As I was walking with my new tour guide, Emma, I seen that boy again. I could smell the cologne again. There I went, cloud 9 again. As I was walking and thinking of him, Emma noticed I was way into focus on him. She asked me if I knew who he was. Of course I panicked so I said no. She told me all these sweet stories about how he was an athlete and how he was a gamer. I never new someone could be athletic and be a gamer at the same time. She said they used to be friends but, I didn't believe her because he seems so popular with his amazingly perfect jawline and the way his eyes sparkled when we seen each other. Emma said he was actually in a few of my classes. When I heard that, I thought my heart was going to stop. I asked her," What if I embarrass myself in front of him?" She told me it would be fine because they are small classes anyways.