Accident (1)

Morning came, and Julian was tossing and turning in his sleeping bag. He was unable to sleep well in this environment, and he was famished. When he heard laughter outside, his eyes went wide and immediately went out of his tent inside his sleeping bag.

"Oh! Here's the sleepyhead!" Aaron laughed.

"What… What time is it now?"

"It's already 9:14 AM, Julian," Tray said as he settled down on his foldable chair with a phone in hand.

"What about Nerida?"

"She went to forage with Reed," Jahleel announced.

"... what time did they leave?"

"Hmmm… around 7 AM."

"They're already out for so long!" Julian complained as he got out of his sleeping bag. He tossed it inside his tent and never bothered folding it. He was about to ask for the general location the two took when he saw Nerida and Reed carrying one basket each.

"Sorry, we found a bush of blueberries, so we took longer than expected."

"He almost took the wrong one," Nerida teased.

"... yeah, I was about to pick this blueberry look alike or whatever, but Nerida stopped me."

"Isn't it great? Now, let's eat? I'm so hungry," Julian groaned as he settled his folding chair on the grass and sat on it. He rubbed his hands against each other then reached out his hand towards Nerida's basket.

"You want them now? I still have to clean it," she said gently.


"It'll be quick, don't worry. You can come with me if you're that hungry, so you can eat it after I wash it."

"Okay! I'll come with you!"

Reed scratched his head then handed over the basket he was carrying over to Julian. Nerida was already walking towards the place where she knew a running water was situated. Julian ran and nearly tripped just catching up to her. Her body was clearly built for the outdoors, and he was quite jealous. Maybe, after they went home, he would start exercising. As he thought over his schedule in advance, Nerida crouched down and began washing the blueberries in her basket.

"Julian, can you wash the blueberries you're carrying?"

"Oh! Okay," Julian crouched down next to Nerida and he washed the blueberries in glee, whistling a tune of a song he didn't know of.

"You seem happy," Nerida teased as she hoisted the basket up from the river.

"Yeah, I am. Hey, how about we meet again after this camp? I would like to fully enjoy the view here. If that is okay with you, of course."

"It's completely okay to me. Besides, I am working on something, so I'll just be where we are currently camped. Visit me anytime, I'll welcome you."

"Do you ever leave your spot?" Julian asked before he popped a few blueberries into his mouth and chewed in ecstasy.

"Of course, I have to resupply after all. There's food, gas and recharging my power banks. It is kind of lonely living by myself here in the mountains, so I appreciate a visit from you."

"That's amazing… Since when did you start camping outside? You seem like a professional to me."

"I am not, trust me. I've been poisoned many times just because of foraging, so I at least studied."

"Hmm… speaking of studying, where do you study?"

"Somewhere far here. I always pick my schools really far from where I am living, so it's kind of hard, but I managed."

"Oh, oh! By the way, I am 15. How about you?"

"I just turned 14. I never really celebrated birthdays, so it's just me and myself, reading in a treehouse."

"Why won't you celebrate your birthdays?"

Nerida smiled wryly then nodded, "I never really see any point of it. Also, it's a waste of money."

"... I want to disagree, but I can't, because it's true…."

"Hahaha. Anyway, we should go back now. They are waiting. Reed said that they are planning on making a compote. Let's move our butts now or they'll be angry."

Nerida stood up then shook the basket off and left. Meanwhile, Julian was frozen still until Nerida kicked him off when she saw that he wasn't following her. When they finally arrived where the camp was, Julian was given knowing and understanding stares from his friends. As if they knew how comforting it was to talk to Nerida as they do work for the day. However, there was one boy that didn't want any of that. Julian kicked them over as they laughed their asses off.

Nerida smiled as she gave the basket of blueberries to Reed.

"I washed them thoroughly, Reed. I'll just be in town to recharge my power banks."

"I'm coming with you!"

Julian immediately exclaimed.

"Sorry, Julian," Nerida said as she packed her bag with three power banks, her phone and a few tupperwares that contained food and rice.

"Why not?"

"The person that I am recharging these for won't like it if I bring a stranger in her house. So, I'm sorry I can't take you. I'll be back before sundown. See you guys later?"

"Be careful out there, Nerida. You're a woman, so be extra careful," Jahleel cautioned.

"Hey, can I come along with you? The food the locals gave us is all done and we already washed and sterilised the tupperwares, so I am thinking of giving it to the person we met yesterday," Aaron seriously said. "Besides, we'll be leaving tomorrow at noon."

"Understood. Let's go, Aaron."

Julian slumped down when Aaron and Nerida disappeared from his sight. For some reason, he heard the snickering of his friends. He turned to look at them and they were laughing at him. He immediately stood up and chased after them like a madman.


Tomorrow came and the group was already packing their things after their breakfast. Nerida waved at them with a smile when they started leaving. Julian stopped in his tracks and ran towards Nerida.

"Promise that you'll wait for me."

Nerida chuckled.

"Of course. I'll just be here."

Julian, his anxiety finally left him, bid his goodbye and followed his group that was waiting for him. Once they arrived before a bus stop, they exhaled an exhausted sigh and boarded the bus that came. Reed, Jahleel and Aaron were busy talking about their first experience in the wild with a girl. Despite the immaturity of her body, she still looked beautiful. Her mannerism was very adult-like and they admired her for that. She did say that she would be staying in that mountain for as long as she wanted, so maybe they could visit too before Julian. However, Tray interrupted them saying that they couldn't visit a girl on her own devices.

"Eh? What about Julian then? Isn't he the most dangerous?"

Julian, who was only watching the scenery outside the opened window of the bus, was startled when his name was mentioned.


Tray chuckled then dismissed Julian's confusion.

"I believe in Julian."

"Hey! Sir! That's favoritism!"

"I've known Julian ever since he was in my class. He wouldn't do anything unthinkable with a girl alone in the woods."

"What about us?"

"I also believe in you three, of course."

"Then why?!"

Tray sighed then fixed his posture before saying, "Okay, you can say that you three are going to visit Nerida in the future. Would she be able to rest with you three going after her?"


"... we're not going to go after her?"

"You three have this tendency to be excited about everything when you fancy a girl. Reed and Jahleel may be passable, but you, Aaron would be a little bit of a problem. No, you three combined would be a problem. She lived in the woods to be alone, not to mingle with more people. You three understand that, right?"

Reed, Jahleel and Aaron went silent as they thought it over.

"Also, she already has people that she could talk with. The locals are there for her."

"... you're right, but we will still visit her from time to time," Aaron said.

"... I guess I have no choice but to let you. Don't just bother Nerida."

"Yes, sir!"

Julian's gaze turned from them to the moving scenery outside the bus. He also thought it over. He would like to leave her alone if that was what she wanted, but for some reason, he couldn't just leave her alone. His brain kept on sending danger signals if he thought to leave Nerida on her own in that place. Sure, she was already experienced in living outdoors, but that just made him more anxious. The mountains were dangerous. Accidents could happen.