Accident (3)

Julian gulped when Nerida scooped a ladle of tomato soup and poured the soup on a plastic bowl. She put the bowl on a plate and gave it to Julian. She smiled at him and cheered at him. He smiled stiffly and nodded. He carefully walked as he balanced the soup, careful to not spill it. He knocked on the opened door to get the injured boy's attention.

"Liam, right?"

"... yes."

"Uh… I'm sorry that I disappointed you, but I will be the one who will feed you for now," Julian said as he settled the bowl on the nightstand.

"No... you did not disappoint me. I am actually glad that I didn't have to bother Nerida for this…."

"Don't even think like that. Nerida is doing this because she wants to. I think she is not expecting anything in return, so you don't have to worry. You can repay her when she really needs help. Now, just obediently lie down and heal."

Julian gently raised Liam's head and situated a soft pillow to elevate the injured man's head. He scooped up some soup and blew on it to cool it down before feeding Liam like a child.

"I'm really sorry if I am troubling you…."

"Just like Nerida, I am doing this because I want to. Besides, I am helping you, I am also helping Nerida. I hit two birds with one stone!"

Liam smiled weakly then nodded.

"I just wish that those people won't bother you… they are the worst."

"Don't worry, Nerida made sure that we are not seen. So, like I said, sit down and just recuperate. If you don't want to go back home, then ask Nerida to let you stay here. Maybe I should also ask her to let me stay here for now…."

"Don't you have school?"

"... a day or two won't bother me… not really… maybe… I guess…."

Then, Nerida appeared with a soft knock.

"I'm sorry if I am bothering you," she entered with a smile. "I wanted to make sure that you are being fed well, Liam."

"Julian is feeding me well…. Sorry for asking this late, but, Nerida, how about your school?"

"Actually, I took a few excused leave. I can just catch up. I have all my resources here, so it wouldn't be a problem. Besides, exam day is still so far away."

"Wait…," Julian interjected. "You're staying with him all day for a few days? Then, I also wanted to--"

"Hold it right there, young man!" Nerida held Julian's shoulders and shook him. "You have to go to school!"

"Wha-what about you?!"

"I am fine! The school wouldn't bother looking for me, so I can take extended leave!"




"Um… I mean…," Nerida's eyes darted everywhere.

"Nerida, I won't force you to tell me, but if you are ready to tell me, then I will listen to you," Julian gently said. "Now, I finished feeding Liam, so I will just eat… so… I will just… yeah, eat. I'll be back!"

Julian took the empty bowl with him as he ran out of the bedroom. He put the bowl in the sink and began washing it absentmindedly. What does Nerida mean by the school wouldn't bother looking for her? Where is this school anyway? Multitude of questions appeared in his mind as he put the bowl, plate and spoon on the rack to dry. He saw a steaming bowl of tomato soup on the table, and a smile broke out of his lips. He sat down and began eating.

As he ate, his thoughts spun around Nerida, her school and this cabin.


"Yes?!" Julian suddenly stood up.

"Oh my."

"I mean… Why, Nerida? Is something wrong?"

"Well, I just gave Liam his medicine, so he will be asleep soon."

"Uh… I think patients would want company before they sleep. They might feel lonely, you know…."

Nerida smiled and nodded. "Liam just closed his eyes, so I went out of the bedroom after saying good night. By the way, I contacted my friend and she said that we can use the second floor bedrooms."

"I will just sleep on the sofa here."

"Hmm... then I will also sleep on the other sofa."

"What?! No! Go sleep on a bed! Why would you want to sleep on the sofa anyway?"

"Because you are sleeping there? I can't just sleep upstairs and leave you alone here. Hmm… besides, we have to look out for Liam at night."

"Yes," Julian nodded. "That is a guy's work, so you can rest assured and rest now."

"No, I can't…. I don't want to leave you alone here."

"... okay."

"Thank you," Nerida smiled brightly. "Come, follow me. I need some help to take out pillows and blankets. I have to say that it gets really chilly when it's night time. We need a bundle of them!"

Julian smiled warmly then nodded. "Then, let's get you warm soon."

"It's not yet chilly, you know?" Nerida giggled and started leading Julian to the second floor.

"... it's chilly for me now, you know?"

"Julian… your body isn't really made for the outdoors, huh?"

"Stop rubbing salt on my wound…."

"Let's get my oversized hoodies, and see if they fit you."

"Why do you want hoodies that are bigger than your size?"

"It's comfortable, of course! I always feel safe and secure whenever I am in one. I can hide in it too!"

"... should I try it…?"

"You're already going to try some of my oversized hoodies, Julian."

"No, I mean… I want to try a hoodie that is bigger than my size."

"Hmm… it'll just make you someone who is unapproachable."

".... how rude, Nerida."

Nerida giggled then slid open a door and took out pillows and blankets, passing some of them to Julian. When she closed the door, she could see a young man with a backpack approaching the cabin.

"Julian, let's hurry. The doctor is here."

"Hmm… I've been wondering, Liam is already checked and treated, but why is the doctor still coming here?"

"That is a different doctor, Julian. It's a licensed psychologist. I am afraid he got PTSD from the incident. Before he was taken here, he kept having nightmares and always waking up even if I administered medicine I had, but I can't really leave him there alone. I am truly grateful that you discovered us, Julian."

"I am glad that I immediately went after you, and also discovered you and Liam. Do you know how scared I was when I heard that you went missing?"

Nerida's gaze never left Julian's eyes, her mouth agape, as a blush blossomed on her cheeks. Then, she smiled so bright that Julian almost saw a halo behind her.

"Why… why are you smiling so bright?!" Julian exclaimed as he tried calming down his loudly beating heart. "That was dangerous…."

"I am just happy. You always make me happy, Julian."

Julian was about to ask what she meant by that when they heard a knock on the cabin door.

"Coming!" Nerida responded as she settled the pillows and blankets on the sofa. She opened the door and the psychologist nodded and dusted off his shoes before entering.

"Where is the patient?"

"I'll lead you," Julian said then went into the bedroom.

The psychologist immediately went inside, and a scream came out of Liam's lips as his eyes abruptly opened. When his panicked eyes landed on the stranger, his body stiffened and his breaths became strained and shallow. Nerida also ran into the bedroom as she settled herself beside Julian.

"Liam, can you hear me?" Julian gently shook Liam. "It's okay. The doctor is here to help."

"Liam, the doctor is one of my friends, so you can trust him. I also asked that he keep this a secret, so you don't have to worry, okay? No one will come after you here. Okay? Deep breath, deep breath."

Meanwhile, the doctor took out papers and a clipboard and settled himself on the chair beside the bed.

"Liam, right? I don't know you, so calm down. I am here to have a nice chat with you. Also, of course, have you filled up these papers later," the doctor said in a joking manner.

With those words, Liam's panicked eyes settled, but his breaths were still constricted. He finally nodded when it dawned upon him. Then, he looked at Julian with a pleading gaze and the latter nodded in understanding. Julian walked out of the bedroom and closed the door this time. He sat on the sofa and settled his school bag on the wooden floor.