As I was walking home, Khody stopped me. He never stops me so I thought it was an emergency. He informed me about his song writing career. Asked me if I could sing good. I didn't thought so, but he told me to freestyle for him. He thought I was good so he took me to a studio. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. As I walked through the highly secured door, I could feel the air conditioner running by the vibration in the floors. I could smell the fresh cologne that Khody was wearing. As we walked into the recording room, he asked me if I was ready to do this. I hesitated, but I don't know why. My body wanted to leave but my mind said I had to. We walked in. Maybe 30 minutes later the song went on iTunes, YouTube, YouTube Music, and Google Play Music. Afterwards, I had gotten so many views on my YouTube Channel from 1 video. After that, I knew I was going to be famous from him. I kissed him again. He smiled and his cheeks looked like a rose on dirt.