The Secret

We finally left my house, we went to gather all of my friends together to explain everything. So we called all of them but Emma refused so we told her it was an emergency. She panicked and came over as soon as possible. The others just came slowly. We sat and waited for maybe 10 minutes then, BANG! BANG! BANG! We all shot up out of our seats and sprinted towards the door. I opened it slowly, only to see all of my friends at the door. I fully opened the door, looked outside in all directions, pulled them inside, and slammed the door closed. They were all looking at us like we were crazy. We sat them down and explained everything. They were all shocked but Molly wasn't. She looked at Jaykob then at me. She said that she knew all along but swore that she wouldn't tell us. We asked who but she wouldn't tell us. Until finally she slipped up and told us it was a lady with long, black hair and a pretty white dress. Jaykob shot me a look and I instantly knew who the woman was. I couldn't believe it. But then we showed her a picture of who we thought it was. Molly shot up yelling," That's her! That's the woman!" Only to realize, it was our mother.