I still had no idea why he would by furiously walking towards me. It didn't take long for him to get to me. He started screaming at Skyler in a language I had never heard before. I looked at Molly and Braiden. Their expressions were terrified. I finally knew why they were looking at me with terror. I was obviously blacked out so I knew I wouldn't remember it. It actually felt like I wasn't in control of my own body. As I "woke up," I had realized Skyler and Khody were screaming at each other in English but, I was screaming at them in an unknown language. Later that afternoon, we all went to the library to figure out which language I was speaking. We were lucky the workers at the theater had security cameras so we then recorded the language. We played it for the librarian, she was an expert with every language discovered, she didn't recognize it. She recommended that we need to take this to a college professor as soon as possible. We all walked to my house because we had planned on staying at my house but now we actually had a reason. We all fell asleep after we had watched television. I was asleep until about 3:30 am, that's when it had began.