please feel free to say no. Would you like me to join you? We will both be naked if you want me with you." Gina said, much to my surprise.

"Oh, I am a man, just to let you know," I said without even realizing it. I kept my voice more feminine, and Gina looked surprised.

"Oh~!" She held an arm to her chest and smiled. "I did not know that, but that does not change a thing. I am completely okay with others seeing me naked," Gina said, and I believed her with the way I said it. Your voice is surprisingly feminine. Have you been voice training for long?"

"No," I replied, "I just recently started doing this."

"Wow, I know a couple of friends who would be green with envy if you said that to them. But we are here for you. This is a sauna. All we are going to do is sit in here for a while. I have done this before, and some people find it more relaxing to talk to someone while inside."

"Then go ahead and join me," I replied, feeling a little weird, and she smiled.

Then Gina, a moment later, took off her top and followed with her pants without caring, showing off a white bra and panties that matched, and she smiled at me, "Please, I don't want to be the only one naked; that would be weird." Gina said, and so I joined her, and soon we were both naked, and she had her breasts with slightly brown nipples on her clear skin on display. I noticed a birthmark just on her shoulder shaped a little like a diamond, and she smiled.

"I like what you see," Gina said and held up her hand. I am nothing compared to Victoria, so let's go enjoy ourselves. " She grabbed my hands and pulled me to the next door with a large smile on her face. Come on."

She turned and opened the door, and you could feel the heat from inside, and I followed the white ass that brought me here. I had no idea that things would end up like this, but I found myself a little curious about Gina and how relaxed she seemed even with this. 

I found myself a moment later stepping into the heat with a small smile on my face.


Hey guys,

So as an Announcement I just released two books onto Amazon. One is I Sissified My Step Bro book 2 which is available on Kindle unlimited if you are interested in helping me out a little financially and like my work you can check it out.

The Second book I just released is the Seventh Week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. This book is 240k words and the longest book in the series and if you enjoyed the previous weeks then you will love this week. 

Otherwise, Thank you for reading my books and it helps a lot when you rate, comment and Vote on my books. Thanks!